Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1036: battle (2)

I felt my scalp tingling, and my imagination became a reality. This heroic spirit slammed the area in front of the station into the ground with one hand... and the legs were far stronger than the arms; when those legs slammed on the ground with all their strength, the huge mass was instantly ejected at a terrifying speed that was inferior to a rocket.

In a blink of an eye, the huge body passed through the ruins it blasted, and stepped on the large river parallel to the south side of the railroad track like a puddle, flattened the town in front of it in a straight line, and approached the express train where Mio was.


Mio hurriedly cast the explosion magic. The huge fireball released by the magic circle burned the surrounding air and passed through the air, directly hitting the heroic spirit's head - in the violent explosion, the huge body of the heroic spirit was covered in scorching flames.

However, Mio's eyes widened in surprise. Even if the Heroic Spirit was hit in the head by magic, his speed was undiminished through Mio's flames. Of course, that blow was just to slow it down; but Mio didn't reduce its power because of that, and she had already knocked off half of the Heroic Spirit's head. did not expect--

Not only did the heroic spirit continue to sprint, but the damaged head was restored in one fell swoop, as if time had flown backwards.

"how come……!"

Incredible self-healing ability. The Heroic Spirit who attacked Verda would be temporarily paralyzed as long as the head was damaged, so Mio directly attacked the head... In this state, he can recover quickly, and he is simply immortal. However, there was no time to be surprised. The Heroic Spirit used a knife to cut butter across the huge racecourse beside the main road, and rushed forward in a flash. As soon as he caught up to the last carriage, he swept his backhand.

"Drink, ah-!"

Mio jumped back and cast a blast of wind magic on her feet. The ensuing wind blade cut off the connection of the carriages with a sharp metal sound—and then, all the carriages after the fifth car where she was standing were slammed into a V with a bang, and flew far and wide. go.

Just as she narrowly avoided the attack, the distance between Mio and the Heroic Spirit was also slightly further away, so she immediately chanted attack magic.

However, the Heroic Spirit continued to move forward, ignoring that the train that Yu Mio was on was far out of reach. With its left hand half-open, it swung forward as if to dig into the ground—and grabbed onto something before digging into the ground.

It's a tram track. Knowing that it was too late, the Heroic Spirit pulled the rails off the ground in one go, and threw Mio and the moving limited express into the air.

This forced Mio to temporarily change the attack magic to flying magic, and acted like a reflex action, using the surrounding air as the target, and saving his life. The shock wave created by Ying Lingluo's grip on the ground was like a huge tsunami, rushing towards Mio in the air, drowning her—amidst the overwhelming sand and gravel shock wave, the escape route Mio chose was right above.

You can't attack now, you have to retreat first. So Mio focused his consciousness on the flying magic, and flew straight to the distance from the Heroic Spirit, rising thousands of meters into the sky in one fell swoop.

But now the heroic spirit suddenly curled up again—the next moment, the heroic spirit jumped up with the strength that could dig a deep hole in the asphalt road, and flew into the sky without magic. The huge body that was ejected from the ground was approaching at a speed faster than the flying magic.

Is there any other way...!

I must never lose—Mio thought anxiously. Of course, this is a group battle; even if he loses, as long as the other members can win, it is also a victory for Mio.


I promised my brother that I would never lose. Moreover, if I lose, I have to rely on their help... In the future, no matter how much I want to be with my brother and everyone, I can't raise my head by their side.

At the urging of anxiety, the thought of liberating Wilbert's power flashed through Mio's mind. However--

Never do that!

As Domio declared to Leohart, it was her own battle. Once Wilbert's power is used here, it means that this is a decisive battle between the moderate faction and the current demon king — the former demon king and the current demon king. Everyone is willing to give their strength to help Mio free from the fate of the devil's daughter and the **** of the devil's world...and it's a gamble to accompany her.

Mio must not spoil their hearts.

Brother Hantian...!

Facing the approaching giant heroic spirit, Mio recalled the boy who was more important to her than anyone else.

Late last night, Mu Hantian slipped out of the guest house alone and never came back.

When you act alone in the enemy line and are discovered by the opponent, you don't have to think about it and know what the consequences will be. Mio worried that Mu Hantian was taking too much risk, and begged him to bring one of them with him; but Mu Hantian insisted on acting alone until the end, not giving a single step.

