Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1041: unforgivable


In an instant, Nonaka Walnut's eyes widened. Just before the electric light traveling against the sky hit the Pegasus, Adomiles' scythe simply swung downward, and like a lightning rod, the lightning changed its course and hit the scythe. However, Adomileus was not harmed by this; the lightning bolts cast by the walnut accumulated within the scythe, causing its blade to glow pale.

"I can't afford a big gift."

Adomiles smiled and swung the giant scythe at the walnut—at the same time, amidst the violent thunder, lightning that had been multiplied by several times poured down on the walnut.

Walnut hurriedly set up a wall. Lightning immediately hit the wall that had been installed at the last minute, causing a violent explosion that completely dyed her surroundings white. Although the lightning strike was blocked, the dazzling electric light still burned the eye of the walnut.


With her eyes closed and her face wrinkled, Walnut is anxious to restore her vision, but—

"too slow!"

When Adomiles' voice appeared in front of her, her whole body was smashed into the air.

"Ah ah ah ah ah…!"

Nonaka Walnut's thin body bounced on the left and right rock walls several times, falling a little every time it hit, and finally fell to the ground, raising dust and smoke.

"Um...ah...uh, uh...!"

The skeleton of the whole body seemed to be dismantled in severe pain, causing Hu Tao to look up with a twisted expression.

She saw Adomiles on a Pegasus approaching her slowly.

Nonaka Walnut understood what had happened to him. At the moment when the electric light robbed her of her vision, Adomiles immediately shortened the distance and rammed her with his Pegasus.

Probably started when the lightning was released.

Miscalculation...I didn't expect him to do it!

The tactics were used against him, so that he could only subconsciously set up a wall, which was entirely his fault.

The walnut, who gritted his teeth with remorse, found something on the ground in front of him.

It was Mu Hantian's uniform button given to her by Adomiles before the battle.

Big brother…!


Even though Adomiles was close at hand, Hu Tao still desperately stretched out his left hand and barely grabbed Mu Hantian's button - but that hand was stomped down by Pegasus' front feet, and even the hard ground underneath was "scumbag" "It cracked with a sound.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The pain was so painful that Hu Tao leaned up and raised his head, and a shrill scream came out of his mouth.

"It's really nerve-racking, how can you design me... Didn't I ask you to lose a little more beautifully?"

Adomiles said in a volume that only walnuts could hear: "But you made the battle a little more exciting by doing this. Then, I also have to arrange a not inferior ending - I will definitely kill you. "

The scythe was raised high with a cruel smile.

The rules state that you must not attack a surrendering opponent.

But the walnut had not surrendered; and Adomileus must have slashed her head with that scythe much faster than she could have called to surrender. Although Hu Tao does not like to increase the burden on others in order to save themselves, they have made an agreement in advance that if they encounter a situation that will definitely kill them, they will surrender immediately - they absolutely want everyone to go back alive.

But Adomiles did not give Walnut the option of surrendering.

"Thank you for dancing a happy dance with me... Little brave little sister."

The scythe of Adomileus slanted down toward the neck of the walnut.

Just like this, Hu Tao was decapitated and lost her young life—as it should have been.

The next moment, the sharp metal crash of "Keng...!" sounded out of nowhere.

Cutting off the head of a flying walnut will not make such a hard sound.

The dead walnut slowly opened his closed eyes. In her vision distorted by the pain, there was an object placed beside her protecting her—an obsidian wall.

The one who rushed to the front of the walnut and opened the wall to block Adomiles' powerful slash effortlessly was a beautiful brown-skinned female demon named Zest.

Seeing Zest's back like her sister, Hu Tao knew that she had been saved; so she slowly closed her eyes again and relaxed her whole body.

passed out.

"Oh?...What are you doing?" Adomiles on horseback asked with a smile.

"The outcome has been decided." Jest whispered the truth.

The condition of the walnuts can no longer be fought.

