Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1027: hidden power

After Geng Xizi fainted during Xun's special training, he didn't wake up until nightfall.

After discovering that she was lying on the bed in the guest room assigned by the Moderates—

"Yo...are you awake?"

Suddenly someone spoke to her. Turning his head to look, he saw Xun smoking a cigarette by the window, looking at her with a peaceful expression.

"Dad... uh-!" Geng Xizi sat up suddenly, the pain all over her body suddenly distorted her facial features.

"Your injury has just been treated, don't force it... The maid who treated you said that you need to rest for a while."

"Retreat for a while...? Then, shouldn't it be...!"

"Don't be nervous, you will recover before you reach the city of the current Demon Lord faction."

After speaking, Xun suddenly put away his wry smile and his expression became serious.

"I ask you... do you remember the last one?"

This question reminded Geng Xizi of the blow that Yu Xun had unleashed at the end of his training.

"Well, I should remember."

And after muttering that, he looked down at his right hand.

At that time - Geng Xizi hurriedly released a slash, blowing away a large piece of the Aldora Forest. Generally speaking, the speed type Geng Xizi cannot use such a powerful attack.

"Then, you have to remember that feeling well, and then keep thinking about it in your heart, so that you can take the initiative to use it next time. In a critical moment, you can't bet your life on a lucky move."

"I know...but, what is that..."

"That, is one of the potentials of your 'Dimensionless Execution'... Originally, this move of yours would only be launched during counterattacks, destroying the target by completely or incompletely dismantling it; but that goes further The ground releases the energy of destruction, turning the counterattack into an attack."

"Release annihilation energy... uh, no!"

Xun's eyes calmly said to Geng Xizi, who was completely stupid: "That's right... It's very similar to the tragedy of the 'village' where you lost control of your power."

As soon as she understood what this meant, Geng Xizi's heart beat suddenly, making her press her chest in pain.

His heart seemed to be in pain as if it were tied, and he couldn't take a breath even if he tried to inhale, and his vision was distorted.

The scene of that day and that moment five years ago vividly replayed in my mind.

As the memory plays to the end, Geng Xizi's consciousness is gradually trapped by the past——

"Geng Xizi!"

Xun grabbed Geng Xizi's shoulder and shouted loudly, forcibly pulling her back to reality.

When Geng Xizi returned to his senses, his eyes returned from the past to his eyes, he quickly guided him in a soft voice: "Calm down, take a slow breath first... OK?"

" can..."

Geng Xizi nodded and took a shallow breath, slowly deepening and lengthening, until he was able to take a deep breath, and finally regained his composure.

"You're still blaming yourself for that, and it's kind of cruel to ask you to do that, but..."

Xun's words of deliberation caused Geng Xizi to shake her head. She said, "This is a problem that I have to face and bear...I can't ignore it. Let's get down to business, in your opinion, me and the current demon king...the one called Leohart's fight, if he didn't use the strength at that time, would he really not be able to fight?"

"No, you can't say that."

Xun replied: "Up to now, you have regretted that incident for five years, let the surface consciousness begin to suppress the power, and the deep consciousness has set an upper limit; just now you can release that kind of power, it was Brynhilde that relieved it for you. because of those restrictions."


"Yeah. However, although you use Brunhilde as a weapon, at the same time, there is a corner in your heart that avoids it...because that tragedy was caused by Brunhilde being pulled out."

Geng Xizi acquiesced to Xun's question.

The 'village' used poison to fight poison at first—the magic sword Brunhilde, which was transformed from an evil spirit, sealed the ancient evil spirit, but was unexpectedly pulled out without authorization, which led to the tragedy.

"Enchanted weapons such as magic swords are much more difficult to control than magic weapons with holy attributes like spirit swords. If you are too accommodating to the will of the weapon itself, your spirit will easily be disturbed, and it will be eroded by the weapon instead."

Xun continued to explain: "And your avoidance of Brynhilde so far just happened to prevent the erosion of the magic sword... But on the other hand, that also limits Brynhilde's power."

"To put it bluntly, now you have placed three restrictions on yourself... But during the day, you were forced into a desperate situation where life and death were at stake, and you couldn't care less about Brynhild's taboo, and the power broke out. To fight that thunderbolt In the O'Hart contest, at least one restriction must be lifted, preferably two, otherwise the chance is really small."

"That's it."

Xun's assessment made Geng Xizi's reply naturally gloomy.

Although he didn't want to be able to defeat Leohart, at least he couldn't lose too fast. However, Geng Xizi doesn't think that he can get out of the tragedy five years ago by nodding his head - that unforgivable pain in the past, let alone that he should do it. The knot in her heart made her bow her head and clench her right hand silently.

At this time, Xun Yu said mysteriously: "Don't be so pessimistic... No one said that you must win Leohart in this duel. Isn't there still Han Tian? But Han Tian is the big problem. what."

"What's the meaning?"

"The question is where is Hantian's final goal. The power struggle in the demon world has been going on for an unknown number of years, and it has long been intertwined. It is a bottomless swamp; but your goal is nothing more than ending the current situation where Mio is used as a political tool, right? If you defeat the current Demon Lord faction in a superficial way, the moderate faction will probably have a higher momentum to push Mio to be the Demon Lord successor."

"If you lose, there is no guarantee that you will be able to retreat; even if you can save a life, the title of 'daughter of the former demon king' will always be a disaster. Even if the current demon king faction is just seeking peace of mind, it will definitely hunt her to the ends of the earth. "

"That's fine, Mio is ready to become the Demon King." Mu Hantian pushed open the door and came in with food in his hand.

"Oh, don't you want to?"

"That's right, I can only end the war between the two factions. The moderate faction is okay, the main thing is the Demon King faction. Those guys in the Cardinal must die, otherwise it's useless." After that, he handed the food to Geng Hiko.

"It seems that you know a lot of things." Xun said to Mu Hantian with a wry smile.

"Ah, that's what Russ told me. Those guys are not good people, but the main culprit that hinders the development of the demon world."

"It's up to you, you also have your own ideas. But..."

Xun sighed and continued: "I hope you can protect Geng Xizi, after all, I only have one daughter like her."

"Dad, what are you talking about!" Xun's words made Geng Xizi blush.

"Cough, go to bed earlier, tomorrow I have to train Mio and the others." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he left immediately. If you stay any longer, God knows what the news will say.

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