Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1028: before the war

A few days later, the main representatives of the Moderate Sect led by Mu Hantian set off first and headed to the final battle location designated by the current Demon King Sect.

The members are Mu Hantian, Geng Xizi, Mio, Yuxi, Maria, Walnut, Jest and other seven people. Since it was impossible to determine where the opening to transfer the magic would appear, the risk was too high, so Mu Hantian and the others chose to travel by horse-drawn carriage by land, and then safely arrived at their destination two days before the decisive battle.

"There are too many soldiers..."


Mio said this nervously after seeing the surrounding cityscape of Lundvall from the car window that was not moving forward, and the neighboring Gukiko agreed.

On the road that the carriage carrying Mu Hantian and others passed by, countless soldiers of the current Demon King sect lined up with a magnificent momentum; a large group of onlookers on the other end of the soldiers watched the crowd, perhaps due to the different nature of the current Demon King faction, orcs and alien monsters. The proportion of ethnic groups is much higher than that of Verda.

Watching this battle, it seemed as if some kind of grand parade was being held in the city, but all eyes on the carriage belonged to the enemy camp. If it was to dampen the spirit of the Moderates first, then before entering the royal city where Leohart was located, the queue and the crowd would probably not stop.

"If those people outside were killed at the same time, how could it be bearable..." Maria's whole heart sank when she saw it.

"It's okay, don't worry about that." Mu Hantian shook his head.

To enter the enemy base, of course, you have to consider the state Maria said and make preparations, but 80% of them will not happen.

Mu Hantian and his party accepted Leohart's suggestion and came here to fight a decisive battle; therefore, after entering the Lundvall territory, they rushed to the royal city under the strict supervision of Leohart's royal guards. If something happened to Mu Hantian and the others in Lundvall's territory before the decisive battle, although the current Demon King faction had some benefits, Leohart, who proposed this duel, would be disgraced, so he had to try to avoid it.

His outlook should also be placed after the decisive battle.

If Leohart tried to use this decisive battle to strengthen his cohesion, he would have to defeat Mu Hantian and the others himself; therefore, what he should really beware of was being attacked by unknown people on the road and entering Lundvall's territory, but his safety was guaranteed.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers gradually decreased, and the number of soldiers began to increase.

That means the destination is about to arrive - the carriage really stopped shortly after, and Zest entered the carriage from the driver's seat and said, "Master Cold Sky, we are here."

"Okay, let's get out of the car."

Everyone nodded to Mu Hantian and got off the carriage one by one.

Outside the car is the main entrance of Lundvall City, where Leohart sits.

A young Demon Clan was waiting in front of the soldiers on the side and greeted them on behalf of this place.

Although he just stood still.

Very good, not ordinary strong...

Mu Hantian could feel that the Demon Race in front of him had a very high rank.

"VIPs from the Moderate faction...Welcome to Lundvall City."

The young demons smiled gracefully at them: "I am Balfreya, the chief auxiliary officer of His Majesty Leohart. It's a pleasure to meet you."


"Your Excellency Ramsas...will you arrive later?"

"Ah." Mu Hantian affirmed Balfreya's confident question.

"As the leader of the moderate faction, of course he is not a showdown between representatives of both sides of the opposition... He started late because he wanted to minimize accidents."

"Because some people need to be familiar with the magic elements and spirits in this area as much as possible in the decisive battle... I should have informed you in advance about the things that need to be prepared in advance, right?"

"Yes, of course there is no problem... Then everyone, please come with me."

After saying that, Balfrea led the crowd into the city.

Mu Hantian and his party followed Balfreya through the long corridor covered with red carpet.

There are only necessary guards in the city, which is very different from outside the city.

"Those soldiers outside that seem to be used to scare people are gone when they arrive in the city."


After Yuki softly echoed Hu Tao's feelings, Balfrea, who was walking in front, said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry... I made you laugh. Those soldiers were not arranged to intimidate you, so please forgive me. "

"After all, although the inside of the city is under our control, it is two different things outside the city. It is impossible to guarantee that some rats will not mix into the masses, which will be detrimental to everyone."

"Well...I know." Mu Hantian nodded and replied, then narrowed his eyes, stared at the other end of the corridor, and said in a low voice, "It seems that you are not the only one here to pick us up."

Mio and the other members immediately felt the same way as Mu Hantian.

No one could be seen yet—but in the distance of the corridor under Mu Hantian's feet, there was undoubtedly someone waiting for them; Zhao Lie's aura turned into a sense of presence, announcing his position to them who were already far away.

At this time, Balfreya turned his head and said, "Of course. You have come from afar, this is due courtesy - our commander-in-chief, we must meet you in person no matter what."

After speaking, Mu Hantian and the others happened to step into an open space.

It was a huge hall with a high building and a wide area, and the vaulted ceiling was covered with beautiful strokes.

There—a young man stood up. At a young age, he was filled with an overwhelming aura that lived up to his majestic clothing, and a calm demeanor that came from deep self-confidence.

It doesn't need to be introduced to be able to see that the person in front of him is the young Demon Lord Leohart.

"You're here... Wilbert's daughter, Mio Naruse." His bright eyes watched, and a thick and powerful voice came out of his mouth.

Mio next to Mu Hantian replied, "Yes, I'm here... You are the current Demon King Leohart, right?"

Mio glared at Leohart sharply without being overwhelmed by the opponent's aura.

"Finally see you..."

There was definite anger mixed with the tone of voice that sounded full of emotion.

"Thank you so much for your long-term care... I'm here to pay you back the debt once." With that, Mio pressed Leohart with the rising red aura on her body.

"I'm glad your fighting spirit is so high."

Leohart accepted Mio's hostility head-on, and then swept his gaze to Mu Hantian.

"You are Dongcheng Xun's son..."

"Yes." Mu Hantian did not deny it.

Leohart frowned slightly and asked, "He didn't go with you, does he want to come back later like Ramthas?"

"I don't know... He just said he wasn't going to participate in this showdown. I don't know what he was thinking."

"Really. I thought we could continue the interrupted duel, what a pity."

"Aren't we watching enough?" Geng Xizi said aloud.

"No way... I've heard about your abilities from Lass and Galdo, all of them are suitable opponents. And..." As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Mu Hantian, his eyes filled with war. meaning.

At this time...

"Oh? - I didn't expect that I would enter the city at this time. I really picked the right time."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice fell into the hall.

I don't know when, at the turning point of the grand staircase leading to the second floor, there are several more demons.

Walnut gasped for it, and Zest also looked solemn, making the atmosphere tense.

It was a monster of the opposite **** with four arms, horns on its head, and the shape of a skeleton.

This guy……!

Mu Hantian frowned, and the demons on the other side of his line of sight were fundamentally different from Leohart—not only, but also fundamentally different from all the demons he had seen so far.

He released an extremely turbid and dangerous presence, like an unfathomable darkness, an inexplicable instinctual threat and fear that made people other than Mu Hantian unable to move for a while.


Leohart called out to the Demon Race with a stiff expression, letting Mu Hantian and the others know that the high-level Demon Race standing there was the equivalent of an underground emperor in the Demon Realm.

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