"For this final battle, there is one thing I have to do no matter what."

That's all Mu Hantian said, and he left a sentence, "I try to come back before dawn" and acted at night - as a result, it was gone forever.

Even though the sun was rising—the duel had begun, there was no one to be seen.

With his power, there can be no danger, and Naruse Mio has always believed in this.

Mu Hantian had also explained in advance what Mio should do if he didn't come back.

With Mu Hantian as the main commander and Mio as the striker, it was all arranged. So——he will be no exception this time, he will definitely come back.

Mio firmly believed in this.

If Mu Hantian came back, what awaited him was the bad news of his defeat——

"To lose such a big face, how am I going to see him in the future...! And..."

As long as you wake up, you don't have to go down here, you can live an ordinary life with everyone, so... even if you use that power... it doesn't matter!

Mio shouted loudly, releasing the power in her body. When the Heroic Spirit caught up with Mio in the air and threw a fist, Luca believed that he had the chance to win.

This will kill her.

In the face of the attack driven by the mass and muscle strength of the Heroic Spirit, Mio's protective wall was like a piece of paper. Even if she had a way to dodge the first blow, the heroic spirits would just keep attacking until the winner was decided.

Sooner or later, there will be times when Mio can't dodge or can't defend. Even if she suffers a counterattack, Luca's heroic spirit can instantly repair the damage - although she uses the power inherited from Wilbert and crushes it into flesh with gravity magic. It's the same; and when Mio switches from defense to attack, the flaws will cause Heroic Spirit to turn her into pieces of meat.

if possible.

Luca personally hoped that Mio would surrender voluntarily before that. Leohart really wanted Mio's power, but he didn't have to kill her. Although Leohart declared to the outside world that Wilbert's only daughter had inherited her father's power, she was a great threat that could not be ignored; and his real purpose was to gain the power of the former Demon King, who was known as the strongest, as a way to fight. to the trump card of the Cardinal. Once it succeeds, it will unify the Demon World by absorbing the Moderates.

In order to achieve the latter, Mio must survive. Therefore, Leohart replaced Zorki immediately after he ignored the mission and committed the killer, and chose Russ, who was sent undercover by Robustness, as the new monitor and guard to ensure her safety. Even doing so would greatly increase the risk that the moderate faction would usher Mio into the Demon World and elect her as the new Demon King. When Leohart received orders from the Cardinal and had to attack Verda with a heroic spirit, he still asked Galdo to capture Mio as much as possible. This is because of Leohart himself——Mio was living a happy life in the human world, but he lost his parents because he was the daughter of the former Demon King, and he was on the road of revenge.

Still, Luca couldn't put water in front of the Cardinals. Having come this far, we can't easily give excuses to the Cardinal to find fault.

So—— Luka did not restrict Heroic Spirits.

At this moment, Heroic Spirit also threw a right fist that was enough to smash Mio to ashes.


At this moment, Luca uttered a questioning voice in astonishment.

Just before Heroic Spirit's huge right punch hit Mio——from the face of the fist to the elbow, the entire lower arm disappeared in an instant.

"That is……"

In the image that reflected the inside of the battle space, Naruse Mio's body was radiating a red aura.

"how come?"

Although the heroic spirit began to regenerate immediately, the speed was completely unable to keep up... The heroic spirit did not have time to repair its body, as if it was corroded by the red wave emitted by Mio, it gradually evaporated and disappeared.

The Heroic Spirit immediately threw another punch, but it couldn't touch Mio either, and disappeared as if evaporating in front of her. The right foot that was kicked in succession suffered the same fate. The huge hero lost its balance and crashed into the city with a bang.

"The body and self-healing ability of the heroic spirit were both evaporated by her...?"

When Luca whispered in shock at the scene, Mio slowly landed in front of Heroic Spirit.

Mio chose not to use Wilbert's gravity magic when she was in a desperate situation. It's the power that you have in yourself.

The red aura surrounding Mio caused the space around her to shake.

"I know you have to win for some goals too..."

Mio stretched out his right hand towards the huge heroic spirit in front of him, and said to Luca, who must have been watching the broadcast of the battle space in the arena, "But unfortunately - I'm going back to see him with my chest up!"

At the same time, the red wave released by Mio swept across the Heroic Spirit from head to toe—destroying that huge body without a trace.

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