Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1020: respective battles (3)

His right hand was damaged and the muscles of his legs were also cut off, so the Heroic Spirit subconsciously tried to stand with the only left hand that was not injured. Yuki Nonaka anticipated this, and Chaoyingling's left hand, the wrist tendon, swept across "Sakuya", cutting it in two.

When Yuki completed or even exceeded the time the bait was supposed to buy, completely blocking the heroic spirit's actions.

"Sister, leave the rest to me."

With a quiet voice, Hu Tao appeared in front of the paralyzed heroic spirit. The main slot of the elvish gauntlet is inlaid with the black element given by Lucia, and the palm of the hand is open to emit two kinds of light, the green of the brave family and the blue of the moderate school - a three-dimensional staggered magic circle.

The heroic spirit seemed to instinctively feel that his life was in danger, trying to make a final struggle, opening his mouth to bite the walnut in front of him. Just then-

"Don't even think about it."

Yuki swept out "Sakuya" and smashed it straight at the chin of the Heroic Spirit from the side. Deliberately retracting the knife into the sheath is to cause blunt damage. The timing, location, and strength of the impact were all just right, just enough to loosen the Heroic Spirit's jaw joint.

The Heroic Spirit, whose eyes widened in surprise, completely exposed his mouth without any defense—

"Dance wildly - the demon world flame spirit!"

At the same time that Walnut announced this, a large amount of jet-black flames poured into the mouth that could not be closed—the head of the Heroic Spirit was burnt out from the inside.


Maria and Lucia on the east route, Yuki and Walnut on the west route. When they resisted Heroic Spirits and their battle situation tended to be superior.

On the central route, Genghiko and Zest got into a tough fight.

Because the rest of the routes are two people working together to deal with a heroic spirit, Geng Xizi and Zest have to fight the high-level demons and heroic spirits who control the heroic spirits separately. But the situation is so difficult that it is useless to think about it.

And now, after Geng Xizi moved the battle stage to a huge complex shaped like a theater——

"Oh oh oh oh……"

Geng Xizi ran towards the high-level demons on the stone paved floor.

The high-level demons set up countless magic circles to shoot fireballs in response to Geng Xizi's assault. However, since they are all burning bodies that emit high heat, in order to avoid prolonged burning or scalding, the dodging distance cannot be kept too short, forcing Geng Xizi to take a larger side step to avoid the incoming fireballs.

If it is difficult to dodge, just use Brynhilde to cut it off. But--


Crack! Geng Xizi frowned as the hard sound passed through the hilt of the sword and the feeling in his hand. It's very heavy - it's not a simple fireball, and it probably contains some kind of rock or mineral inside; If you use something like a sword to block bullets too much, your hand will soon become numb and unable to do anything. In addition to using 'dimensionless execution', Geng Xizi usually holds Brunhilde with one hand, but against this high-level demon, he is forced to hold a sword with both hands almost all the time.

With a relatively large sword like Brynhilde, once you change the way you hold it, your body movements will of course change drastically. For a speed type like Geng Xizi who needs to carefully adjust each movement, it is a fatal impact.

Can I only use 'Dimensionless Execution'...

'Dimensionless execution' is an ability that once the opponent's Tianyuan is cut off, it can completely disappear and be sent to the other side of the zero-dimensional dimension. It is also very heterogeneous among all kinds of magic and special abilities. From a different point of view, the threat is even higher than the power of Wilbert that Mio inherited.

No, this is a kind of exercise. If you want to use 'dimensionless execution', it is not an exercise. I can't be a burden!

After Geng Xizi made up his mind, he carefully passed through the tricky fireball released by the opponent and managed to let the opponent enter the attack range——

"Drink!" Geng Xizi immediately cut out Brunhilde. The power of the two-handed sword attack was naturally much higher than usual—but it didn't work at all. The opponent did not dodge, this sword did hit the target.

However, that didn't do any damage at all—the bodies of high-level demons are too strong.


No matter how many times Brunhilde slashed, it was only a sharp, hard sound. Not only can't cut in, it can't even make a single scar.

The opponent's attacks are all fire magic, I am afraid it is a magic type. The magic type is basically specialized in using magic, so most of his stamina is not very high, but he has such a tenacious body. This high-level demon is not only good at using magic, but also has a solid body of the level of strength.

"I really don't know whether to live or die."

At the moment when the high-level demons sighed like this, Geng Xizi reflexively jumped to the right, and a fireball then staggered past his belly, slightly scorching the uniform. It was because the attack didn't work, giving the opponent the opportunity to make such a sneak attack. This time it was a flash of luck, and it was very dangerous to continue to be at this close distance.

"Do you think I'll quit if I say quit!"

