Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1033: prepare for war

The two major forces that will shape the future of the Demon World—are about to start a decisive battle.

The ancient arena, the ring, was packed with spectators who came to witness this historic moment.

Most of the spectators of various races were residents of Rundval.

All the people of the current Demon Lord faction believed and hoped that Leohart and the others would win.

Amidst the cheers, a person stood on the ring full of eyes.

The young man whose eyes were lightly closed and whose style of writing remained unmoved was the young Demon King Leohart.

Although Leohart was bathed in the audience's trusting eyes and hopeful support, there was a feeling of melancholy in his heart.

In order to have a truly meaningful decisive battle, Leohart initially chose a place that was invisible to ordinary people, so that he, as the Demon King, would not leave any regrets—more importantly, it was given to this battle that would determine the future of the Demon World. The style of battle.

However, the Cardinal, which intervened in the middle, was not satisfied with forcibly increasing the number of representatives, and put heavy makeup on the decisive battle, which became a kind of theater-style event.

Of course, Leohart also understood that, from a political point of view, an open decisive battle could better publicize the majesty of the victor. For Leohart, who hoped to destroy the Cardinal and thus unify the demon world, that was not a bad thing. However—from the moment the audience entered the stage, the character of this political decisive battle was greatly reduced, and it inevitably produced a strong performance quality.

Even so, Leohart insisted on the decisive battle in the end without the slightest joking.

In other words, it was seven one-on-one duels, one-on-one battles—but now, Leohart was the only representative of the current Demon Lord faction standing on the stage.

When representatives gather in front of an audience and introduce identities or order of appearances, the battle is reduced to a game—and war is reduced to child's play.

Therefore, this decisive battle will not announce the representative members of each faction to the audience before the start, nor will the order of their appearances be revealed, so that the two sides will remain nervous about the duel.

Taking into account the basic respect for the audience, it cannot be said that it will start at the beginning, so a meeting was arranged for the leaders of the two sides before the war, which is why the Leohart people were in the ring.

In the eyes of the Cardinal, Leohart's thoughts and realizations are probably meaningless... For them who have lived for too long and are bored and panic, the decisive battle between the current Demon King faction and the Moderate faction, the future of this demon world, is all It's just entertainment they use to relieve boredom.

But——Leohart didn’t take it to heart.

Whatever the Cardinal's intentions, whatever evils it intends to commit, will not change his only mission.

You old thieves, just wait and see.

Leohart looked up at the special viewing room where the Cardinal was located from the ring and meditated in his heart.

After the moderates, it's you. then--

elder sister……

Leohart appeared in front of Leohart's eyes that there was a distance from here, that he was in Riara in Rundval City.

In Sita's secret room, there is a magic device that can receive the rebroadcast video, she should be watching here now. Although trying to enter the top of the tower would be blocked by many barriers, Leohart still sent Galdo to guard her so that she could fight with peace of mind. Although Galdo's right arm has not recovered yet, as long as he is with him, Leohart can feel at ease.

Again, just wait for me to finish what I have to do.

Riara is the person Leohart swore to keep. Never lose face in this decisive battle in front of her.

Leohart turned his gaze back to the front and narrowed his eyes suddenly. In the depths of the passage leading to the restroom of the Moderate Sect of the decisive opponent—a figure slowly emerged.

A few seconds after Leohart was late, the audience also noticed the same situation, and there was a sudden silence in the field.

It was the tranquility before yelling at the moderate representative who was about to show up.

In an atmosphere of sudden doubling of tension and a trigger-happy atmosphere - the moderate representatives were still not afraid of such pressure and stepped into the arena. In an instant—

The audience's prepared roar could not burst out - only breathless silence could be heard.

Because of the girl who appeared on the other side of their line of sight, her presence was so strong that it took away their voices.

The one who came to the ring was a girl with long hair tied high from the left and right with a black ribbon. Even if she was wearing the unique human clothes that the demons couldn't see, her proud body curve was still clear at a glance - it could be seen that Zokiel ignored Leohart's desire to monopolize her, and wanted more than Wilber special power, and herself.

Her determined, bright eyes locked on Leohart, watching him step by step. What happened in the two days since the last time we met... The girl's lovely demeanor is still undiminished, but she also exudes a splendid elegance that is completely different from the two. see-

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Leohart also looked into her eyes and said this in a low voice—as if slightly surprised.

This is the pre-war dialogue between the representatives of the two sides. I thought it would be Ramsas or Mu Hantian, the leader of the moderate faction.

"I didn't expect that you would take on the task of taking power on their behalf... Does that mean that the Moderate faction finally agrees and wants you to become the next Demon King?"

As soon as the girl took the stage, she came to Leohart and replied, "It's not... I have no intention of ruling the Moderates at all."

The girl, Naruse Mio, looked directly at Leohart and said, "But...even so, this is my battle. Although I have never seen my father once, the former Demon Lord Wilber I don't want to inherit his power either, but this is still my fight. And..."

"Before we start, I have something to tell you. In this decisive battle, I did not come as the daughter of the former Demon King... I fought as Mio Naruse."

"Wait and see, I... we will definitely defeat you."

"You can think what you like... In any case, the result is already a foregone conclusion."

In response to Mio's statement with firm eyes, Leohart also calmly stated that he would never give in. at this time--

"The dialogue between representatives before the decisive battle is enough here."

Someone shouted from the side. Turning around, a member of the Cardinals stepped onto the arena where Leohart and Mio were - it was Madonis.

"Where's Belphegor?"

Leohart did not object to the presence of the Cardinals here, because they had already agreed that the Cardinal would preside over the start and end of the entire duel; and it should be the President of the Cardinal Belferge who was in charge of this job.

"Lord Belphegor, he hasn't arrived yet... After all, his whole mind is now in that playground. Maybe for him, playing with women is more meaningful than His Majesty's battle."

Madonis said to the frowning Leohart: "But Your Majesty, please don't worry... Madonis, who is not talented, will take over the presidency of this duel in place of Lord Belphegor, and it is guaranteed that there will be no problem."

Seeing that Leohart didn't speak, Madonis continued: "What's the matter, Your Highness, is there anything to worry about...?"


The plan is a little turbulent... Leohart murmured in his heart, and corrected the trajectory.

Thought the Cardinal was going to target me.

The attack on the city of Velda will fail, the direct reason is that Belphegor's subordinate Nebra defected halfway. The Cardinal decided that the betrayal was Nebra's personal arbitrariness and evaded responsibility by cutting him off with the sentence 'This has nothing to do with us'... But the fact that the Cardinal attempted to assassinate Galdo still caused a strong backlash within the current Demon Lord faction , began to seriously shake the support and authority of the Cardinal. As long as Leohart continues to overcome the obstruction of the Cardinal and defeat the Moderates in a decisive battle, the Cardinal will easily lose its existing political power and influence in one fell swoop, and fall from its former high status to the bottom. Therefore, the Speaker Belferge will probably lead the Cardinal here to counterattack, so as not to lose power.

No, it's hard to say.

That Belphegor was extremely cunning, and even if he wanted to be detrimental to Leohart, he might be wary of him suddenly biting back and deliberately not coming to the arena. Same in Theta.

Now, he must be in hiding... Zorki's playground, which he has taken to himself, and watch the duel surrounded by women.

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