The base of the moderate faction, the former capital of the demon world, Verda.

In the Aldora forest that spreads around it, there is a corner where the sound of fencing is constantly heard.

It was the battle sound of real-time special training woven by the father and daughter of the Tojo family who had reunited after a long absence.

In addition to the sound of fencing, they could also hear the whirling of branches and leaves as they passed through the forest.

However - Geng Xizi and Xun were not on the ground.

but in the air.

"Oh oh oh……!"

Dongcheng Geng Xizi suddenly slashed out the magic sword Brunhild with the potential of splitting the silk. The target was at the front of the line of sight—Xun, who was holding a molded sword in the air.


With a flick of Xun's hand, Geng Xizi's sword was easily set aside.

However——the first blow will be resolved, which is also what Geng Xizi expected.

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah..."

Immediately, countless slashes were strung together in one breath, relying on speed to suppress Xun who turned from attack to defense.

"Hey, hey, it's okay to attack, remember to check the situation first, okay?"

Xun forcibly swept up the molded sword and deflected Brunhilde, blocking Geng Xizi's combo-when he knew it was not good, it was too late.

Geng Xizi was so abruptly hit by Xun's homeopathic slash.

"Uh ah ah ah...!"

The force of this heavy blow deprived Geng Xizi of the room to land on both feet—she was directly smashed to the ground helplessly, and there was a heavy crashing sound under her body.

"It hurts, Dad!"

Although the impact force was barely buffered, the remaining impact still made her lungs forget how to breathe for a while.

However, Geng Xizi still tried her best to stand up. His clothes were covered with scars of forest soil that could not have been caused by the fall, and there were many minor scratches and bruises on his face and hands.

As for the other parts of the body where there is a dull pain, there are countless more.

The soiling of clothing shows the number of falls to the ground, and the pain on the body shows the number of hits.

At this time, the follower landed lightly and lightly.

"It's not easy to evade in the air, and the flaws will become bigger. As a result, your speed type who loses in strength only picks one place to fight, is there a mistake?"

As soon as Xun finished speaking, Geng Xizi had attacked again. She lowered her body and sped up her gallop in one go, turning her shoulders back while bringing Xun into Brynhild's attack range, and forcibly struck a straight-line slash from the front.

"It's such a big move just when I said it - oh oh?"

Seeing this, Xun reluctantly raised the modeled sword, but Geng Xizi released Brynhild before he could block the attack.

After eliminating the reaction force that should have occurred in this way - Geng Xizi "Swipe!" stepped on his left foot with a sliding step, and suddenly raised the swung down right hand on the backhand track.

If Brunhilde is manifested in this action, the sword drawing technique that uses the boundary of dimensions can be used—that is, 'dimensional slash'. However--

Geng Xizi's beheading ended without a hitch. Her right arm was blocked and did not swing out.

Xun's right foot sole, as if not eating this set, stepped on her hand halfway.

"It's good to want to use this trick to make a surprise, but in addition to being easy to shoot into the enemy's arms, it is also relatively easy for the opponent to defend or counterattack. If you want to do serious damage, remember to disrupt the opponent's pace when making fake moves. will be miserable once you are blocked!"

Before Geng Xizi could escape, he was grabbed by Xun's collar, and then flew into the air in front of his eyes, and finally landed from his back.


The air knocked out of his lungs was immediately swallowed back by Geng Xizi. The molded sword in Xun's hand has been pointed at her throat.

"If it turns into this, you're done." Xun said with a smile, and withdrew his sword.

"How... do you want to continue?"

"Of course! I can't hold back my brother!" Although Geng Xizi's expression was painful, his fighting spirit remained undiminished.

"I see. Let's take a rest first. If you continue to practice in a state where your body is not very active, it will only reduce the effect of the special training."

"Got it."

Seeing Geng Xizi nodding, he chuckled lightly, took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it.

