Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1035: battle (1)

Naruse Mio watched as his opponent in the final battle—the current Demon King’s striker stepped onto the ring.

He is a young boy with the same youthful appearance as Maria.

Having said that, Mio does not underestimate his opponent because of his appearance. The age of the demons does not necessarily match the appearance, and looking young and cute does not mean that the strength is weak.

However—from the boy standing in front of her, she could not feel any posture or atmosphere that showed high combat power. He carefully held a huge dictionary-like book in both hands, which seemed to be his weapon; but he held it a little hard, and when a weapon was used, it was easy to hinder the movement, and the flaws were large. After making such an analysis subconsciously, Mio realized again that he was the striker chosen by the current Demon Lord faction, and asked cautiously, "Are you my opponent?"

The boy who was going to confront her immediately replied: "Yes! But... it's not me who actually fights."

After making such a declaration, the boy opened the book with his right hand, and at the same time, a magic circle was set up on the ground of the arena not far away. Something slowly floated up from inside, causing a burst of exclamations in the audience.

The first thing that appeared was a huge head... Then the shoulders covered with thick muscles, the upper body, and finally the stronger lower body and the soles of the feet, Mio's 'duel opponent' finally fully appeared in front of her eyes. Mio knew what it was, because she had seen something similar in the siege that the current Demon Lord faction was conducting in Verda, but with a different appearance and size.

"Heroic Spirit..."

After Mio murmured this—

"That's right. However, this heroic spirit is a different type from the heroic spirits used to attack you before; of course, it is also different from the high-level heroic spirits used by the Cardinals later. It does not passively execute orders, but can adapt to the situation. A completely independent high-level tactical heroic spirit that thinks about tactics and implements it... In the era of the Demon God War, there are only a few records." The boy standing next to the giant heroic spirit replied.

"I used all my knowledge and experience to re-sign the contract with him... Although I didn't play in person, it might make you feel very despicable."

Hearing this, Mio said to the boy who lowered his eyes slightly: "I don't care... You are also fighting with your own strength."

Then——after both sides agreed with their opponents and prepared to fight, the entire arena was switched to a simulation space suitable for the battle between Mio and Heroic Spirit, just as Madonis explained.

That familiar street scene was a part of his daily life, and it was also the starting point of the duel with the brave clan in the past—the station closest to the Tojo House and Seizaka Academy.

It's evening. Aside from Luca, who didn't actually fight, and Mio and the giant heroic spirit in the building in front of the station, there was no one at all in this space, only human figures driving cars, coming and going in the driveway. Rather than copying the space of the station, it is closer to the whole situation.

"I see." Mio murmured in understanding.

Mio is looking forward to a stable daily life, and the current Demon Lord faction wants the power of Wilbert that she inherited, and sees her as a threat that must be eliminated; in some ways, fighting Heroic Spirits is more meaningful here than elsewhere.

Satisfied with the battlefield, a sudden sound came from the modern station square. That came from the big gong set up beside the ring—it meant the battle was about to begin. Then—

Mio and the giant Heroic Spirit set off almost at the same time. In order to gain distance and gain the time to chant powerful attacks and magic, Mio chose flying magic for the first step, while Heroic Spirit’s first step was a natural attack that used his huge body to the limit— —waving its huge fist.

However, instead of hitting Mio in a straight line, Heroic Spirit's hook was drawn in a curved trajectory.

As a result, the time lost by sacrificing the shortest straight-line distance was more than enough to make up for the secondary attack.

Seeing this, Mio, who was activating his flying magic, took a deep breath.

Hero's hook hit the target——but not Mio, but the building before the battle.

The building that collapsed with the sound of shattering suddenly became a shock wave that carried a large amount of glass fragments and sand, engulfing the surroundings and Mio in one bite.

Then, after that astonishing wide-area attack—the Heroic Spirit's huge right fist chased after him.

Luka, who was isolated outside the battle space, saw that moment from the edge of the ring. The internal image of the battle space projected over the arena showed a large amount of sand and gravel submerging Mio, and the heroic spirit chasing after her with fists, blasting the earth-shattering explosion, and razing the human world city—that area to the ground. . The audience who witnessed this scene also shouted with excitement at the shock of the impact like a meteorite hitting the ground.

Amidst the applause, only Luca remained serious. Although he has no combat power, he has a pair of keen eyes, and he can clearly see that something flew out of the smoke and dust of the broken building before the impact of the heroic spirit's punch to destroy the square in front of the station.

Immediately, the screen shifted from Heroic Spirit, who was still half-kneeling in the ground zero, with his fist on the ground, to the distant sky—Mio Naruse, who was flying at high speed in the purple-red sky.

Even though it was swallowed by the shock wave that carried the debris of the building, there was no scar on his body. Not only that, even the clothes were not stained at all.

Although she did not know how to do it, she managed to avoid the blow unscathed. But--

"It's not over yet."

When Luca whispered like this, the screen returned to the Heroic Spirit. It pulled out the punch that pierced the ground and stood up slowly, turning to the northeast corner.

Then he narrowed his eyes—he fixed his gaze on the enemy flying beyond his line of sight, and crouched down with his huge body. Prepare for the next chase.

Naruse Mio flew into the sky with a gust of wind. She was able to escape the shockwave that carried debris from the building, still thanks to the magic of flying. However, she didn't get out in time before the smoke engulfed her.

At that time—the shock wave that was approaching instantaneously had a very wide range, and it was necessary to get away from the turbulent sand and gravel flow that filled the sky as soon as possible. If she had used flying magic directly to lift off, shards of tar and glass would have ragged and bruised her; however, she was not suspending the flying magic to deploy the barrier and finally leaving with the flying magic - if slowly Doing this kind of thing, she probably couldn't find any residue from the fist that the heroic spirit slammed next. The protective wall erected in such a short period of time is absolutely impossible to resist the attack of the giant heroic spirit.

So she continued to sing the flying magic and cast it—but the object was not herself, but the surrounding air, and thus successfully combined with the surrounding air that turned into a gust of wind, by wrapping herself in the wind barrier Get out of the shockwave.

"Finally managed to escape."

After Mio let out a breath, he chose to land outside the impact range of the Heroic Spirit's destruction of the station square—on the outbound train three stops away from the origin.

It takes extra time to cast powerful attack spells when casting flying spells, and it doesn't have the power it deserves even if you're distracted. If you stop on a running train, you can concentrate on chanting attack magic while keeping away from the Heroic Spirit. Luckily, Mio landed on the express train. This space faithfully reproduces the situation of the target world, so the next stop will be six stops away from the origin; it can be farther away from Heroic Spirits faster and longer than ordinary cars.

Never miss this opportunity.

Therefore, Naruse Mio immediately cast an attack magic. However, the huge figure receding from the other side of the line of sight actually curled up into a ball as if squatting down.

What does it want to do... the question is immediately resolved. It's like the beast releasing the power accumulated in the body under its feet and rushing towards the prey with the greatest explosive force.

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