"I don't think so - since she hasn't surrendered, the fight will continue."

"Then I will declare Miss Walnut's defeat as a moderate representative, so that's all it takes?"

Jest, in place of Walnut, surrendered to the joking Adomiles.

"But the rules..."

When Adomileus still had something to say—

"Yes, I accept the surrender of the Moderates."

Cardinal Madonis' voice sounded in the battle space... The battle space was lifted at the same time, and the arena returned to its original state. Zest was relieved to save the life of the walnut, but...

"But—even to save your comrade, you still intervened in this duel before the outcome was decided. I can't turn a blind eye to such a brutal act that insults the noble spirit of the duel."

Amidst the overwhelming echoes of the arena audience, Zest couldn't defend herself with a single word.

"It wasn't that girl named Walnut Nonaka who committed the foul—it was Zest yourself."

Madonis said with a smile: "So from my point of view, in the fourth game you are sentenced to play, it is most fair to automatically lose due to a foul by the moderate...I wonder what you think?"

Zest bit her lip reluctantly. Even if he is full of dissatisfaction, his major violation is indeed a fact. Continuing to resist will only make his position worse, and if it is not done, it will put Hu Tao in a dangerous situation again.

"I understand."

After Zest accepted the penalty of losing without a fight, there was another commotion in the arena.

In spite of the malicious cheers, Zest picked up the walnut and walked down the ring; after entering the passage leading to the lounge, after walking for a while, she saw someone standing in front.

That was the fifth fighter after Zest, Yuki. Seeing her appear, Zest lowered her eyes and said, "I'm sorry... I can't help it."

Including Zest's undefeated defeat, the Moderates have already lost three straight. Perhaps, I should seek the opinions of Yuki or Mio and other companions before proceeding. Although this battle took the form of a one-on-one duel, in essence it was still a decisive battle between the two major forces in the Demon World. Even if everyone agreed to do their best to return safely together, but duel is inherently a matter of death at any time, Hu Tao must have this awareness in his heart.

However, Zest couldn't hold back. Hu Tao, who couldn't bear to love him like a sister, died in vain before his eyes.

"How's the walnut?"

Hearing Sophie asking so softly, Zest held the walnut in her arms to her. I saw the walnut scarred, but the breathing is still stable.

"She's least not life-threatening."

"Thank you for saving the walnut."

"You're welcome…"

When Zest briefly answered Yuki, who looked slightly relaxed—

Something fell out of Walnut's hand, knocked on the slate floor with a crisp sound, and rolled aside. Taking a closer look, it was Mu Hantian's uniform buttons of the Shengzaka Academy.

Why does Miss Walnut have such a thing?

In front of Zest, who had such doubts, the button drew a circle and stopped. Yuki squatted down instead of Zest, who was holding the walnut in both hands, and reached out to pick it up—I didn't expect that the button could not maintain its shape and fell into fine powder without even touching it.

Seeing this scene—Zest immediately understood everything. Why Walnut's performance was bleak, and what tricks Adomileus' minions of the Cardinal had used against her, were all clear.


Zest gnashed her teeth with uncontrollable anger... Turning to the ring, she followed the same path in order to correct Adomiles' filthy behavior—but she failed to step out. Jest didn't stop voluntarily. A hand pressed lightly on her right shoulder, as if trying to pull her. In general—her anger was never quenched by this level of restraint, and it was easy to shake it off.

But—Jest couldn't do it. Because of the breath of the girl standing beside her with her hand lightly on her right shoulder, it was so cold that it almost froze her.

The beloved younger sister, who attached great importance to Mu Hantian, Jest and other companions, was used and trampled to pieces.

The unforgivable anger instantly turned into an absolutely zero-degree icy murderous aura.

"I'll leave it to you, Hu Tao. I'm sure he will come back."

Yuki stared at the other side of the dark passage—the arena for the decisive battle, and after saying so lightly, she left behind Zest, who was holding the walnut, and moved forward slowly.

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