Xun was very different from Geng Xizi, his clothes were clean, not only unscathed, but not even breathing. After leaving the 'village' for five years... Xun should also have a gap as long as Geng Xizi, but this man who is known as the strongest hero has no sense of retreat.

The strength of Geng Xizi and Xun was originally a big gap. When he was still in the 'village', Geng Xizi had practiced with Xun countless times, and since he was a child, he knew how big the gap in strength was, but——


Now the difference in strength between myself and Xun is not important, the problem is——


Geng Xizi sat on the ground, raised her head slightly and asked Xun, "Have you seen the current Demon King... Leohart?"

"Yeah. It may not be the right time to say that, but he's really young and promising."

"Then brother, does he have a chance of winning?"

"This is..."

Xun first made such a suggestion, and then said: "If his strength is fully restored, there will be no problem, but I don't know what the injury is. And..."

Xun took a breath and continued: "I'm afraid I can't beat Leohart in a head-to-head fight."

"Even Dad can't win...? Then brother he..."

News showed a wry smile and said: "Oh, I'm not saying that I can't win... It depends on how to win. And Han Tian is much better than me."

"By the way, what I said just now is the same for you... Geng Xizi, you haven't fully used your weapons and your own strength, have you?"


For the question pointed out by Xun, Geng Xizi tacitly acquiesced. It is true that he was only chosen as a user by Brynhild, and did not reach the level of Yuki who was recognized by Sakuya.

"Also, you don't quite know where your greatest strengths lie...although that's partly my fault."

"what does it mean?"

"It's nothing... In short, as long as you can solve that part of the problem, you should be able to fight with that Leohart for a while, so that you can help Han Tian."

Xun continued: "I really want to take the time to teach you to be able to use it freely, but the date of the decisive battle set by the opponent is not far away, and there are not so many days to practice."

"Well, I understand."

"Let me tell you the principle first, it may make you think too much, and it will be more difficult to understand..."

After Geng Xizi expressed his understanding, Xun stopped here for a while and asked, "Is it almost enough to rest?"


Although Xun's voice fell a little, Geng Xizi nodded in response.

At this time, the voices around Geng Xizi and Xun suddenly disappeared - someone set up a barrier. then--

"Is that so-then I'll change to a more intense method for special training." Xun said to Geng Xizi in a self-deprecating manner.

The next moment, Xun's aura suddenly changed. Geng Xizi, who was the first to bear the brunt, even stopped breathing.

Geng Xizi was so frightened that his whole body was tense, and he couldn't help holding up Brunhilde. If she didn't take a prepared posture like this, she would not be able to face the current Xun at all.

However, the body doesn't lie, and the tiny tremors that spread all over the body can't be stopped.

At the same time, a certain emotion came to my mind.

That's... fear!

Xun said in a slow and deep voice: "Next, I will not release water at all. If you really want to help Hantian, then give me all your life to survive. It's not the strength that you get by betting your life, don't say no. Know how to cherish, even if there is an emergency, it is not worth giving your life to it, right?"

After speaking, Xun's molded sword exuded a dazzling green aura.

"If you are still able to move, and there is a way to follow me stubbornly, it will only get in the way... So I will beat you to the bottom of your breath and make you give up completely. If you feel that you can't stand it, just give me the trick. ."

"If you move around casually... It's unfilial to have me collect your corpse for you?"

The moment Xun finished speaking, the sword light suddenly swept away—the green torrent instantly turned into a shock wave, forcing Geng Xizi.

The current Geng Xizi was shocked by Xun's strong sense of oppression. Although his consciousness could keep up with the shock waves that were constantly coming, his body was unable to respond. This time, let alone using 'Dimensionless Execution' to completely eliminate it, even hurriedly using half a set of power to bounce it away can't do it.

But Geng Xizi's hands were tightly clasping Brynhilde.

The one who promised my brother, can't be protected by him all the time, and can't be held back. How can my promise be abandoned just because it is facing a life-and-death crisis!


The moment before the shock wave released by Xun engulfed her whole body.

Geng Xizi took action.

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