Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1042: The decisive battle

Located at the highest point of the ancient arena, in a special viewing room overlooking the ring.

Adomieles came here and reported that he had lived up to the expectations of victory; all the cardinals smiled and cheered at him.

"Oh, it's beautiful to win... As expected of the number one confidant of Lord Madonis."

"That's right. Not only did he win the next battle, but he also fouled the opponent in the next battle according to the plan. He really has a hand."

Everyone praised his subordinate Adomiles in front of his master Madonis.

"Adomiles is deeply honored to be loved by all of you. Since that girl will definitely lose, I just need to think about it and find a way to win that will make you happier."

The praised Adomiles said with a smile: "Take advantage of the absence of Xun Dongcheng's son a little bit, saying that we took him as a hostage, and she was scared and obedient. It's so cute."

"In order to lure the other party to intervene in the foul and let them lose without a fight, I feel a little sorry for not being able to kill that girl... Since the victory is ours in the end, I really want to kill that desperate girl with my own hands."

Adomieles said this to the other members of the Cardinal Council, and walked slowly to his master, Madonis.

"Well done, Adomiles."

Admired by Madonis, who frowned with laughter, Adomiles bowed respectfully.

Madonis was overwhelmed with contentment for this subordinate, and thought—

In these four battles, a total of three wins and one defeat.

Two of the victories were done by the Cardinal—and they were all arranged by Madonis' subordinate Adomiles. This credit will undoubtedly be exclusively owned by Madonis, and will not be summed up in the word 'Cardinal'.

Leohart's subordinates lost a game, a happy miscalculation. If it weren't for the Cardinal's two victories, they are now only tied with the Moderates; this fact will reduce Leohart's cohesion and let the public re-understand the importance of the Cardinal. At this time-

"Great... This way, we can keep 'that thing' as planned."

Madonis was even more satisfied with what other cardinals said. In this way, let alone the moderates, even Leohart would never see the treasure that he planned. This will have a major impact in the future.

Now that Belphegor is absent, Madonis is in charge of the project. If it can be successfully completed, its status in the Cardinal will skyrocket.

Just wait and see!

Madonis didn't want to be subordinated to Belphegor forever as No. 2 in the Cardinals. We must use this decisive battle to clean up the moderate faction and Leohart and his cronies; and then use this achievement as a weapon to investigate Belphegor's appointment of Leohart as the Demon King, and his obsession with indulging in this crucial decisive battle. The responsibility of being female and absent forced him to retire, and in the future, Madonis will be the one who unites the demon world.

When Madonis snickered at his ambitions—

"By the way, where did that Xun Dongcheng's son go?"

Before he knew it, the topic of the members of the Cardinal House had shifted to Mu Hantian's whereabouts.

Not only the prudent faction, the Cardinal couldn't find out where Mu Hantian was, and Leohart couldn't get any clues, and his whereabouts were completely unknown.

"It would be funny if you ran away with your tail tucked in, but there shouldn't be such a thing."

"His opponent is mostly Leohart. Even if he can easily defeat Galdo, but facing Leohart, I think he is still not an opponent. If he has self-awareness, he might be hiding somewhere. place, for the final reckoning of his secret tactics."

"It makes sense, it is indeed very possible."

"In any case, it was just his last struggle... No, it should be said that it was a complete waste of effort."

"Yes, that's it."

Everyone said your words to me, smiling from ear to ear—

Only Adomiles opened the door with a stern face, checking the movement in the corridor outside the viewing room.

"what's wrong?"

The sudden action of his subordinates caused Madonis to question him.

"It's nothing, please don't mind... It seems that I'm just being over-hearted."

After saying that, Adomiles gently closed the door.

In the silent hallway.

"I can't stand it... It's all a conspiracy to talk about, and it's really fun to chat."

Suddenly appearing from the void was Balfreya, who was instructed to investigate the movement of the Cardinal.

Is it unsurprising to say that the Cardinal did have an intention. The most interesting of them is-

"That's 'being able to keep that thing,' doesn't it?"