However, Geng Xizi still boldly stayed in front of the other party. If you rashly distance yourself because you can't cause damage, you will only be forced to have nowhere to hide, and the final destination is still a dead end. So Geng Xizi did not retreat, but instead thought about how to hurt the opponent, and there was only one answer.

That is to keep attacking until you can deal damage to the opponent. Geng Xizi lowered his waist and legs, and attacked again with a quick slash.

"Drink ah ah ah...!"

Brynhild drew out countless sword lights like silk, and slashed at the high-level demons one after another. The sound was full of sounds like swords hitting each other, but Geng Xizi still didn't slow down his attack. I saw that the high-level demons who were under the continuous slash caught the gap in an instant and activated magic——

Geng Xizi jumped horizontally and a short distance away, slid to the ground on the roof, and slashed at the high-level demons again, stringing the slashes into a combo. All she did was attack high-speed displacement. It was a combination of stomping and stepping, attacking and evading in parallel.

Since the enemy can deflect all his attacks. Just dodge all enemy attacks.

At this time, the high-level demons seemed to sense Geng Xizi's plan——

"Boring tactics."

After saying so disdainfully, he unleashed a new attack. No more fireballs - fire pillars are raised directly at your feet. It was like a huge wall of fire, surrounding the entire high-level demon race.

Geng Xizi hurriedly jumped back, keeping an eye on the opponent's movements and waiting for the flames to subside.

The use of such magic is probably to create a distance. The purpose is not to attack, but to defend - so as soon as the fire subsides a little, strike again immediately.

Geng Xizi, who was waiting for the opportunity with this idea, soon found that she was thinking in the wrong direction. The pillar of fire not only did not weaken, but instead expanded again and again. Soon - the violently burning pillar of fire turned into the image of 'some kind of creature'.


The huge flame dragon quickly took shape in front of Geng Xizi's eyes, and the amazing heat made Geng Xizi's bangs scorched and curled up at a certain distance. Once he unleashes this monster of flames, Virda will surely turn into a sea of ​​flames in a blink of an eye.

"Damn - is it necessary?"

Geng Xizi immediately set up Brunhilde, ready to use 'Dimensionless Execution'. At this time-

Yanlong flew into the air with a shriek, and fell suddenly and rapidly.

"what happened?"

In the end, in front of Geng Xizi, he devoured the tall and high-level demon clan, and rolled up an extremely thick pillar of fire.

Is he crazy? Geng Xizi was so suspicious for a moment, but strangely, the theater building didn't catch fire at all.

"I don't want to waste time with your tricks to deceive children."

Deep voices came from the swirling flames—then, the huge body of the high-level demons appeared with a rush of flames. He had a pair of huge wings and tails on his body, two horns protruded from his forehead, and his arms became very thick - and red as fire, looking like a fire demon.

Dongcheng Gengxizi understood why this high-level demon suddenly changed. It wasn't that the flame dragon devoured him—it was that he absorbed the flame dragon. In front of him, the flames that were enough to burn up the entire Virda were sucked into the high-level demons, exuding terrifying heat and oppression, and at the same time...

"I'm up!"

To put it this way - just received such a message in my mind, that huge body has been forced into Geng Xizi's eyes.


Incredible speed. With such a tall stature, his speed is even faster than the speed-type Geng Xizi. When facing a powerful enemy, even a brief moment of subconscious doubt can constitute a fatal flaw. Oops - when Geng Xizi scolded his own reaction, the right arm of the high-level demons that seemed to be able to burn the surrounding air had already swept over and could not be completely avoided.

In the next moment, the impact stimulated fragmentation and explosion accompanied by a roar. However, it was not Geng Xizi who hit the right punch of the high-level demons.

At the critical moment, around Geng Xizi's feet - the stone ground on the roof suddenly swelled up with stone pillars, pushing Geng Xizi upwards. Seeing the broken and burning stone pillar under my feet—


Dongcheng Gengxizi immediately understood who saved him and called out her name. Turning her head, Zest was still fighting with the huge heroic spirit not far away.

At this moment, Geng Xizi suddenly gasped in astonishment. The stone pillar destroyed by the super-high-temperature giant wrist of the high-level demons began to burn violently from the root, and the fire snake rushed forward as if it was about to devour Geng Xizi.

Geng Xizi hurriedly jumped back, and the stone pillar completely disappeared into the flames at the same time. Then, Geng Xizi, who barely jumped into the air, heard—


The voice from right behind told Geng Xizi that his actions had been seen through by the enemy, and he had taken the lead.


"Huh?" Geng Xizi turned back suspiciously.

The opponent's powerful fist was clenched.

"elder brother!"

"Sorry, Geng Xizi, I'm late."

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