Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1032: countermeasures

As soon as Lucia received the notification that the current Demon Lord faction had changed the rules of the decisive battle, she immediately reported to her master Ramsas.

After that, instead of going back to his office, he went directly to his mother Xue La's room to convey the news to her and Xun who happened to be in her room.

"Change team battles to one-on-one duels..."

"Yes. What's your mother's opinion?"

Since it was a private occasion that the maids could not see, Rukia asked Shera's opinion using her usual name.

"Well... well, this is an expected change. Isn't it, brother Xun?"

"Yeah. I think it's probably the old men in the Cardinal who got out halfway."

Although Xuela's appearance has changed back to her youthful appearance, she is still battle-hardened in her bones, and just like Xun, she accepts the current Demon Lord faction to change the rules of the decisive battle. But Rukia herself couldn't accept the reality so easily, her brows furrowed.

"Aren't the two of you worried? A one-on-one duel is obviously not good for our weaker basic combat power."

In fact, it wasn't Xuela or Xun who were on the scene—it was Mu Hantian and the others.

Whether it was from the position of the adjutant who followed Ramsas to rule the moderate faction, or from the perspective of personal feelings, Lucia hoped that they could win, and sincerely hoped that they would return safely.

But in contrast, the reactions of Sheila and Xun were quite optimistic, causing Rukia to be a little unhappy.

"Don't be so fierce, sister Lucia... What did Han Tian say?"

Xun, who was smoking a cigarette, seemed to see through her emotions, and asked with a wry smile.

Usually, no one except Sheila would call Rukia "sister", and Rukia would not allow others to do so. After all, she shoulders the responsibility of being the second head of the moderate school, and she cannot always be treated as a child by the influential senior executives such as Klaus. Perhaps in the eyes of Xun, the God of War, who has been changed by everyone, Lucia is just as cute as a little girl.

"They have no objection to the change in the way of fighting... But after the change to seven-on-seven, although there are seven people on Mr. Hantian's side, the combat power is seriously insufficient."

At this point, Lucia paused for a while and said:

"If we want to add... it will be filled by the moderate leader, Lord Ramsas, or me who is accompanying me as an adjutant."

"How to judge in the end, let's go over there and see the situation... There is no way, it can only be like this. Hmm~"

After Sheila answered the question——

"No - you have to do your best to avoid Ramthas from fighting." Xun Jing retorted with a strong attitude.

"If he's on the field, it'll just leave a bunch of troublesome questions... What does his buddy say about this new rule?"

"My lord just said... 'I know'."

Lucia recalled Ramsas at the time of the report and said, "As you said, your participation in the war is likely to cause a lot of harm; however, I think your lord understands this very well."

"If your lord insists on participating in the war, as a subordinate, I really have no position to stop it..."

After Rukia stated that she would give priority to the position of the adjutant, Xun replied: "Sister Rukia... I understand that your whole heart is on that guy. After all, you and I, like Sheila, are very few who know. His secret man."

But ah-

"You should also know—what did Wilbert and I contract at the end of that war? And now it's finally here. Why do you think Wilbert's wife gambled on her life to give birth to Mio, Why did Wilbert let go of that girl, and why did he choose to die... Don't waste your sixteen years of hard work."

"This... Of course I fully understand."

"Then do what you should do. Since you are more master than anyone else, you need to disobey orders from time to time... Isn't that the role of an adjutant?"

Xun's words left Lucia speechless, so she could only return to silence.

"Don't worry... That guy just can't fight Leohart, it's okay to make trouble at other times."

Xun read out the short cigarette in the ashtray, and said in a tone of 100% certainty: "I promise you, then there will definitely be a situation where he has to do it... just wait and see."


In the stillness of the night in the current Demon Lord faction stronghold of Lundvall.

Russ walked the street alone. He was thinking about what Mu Hantian wanted to do, but he still couldn't figure it out.


When Russ thought more deeply, he suddenly felt a weak magical reaction in his arms, and put his hand into the inner pocket of his chest.

What was taken out was a black mobile phone. Due to the special magic chip inside the battery, it can also be used normally in the demon world. In order to prevent Lars from contacting Mu Hantian, Balfreya asked him to hand it over, but what he gave him was a fake for disguise.

Although Balfreya saw it right away and asked Russ to hand over his real phone——

But how could I possibly dangle in front of him with the real thing.

Russ had prepared several fake machines on him, and by handing the second one to him, he escaped Balfreya's investigation. What Lass has now is the real mobile phone that he used to communicate with Mu Hantian.

It was obvious on the LCD screen that he had received a text message, and whoever sent the message did not need to read it.

After all, only Mu Hantian knew this number; and Mu Hantian also knew very well that Lasi would only check the contents of his phone when he was sure that he was unoccupied and safe.

This message is probably for help. but……

"It's unfortunate, Xiaotian... I don't care what you want now, there's nothing I can do, I can't help."

Russ operated the phone, and the voice with a wry smile flowed out of his mouth naturally.

Now I am no longer Takigawa Yahiro... Since I have already avenged Zokiel, the benefits of continuing to cooperate with Mu Hantian are extremely limited. It is better to be Leohart's comrade-in-arms Lass and help him.

Because helping the young demon king to avenge his adoptive parents and to achieve his ambition to completely reform the demon world is the shortest way to fulfill Ruth's current wish.

The one who wants to eradicate the Cardinal Academy—the old thieves who are half a pound with Zokiel, is not the only one, Leohart. That scum, who was far less than Zokyll, Belphegor, no matter how vicious he was, he had to deal with it.

However, if you continue to stay in the moderate school, it may be difficult to do so. So now, Russ is standing here.

The next thing he wanted to read was to check Mu Hantian's text messages. In order to inform Leohart of the content and make the decisive battle the day after tomorrow more favorable.

"This is...!" Lars, who read the text message, was stunned.

After a while, I came back to my senses, typed a paragraph on the phone, and sent it out.


"Here it is."

Mu Hantian sat up from the bed. Because the phone placed by the bedside told him that he had received a new text message.

So he immediately unlocked the phone lock that required fingerprint authentication and a special aura wave pattern.

Then slowly check the content of the message.

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