Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1015: Accident

Here, it is a place full of tranquility.

It was built on the hill behind Velda City—a vast space formed by directly excavating a huge rock formation, and it was the shrine of Demon King Wilbert.

Now, Yuki Nonaka has visited the place where the soul of the great Demon King rests.

Of course, she wasn't alone - Yuki came with her. Beside her is the walnut who came here with her, just like her.

And Yuxi has another person in front of her. In front of Wilbert's huge tombstone, there was a girl who looked up firmly——Mio.

It had been thirty minutes since I came here, and Mio remained silent. but--

Let her stay as long as she wants.

This is Mio's first visit to the grave of her biological father. Yuki also has a full understanding of Mio's experience and current situation so far, and knows that her heart is full of various thoughts and complex feelings.

So——even if she couldn't get a response, she still had a lot of things she wanted to say to Wilbert. The walnut beside him also understood this, and waited with Yuxi without complaining. soon--

"Thank you, it's alright."

After Mio said that, she turned her back to Wilbert's tombstone and went back to Yuki and Kurumi.

"Are you more comfortable?"

Yuki's question made Mio smile slightly.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him before, and this is just his tomb. Even if I told me that the person inside was my biological father, I didn't feel anything...Isn't that kind of unkind?"

"No, I think it's normal."

Walnut, with his hands behind his head, looked up at Wilbert's tombstone and said, "It's not natural to cry when you come to see the tomb of a father who has never been seen before. It's like a performance."

"Yeah, that's right." Mio said so, the wry smile deepened on her face.

She may be trying to pretend that nothing has happened, but her expression is very lonely.

"What's the matter, Yuki?"

Yuxi's direct gaze made Mio ask questions without knowing, and her expression had returned to what Yuxi and Hu Tao knew, so Yuxi echoed: "It's okay."

It doesn't matter if it's just being brave.

Yuki candidly admire the part about Mio. Yuki was naturally educated by the brave family and knew her mission when she was born; but Mio's starting point was completely different. She used to live the life of an ordinary person, treating herself as an ordinary girl.

But one day, his parents were suddenly killed—and he knew that she was not a human, but the daughter of the Demon King. However, this girl named Naruse Mio basically doesn't cry or complain about this; even though she has never been less troubled, painful, and confused—she still moves forward; even now she comes to the magic plane to face her own feelings Life, that hasn't changed.

"By the way... Coming here, did you have a better idea of ​​what to do?"

"No. I thought about it a lot, but I still can't come to a conclusion." Mio shook his head and said.

Once Mio made up his mind, it would definitely lead to a series of situations, and there was no room for remorse.

Therefore——even though it has been three days since she came to the Demon World, she still cannot decide. This affects not only Mio, but Mu Hantian and Yuxi around her will be affected, and it will also affect the future of the entire demon world. It is inevitable to hesitate. and--

Mio hesitated because of that man...

What came to Yuki Nonaka's mind was Ramsas, the current leader of the Moderate Sect. No one knew what he was thinking about. Klaus showed up every day to talk to Mio, but Ramthas stubbornly refused to meet with Mio for the past three days.

It is impossible to make a proper judgment without communicating with both parties. As a matter of fact, before going to the Demon Realm, Mio made it clear to Yuki that he did not intend to become the new Demon King. So in reality, the only options left were Elamus' request, handing over his power to the Moderates, or just returning to the original world. And since Ramthas refused to talk to Mio, the answer should be obvious.


Mio was so hesitant because she was worried that if she refused the Moderate's request, she might be in a very dangerous situation. The fact that Mio has survived the threat of the current Demon Lord faction until now is thanks to Maria—that is, thanks to the Moderate faction. Even if Zokiel was finally defeated, the current Demon Lord faction is still alive, so it is not surprising that he is attacked at any time.

Under such circumstances, if he decides to reject the demands of both parties, he will be instantly isolated and helpless. Because the brave clan regards Mio as a demon, and regards the current demon king's unfavorable situation as a demon infighting, they will only watch the fire from the other side.


If you go against the moderates, Maria will face a dilemma. Although Maria herself had said that she would leave the Moderate faction and act with Mio in case of any eventuality; however, Maria found that Shera was safe and sound, knowing that she really got rid of Zokiel's coercion - Mio could see the tears she shed, so she probably wouldn't agree to do that and ask her to let go of her relationship with her family. Mio, who had lost her family before meeting Mu Hantian, would never want Maria to suffer the same torture.

"What the **** is that guy named Ramthus thinking?"

Going back to the dark passage outside, Hu Tao, who was walking in front of Yuki and Mio, muttered.

"If the old grandpa named Klaus is trying to delay the time, it is not difficult to understand..."


Mio nodded at Hu Tao's words, while Yuki agreed with silence. The Klaus faction who is trying to make Mio the new Demon King will want Mio to stay in the demon world as long as possible, deepen her feelings for the moderates - Wilbert and Verda and their residents, and then profit from it; Ramsas, who had drawn Wilbert's power from his body, should have hoped for a quick victory.

Who is that man...?

From the perspective of others, this unfavorable situation for Ramsas is entirely his own fault. Could it be that he really has ulterior motives or other plans, but no one can see it?

Just as Yuki, with some indescribable displeasure, walked towards the exit with Mio and Walnut on the aisle. The ground of the spiritual temple vibrated up and down with a low sound that shook the atmosphere.


In contrast to Mio, who looked left and right in astonishment, Yuki immediately shouted: "Run! - Go outside!"

Hu Tao and Mio immediately followed Yuki, who was running away, to the exit.

The temple was built in a cave-like space that was hewn directly from the rock formations.

Since it is the spiritual temple of the great king, in order to prevent the destruction of unscrupulous people, there is an enchantment that prohibits all kinds of magic. Of course, the surrounding of the tombstone is also designed to resist various natural disasters, but the passage is not necessarily safe. If the top collapsed and the exit was blocked by masonry, most of them would be unable to escape on their own without being able to use magic—therefore, Yuxi and the three rushed through the passage of the spiritual temple in one go.

Even though the shaking stopped halfway, it is unknown if there will be aftershocks or more intense, so in order to be safe and understand what happened, you must leave the temple as soon as possible.

"See the exit!"

The outdoor light appeared in front of the line of sight following Hu Tao's cry--and then, Yuxi and the three escaped from the spiritual temple. The first thing to do is to confirm the current situation.

"You two, are you alright!" Mio asked loudly.

The target is not Yuxi and Hu Tao, but the maid who follows them. Fortunately, the two maids who were waiting for their return were safe, but—

They didn't respond to Mio's concern. He just stood still, looking at the city of Verda from the hill. Therefore, the next moment, Yuki and the others who followed the line of sight of the maids saw the same scene.

"That is……"

The outer wall of the city of Verda was destroyed, and the enemy invaded the city.

However—if they were only invaded by the enemy, the maids would not be foolish here, at least they should enter the temple to inform of an emergency and help Mio to evacuate.

Then——what was it that made them forget about such a thing? The answer is in the picture on the other side of Yuxi's line of sight. Even though the hill and the city were separated by a distance of the city of Velda, they could still see the invasion of the 'enemy' with the naked eye.

"What is that?" The walnut beside him whispered blankly.

An unbelievable situation was happening right before her eyes. Three giants at least twenty meters tall attacked Verda.

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