"Are you the Mu Hantian mentioned in the Lars report?"

"That's right, but you bullied our sister like this, and we, the elder brother, should get it back." Mu Hantian sneered, grabbed Galdo's hand, and pulled him over, then A punch slammed into his face.

"Cough cough..." Lass really didn't talk nonsense, this guy is so strong... His Majesty Leohart has an opponent. And there is that Naruse Mio, it seems that there is no way to avoid the war.

Galdo's heart was full of anxiety at the moment, and he wanted to retreat, but at some point, this place was covered by the enchantment.

"Galdo, what are you doing?"

Someone said that. It was the order of the Cardinal, who accompanied Galdo to attack Verda's Nebra.

Now, Nebra's field of vision is quite high, but not because it is floating in the air. The others stood on the shoulders of a huge heroic spirit that was bigger and circled than Galdo had manipulated.

It was a high-level heroic spirit that Luca had no time to deal with and was more powerful—but the Cardinal completed the adjustment without the knowledge of Leohart and others, and re-contracted. Nebra's task of overseeing the attack was purely a pretense, and the Cardinal gave him additional instructions; one of them was to assassinate Galdo while the attack on Verda was taking place.

Recently, Leohart's centripetal force has been rising rapidly. Although he is the puppet of the cardinal as the new demon king, it is not a good thing to attract too many people or soldiers to support him. Although the puppet was originally more flamboyant, the more attractive it was, but it was in vain to refuse to obey. So the Cardinal ordered this attack to weaken Leohart's power.

Deliberately not fighting a battle of numbers and sending the newly excavated Heroic Spirit because the Cardinal knew that Leohart would definitely send his subordinates to the front line to command. There are not many subordinates that Leohart trusts - so as long as he takes advantage of the chaos to deal with the commander, he can effectively reduce Leohart's power.

So, when the Cardinal got the news that Galdo was the combat commander, it was overjoyed.

But at this moment, seeing Galdo being knocked flying by Mu Hantian, Nebra couldn't sit still.

"Galdo, Naruse Mio has appeared, hurry up and catch her, so we can leave!"

"No, the attack just now was too strong." Galdo smiled bitterly.

"What the **** are you talking about, I'll help you restrain that person, go and catch Naruse Mio, hurry up!" Nebra shouted.

"Really, even if you want to discuss, don't do it in front of me, okay?" A cold voice sounded in Nebra's ear.


"Hehe, if you have the ability, you can continue talking." Mu Hantian sneered and put the sword in his hand around Nebra's neck.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die." Nebra squeezed out his voice desperately, begging Mu Hantian for mercy.

"It's really useless." Mu Hantian kicked Nebra away with one kick, as if bored.

Niebla got up in embarrassment and roared at Mu Hantian: "Let me clean you up here. Heroic spirits who will sleep in ruins are naturally the type used to defend the city, so...of course they have it. It is a self-destruction function that destroys the enemy with the enemy in such a bad situation as the defensive target is captured.”

"Let me wipe you and this city out of this world completely."

After Nebra finished speaking, he recited the secret text of self-destruction magic. At this moment, the piles of flesh turned into heroic spirits at the other side of the line of sight also glowed dazzlingly, and a full-cover spherical special protective wall appeared around him—to prevent An explosion-proof force field created by the detonator involved in a magical explosion. The corner of Nebra's mouth, who was chanting the dark text, twitched—


And after the final farewell—the flesh of the high-level heroic spirit swelled violently. A dazzling flash of karmic fire burned every brick and tile of Verda.

It should be so. But the moment when the explosion and the shock all spread—disappeared at the same time.

"How, how could it be...!"

Witnessing the incredible sight, Nebra was stunned.

Failed to detonate cipher text input? No, it did explode. After the successful self-destruction—the resulting flames and shocks disappeared, and even no trace of magic remained. Come on, what's going on...

Nebra hurriedly looked towards the place where the explosion should have occurred. There, he found a young girl standing in front of Mu Hantian. She held a huge magic sword in both hands, and her posture stopped in the state of waving the sword - Dongcheng Gengxizi, who should have been unable to move.

"Geng Xizi, why are you..."

"I don't want to hide behind my brother all the time." Geng Xizi said stubbornly.

"Interesting... I have a good story to tell Lord Belphegor." Nebra still raised his right hand with a smile, and then the shadow of the giant fell down from the sky. The other party seems to have hidden a hand, but since Belphegor's order cannot fail, Nebra himself has left his trump card.

