Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1014: contract

She and Zest were taken away by Shera from the top of the tower where Ramsas and others were.

Mu Hantian was taken to a certain place by them - it was a large bath only for male guests.

"Are you really Xun Dongcheng's son? It doesn't look like it at all, no matter what."

"I knew it would be like this." Mu Hantian didn't answer Xuela's words, because he couldn't answer at this time.

Xue La was even bolder than Maria, her instinctive obedience to the Dream Demon was mostly high, and she really followed Mu Hantian into the bathing place. Needless to say, Zest also came.

Xue La, who was naked in front of Mu Hantian, laughed and said, "Of course... Sister Jest is the maid serving brother Hantian, and I am her boss? Of course I have the obligation to see it in person. Carefully monitor whether she, the trainee maid, has taken good care of you. But you don't seem to answer my question."

It's amazing... It's so easy to turn the crooked into the straight. It's troublesome enough.

With a sigh, Mu Hantian leaned over to Xue La's side and whispered in her ear, "I'll tell you the truth, I'm not his son, all of this is just for my convenience."

"Oh, Brother Hantian is really good at hiding, but why did you tell me?"

At this time...

"Then, offended."

After Jest said that, she washed Mu Hantian's back - using her greatly grown European style.

"Wait for me! How is it that you act so naturally?"

Mu Hantian couldn't help turning around, only to see Jest, who was covered in red fruit and full of foam on his chest, said with tears in his eyes, "No, I'm very sorry... I'm not used to this kind of thing, does it hurt you?"

"Uh, could it be..." Mu Hantian was also at a loss.

"Mr. Hantian, I'm sorry... Mr. Xue La told me to take a bath for the master just like this, and also taught me how to do it very carefully, because I am not good at learning."

"I see, it has nothing to do with you."

Mu Hantian hurriedly comforted Jest and glared at Xuela.

"Sela...what did you teach Zest with all your heart?"

"Oh, brother Hantian, why is your expression so terrifying... Did someone do something wrong?"

Xue La said with a bold smile: "I really don't know what else women can use to bathe men besides their own bodies. This must be the cultural difference between humans and demons."

"No, no matter what you think, it's just your dream demon's own culture."

Apologize to the demons of other races, you loli dream mother.

"Anyway, isn't there a saying in the human world, 'Do as the Romans do'? Of course, here you have to accept our culture."

"Hehe... Jest, it's alright, you don't have to do this, let me wash it myself." Mu Hantian stopped Jest.

"If you insist, you can wash it yourself..."

Shera said with a look of regret: "But this means that the maid didn't do her job well... I'll have to punish Sister Jest later--and it's a very painful kind."

"Okay, Xuela, what do you want to say, say it clearly."

"Oh, then I'll be straight. You didn't notice that Sister Jester was alone in town, did you?"

Mu Hantian was silent, because he also vaguely felt this way. Except for Shera or Lucia, I have never seen anyone in the city talk to Zest; when visiting the city, Noye had almost no contact with Zest—Judging from Noye's personality, I am afraid that he was treated by his superiors. Pressure will be like that. It was not easy for Zest, who used to be the current Demon Lord faction, to find a place in the Moderate faction. At this time...

"I want to remind you first, Sister Jess's position will soon become worse than it is now."

Shera said something that people couldn't ignore.

"What do you mean..." Mu Hantian thought of something, but he was still a little unsure.

"Looks like you understand. No matter Mio-san decides to do what Ramsas or Klaus wants in the end, it will definitely cause resentment on the other side."

"Even if you can return to the human world safely... It shouldn't be hard to imagine who will be directed against you in the future, right? Who is Sister Jest, who you asked us to deal with."

"This is the result of your decision. Now you, you have no right to stop Sister Jess from doing anything... If you want Sister Jess to listen to you no matter what, don't let her live as an unwilling object. In danger of contamination—"

Xuela laughed twice and said, "Brother Hantian—you have to be her master yourself and make her yours."

"I'm here to be Jest's master..."

Mu Hantian looked at Jest, and saw that she, who had lowered her head and lowered her eyes, slowly raised her face and met Mu Hantian's eyes. Her eyes didn't mean to reject Mu Hantian - on the contrary, she seemed to hope that what Xuela said would come true.

Mu Hantian closed his eyes. He thought in his heart whether he should accept Zest or not.

After a long while, Mu Hantian opened his eyes.

"I see. Zest, let me ask you first, are you really willing to sign a contract with me (to become a magical girl)?" (laughs)

"This... This is not something that I can decide privately, and it needs to be approved by Mio-sama and the others."

To Jest, who bit her lip and lowered her head, Mu Hantian continued, "I have already obtained their consent."


Zest raised her head in surprise.

"I told the others before I came here that I'll bring you back if I think it's necessary—and they all agreed. That included—of course Mio."

"Mio-sama she...?...Is this true?"

Mu Hantian put on a smile and said to the stunned Jest, "Really. It is because she is such a person that I want to protect her no matter what. Jest, I will do my best to protect you like this."

After speaking, Mu Hantian looked at Jest sincerely. After a long silence -

"I do not want."

What Mu Hantian heard was Jest's rejection in a very small voice.

Jess hasn't finished speaking yet. That was the emotion she had suppressed so far.

"I also want to protect Mio-sama, but... I don't want Mr. Hantian to protect me, otherwise it would be meaningless to form a master-slave contract. I want to be your maid, become your real subordinate... I only live for you, Sharing weal and woe with you."


Jest, who confided her inner thoughts, after Mu Hantian read her name——

"Please, Mr. Hantian... Please let me stay by your side forever!"

She snuggled into Mu Hantian's chest.

"In that case, do you want me to help you?"

"Without Xuela, I can't stand your contract, and I also contract my own." After rejecting Xuela's proposal, Mu Hantian took out a piece of paper from the space and handed it to Jest.

"Jeste, sign this contract. After you sign it, you will be my subordinate."

"Brother Hantian, what is this?"

"It's just a special contract. Sign it, Jest, and write your name on it with your blood."

"I see." Jess nodded, then bit her finger and wrote her name on the paper.

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