Balfreya stepped down the corridor, thinking about the conversation he had heard. From the tone of voice, it is probably the cardinal's killer... but there are too few clues to guess. As far as what is currently possible, it may be the decisive special ability retained by Adomiles——

" the representative of the fourth battle."

The list of members selected by the Cardinal did not reveal a word to Leohart's side at all. There was no way of knowing what kind of people the Cardinal was looking for until they came to power.

"Just in case, it's better to check the situation again..."

Since the fourth battle is won without a fight, if it is ignored, the identity of the representative of the fourth battle will become a mystery. Continuing the decisive battle with such uncertain factors is not guaranteed not to become a fatal aftermath in a critical juncture.

The lounge of the representatives of the Cardinal Council, remember that it is located on the south side.

While thinking so, the arena suddenly burst into thunderous cheers, causing Balfreya to stop and observe the arena from the window that was simply dug a hole in the wall. I saw that the fifth representative of the moderate faction had already taken office, and the fifth representative of the Cardinal had just appeared from the passage.

The one sent by the moderate faction was a girl from the brave clan... the older sister of the girl who lost to Adomiles. the other side--

"That's--Lord Benares's subordinate."

A tall and burly Demon Race stepped onto the ring at the other side of Balfrea's line of sight, who was whispering like this.


Yuki Nonaka frowned when she saw her opponent.

The opponent had arms thicker than the trunk of a tree, and a tall body so strong that there was no room for doubt.

But that's no surprise. Although it is a body shape that humans do not have, there are even more weird ones among the demons.

What aroused Yuxi's doubts was that she had seen the appearance of the demon; and that demon had already died in front of Yuxi.

At this time, the tall demon squirmed his fat lips and asked Yuxi in the same familiar voice: "You are a brave family. Look at your appearance... The people who killed my elder brother are you, right?"

"Big brother?"

"Yeah, the one you killed before is my eldest brother."

Seeing Yuxi's frown even deeper, the big demon man laughed and said, "Don't get me wrong... I don't hate you. That guy only has a physique similar to mine, and is actually a three-legged cat with only one mouth; don't Compare me, Lord Volga, to that kind of guy."

Yuki just answered Volga in silence. At this point, "Sakuya" appeared, quietly waiting for the signal to start the battle. but--

"You're not a cute woman. Could it be that she was too embarrassed to speak when she saw her sister lost so badly? Huh?"

This mockery made Yuki's shoulders tremble, and she still stared at Volgar with icy cold eyes without saying a word.

"What are you still have a bit of an expression."

Under Yuxi's gaze, Volga laughed and said, "I don't want to fight such a boring and rotten battle as Adomiles... Since you are the elder sister of that trash kid, I will tell you a little secret, let You'd better put in a little more effort."

After he finished speaking, he spread his stout right hand upwards and stretched it out towards Yuxi.

Yuki opened her eyes. Because she saw Volgar create a small tornado-like wave of magic in the palm of her hand - and then make something.

It is Mu Hantian's uniform button. That should be the ability to convert magic into matter.

To Yuki, the principle of that ability doesn't matter. The problem is that the basis for Adomiles' despicable tricks to deceive Walnut comes from Volgar.

"You see, this uncle is rough and fine... How about it? It's very similar, right? It's easy to deceive a simple kid."


To the smirking Volga, Yuki only said these two words. Finally got it - totally got it. Although it was Adomiles who actually hurt the walnut like that, the reason was from the Demon Race in front of him. These provocations were too rough for Yuki...and didn't disturb Yuki's mood.

However, the truth of what Volga said, and his insult to Walnut—all were engraved in Yuki’s heart.


Seeing that Yuxi was just standing and not speaking, Volga smashed the button he copied in an uninteresting way, and sprinkled the fine sand-like wreckage into the air—and then, the moment came.

Before each duel, it only started after setting up a fighting space suitable for both duelists.

But this time is different. As if this arena was suitable for Yuxi and Volga to fight, the space did not switch, and the gong announcing the start of the battle had already sounded.

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