Accompanied by a roar, those high-level heroic spirits of the same type as the heroic spirits that just blew themselves up in the downtown area of ​​Verda, and three at a time; two of them landed behind Nebra, and one of them landed on the edge of the city of Verda. In order to complete the mission in one breath, Nebra decided to attack Mu Hantian and the city of Verda at the same time.

Geng Xizi may use his strange ability to eliminate the self-destruction, so he directly fights with the heroic spirit, and even if the heroic spirit sent to the edge of the city of Verda has to self-destruct, he can also eliminate Ramsas and other moderate faction high-level officials.

"It's such a pity—you really don't have a show to sing now."

When Nebra was about to order the Heroic Spirit to annihilate Verda, two consecutive shocks sounded behind him.


Nebra hurriedly turned around and saw a scene that was even more unbelievable than before.

Both of those huge high-level heroic spirits flew into the air and flew out of the city of Velda, and then there was a heavy roar that should have been caused by them hitting the ground. When the people on the tower's Nebraska swayed hesitantly with the earthquake from afar—

"Fuck, don't just throw it in someone's place, okay - what if you get crushed?"

Suddenly, there was a voice that lacked nervousness on the ground. Looking down, there was a human with a young man in the original position of the two high-level heroic spirits, and Nebra knew his name - of course, he could not have known that the person was called the God of War and the Demon Clan. The name of the most feared hero.

"Xun Dongcheng...!" Nebra said the man's name in disgust.

After the battle against Leohart, his whereabouts are unknown, and even the Cardinal couldn't find his whereabouts-although I don't know if it was a coincidence or a premeditated plan, but since it has already appeared...then just...!

Nebra ignored Yu Xun's existence and began to recite the self-exploding magical secret text; the target was not the two that were blown away by Xun, but the last one that fell on the edge of Velda City.

Since there is a speedy presence, the chance of solving Mu Hantian and others is close to zero, so at least we should try to eliminate Ramsas and others in Velda City. However—when Nebra had almost finished reading the self-destruction cipher and turned to Velda City, there was a sudden roar, and the only remaining high-level Heroic Spirit was crushed on the spot by some invisible force.

"Gravity magic?"

Nebra, whose thoughts were completely confused, clearly saw a man standing on the roof of Verda Castle with Shera and Lucia, the dream demon mother and daughter that the Moderates were proud of. It was not surprising that he used gravity magic like Wilbert—the current leader of the Moderate Sect, Wilbert's brother.

"Ramsas!" Nebra's mouth just spewed out the name resentfully, but he immediately evoked a smile.


Even if it is crushed into pieces, as long as the dark text is read, the heroic spirit will still explode. So Nebra continued to recite the secret text silently.

But suddenly, he felt someone behind him and turned around, only to see a teenager standing there. The cold eyes not only made Nebra stop thinking, but also froze his heart.

It's Mu Hantian!

"Huh?" The next moment, Nibla made a funny voice.

His chest had been completely penetrated by Mu Hantian with Restia in one breath.

Mu Hantian pulled out Restia, and Nebra collapsed on the top of the tower. Even though a lot of blood was pouring out of his chest, and his breathing had a murmur of "咻——咻——", but——

"Forgive me!" Nebra kept begging Mu Hantian for mercy.

And Mu Hantian still said to Nebra with a cold expression: "As long as you tell who is behind the instructions and his purpose, I can ask the Moderate faction to save your life... The current Demon King Leohart should be You want the power of Mio, but you attacked that demon named Galdo, who gave you this order, those high-level demons in the Cardinal Academy?"


"If you really don't want to die, it's best to say it as soon as possible. Depending on the amount of blood you have, you won't have much energy to talk anymore, and then you'll have nothing left."

Mu Hantian's words made Nebra silent for a while, and then——


When he was about to speak - a red glow appeared on his neck. Mu Hantian was also familiar with the collar-like pattern.

"This is……"

The curse of the master-slave contract in the original. Nibla intends to reveal the master's intelligence to Mu Hantian for mercy, and he feels a strong sense of guilt and triggers a curse.


Just after a short moan, Nebra's body exploded from the inside with a muffled sound of "swell!"

Mu Hantian stepped back quickly, and then——

"Master, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine. Let's go. As for Galdo, let him go."

Mu Hantian turned back, wrapped his arms around Jest's waist and said, "Let's go."

Then, the two left here.

Behind them are the wreckage of Nebra and the tragic appearance of Verda, which was devastated and devastated. The peace until yesterday has disappeared. There, only the claw marks of the cruel reality called war remain.

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