Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1043: Instant kill

Yuki Nonaka was completely unmoved by the abnormal situation like a sneak attack and left immediately. Stomping on the arena floor and sprinting straight towards Vulgar.

In Volgar's eyes, the girl of the brave clan charged forward like a bullet. She is ignoring this abnormal situation and intends to preempt it.

"Ha, how naive...!"

However, this kind of thing has long been expected by Volga. so--

"Oh, ah, ah, ah ...!"

Volga roared at Yuuki who was attacking in a straight line, exerting strength all over his body, and the suddenly swelled tall body was covered with purple light spots—the next moment, his appearance completely changed.

The whole body is covered with an armament transformed by its own magical power, shaped like the armor of the tenacious monster Behemoth.

This is the reason why Vulgar can ridicule his elder brother Vulgar as a scumbag - 'Spiritual Dress'.

Varga's physical abilities, such as arm strength, leg strength, physical strength, and defense power, have been greatly improved, and he has a huge long-handled battle axe.

When Vulgar raised his weapon, Yuki had already rushed to his chest and started a continuous movement of horizontal slashes - but Vulgar didn't care.

Putting on this spirit and demon outfit is his most complete defensive posture.

Yuki pulled out the spirit sword like a sword technique and turned it into a slash.


Volgar swung down his axe violently as a counterattack.

What followed was a roar and vibration that shook the entire arena.

Vulgar split the ring with one blow, so Yuki could not be seen in the impact; not only that, Vulgar himself could not even feel his body being cut.

It seems that this counterattack scared her to temporarily hesitate whether to attack or avoid it. As a result, this hesitation made her attacked.

"Ha...I was beaten to ashes in one fell swoop? It's too weak!"

When the sarcastic Volgar was about to lift the axe that split the ring——

"Oh... oops."

I don't know why I fell forward, and quickly stepped on my feet to support it.

But——Valgar still held the axe and fell forward.

"Ah? What's the matter..."

It's been a long time since the last time I put on the spirit and magic outfit, and it may be the first time to swing the axe with all my strength in this state. Could it be that he was so excited that he pushed too hard and numb his feet.

This thought made Volga turn back subconsciously and look at his lower body.


Then frowned. Volgar's lower body was still standing, and his waist and legs were standing steadily. Despite this, Volgar continued to fall - the two situations were contradictory. As if the upper body and lower body are not connected together.

Then Volgar saw——on the other end of his lower body where he was still standing.

There was a girl with her back to him, holding a spirit saber, standing silently.

Volgar wanted to fight even though his tall body was cut horizontally in two, and his upper body struggled constantly; however, the massive bleeding quickly made him unconscious and never moved again.


" can this guy die more easily than his scumbag big brother."

Volgar was so vulnerable that Lars in the lounge gave a wry smile.

On the screen, when Yuxi pulled the spirit saber back into its sheath with a 'knock', the ring that was smashed by Volga's axe was restored in an instant. It seems that it is not that the battle space has not been switched, but that the entire arena is directly copied.

Then, Yuxi stepped off the stage like this, without even looking at Volga on the ground.

Yuxi's anger at Walnut's bullying by Adomiles still seemed to have not subsided, and the momentum was so overwhelming that the arena audience did not dare to say a word.

When the waiting staff put Volga on the cart and sent him away, Lars looked away from the picture of Yuxi stepping into the passage and returning to the Moderate's lounge, and asked, "So, what do we do now? , Leohart?"

Leohart answered Lars with heavy silence. The defeat of Volga, who was recommended by the Cardinal, did not make him feel any resentment... Because the representative of the sixth battle, his aide-de-camp, Balfreya, went to investigate the situation of the Cardinal, and has not yet returned.

"If you don't prepare to appear, it will be troublesome. Can you find anyone with communication magic?"

"Yeah, I can't feel the reaction of Balfreya's spirit son."

This means that let alone a call, it is impossible to even establish a channel with him.

Balfreya is Leohart's number one loyal minister, and it is unlikely that he would hide at this time, so the most likely situation is—

"Following Mu Hantian, even Balfreya has disappeared... Could it be that they were both captured by the Cardinal?"

"I hate to think that way, but it's not impossible."

Lass sighed and said to Leohart, who was still dignified: "I can't stand it... If you don't deal with it quickly, you will have to give the Cardinal an excuse to find fault."

"But - we don't have anyone else to play right now."

If Balfreya is absent, the Cardinal will definitely send its subordinates to fight on his behalf. At present, Russ has one victory and Luca has one defeat. Although the Cardinal has recorded a defeat because of Volgar, Adomiles defeated Walnut and then made Zest foul and defeated, and they won two wins in total.

Under this unfavorable record, if even Balfreya’s vacancy is filled by the Cardinal and wins—then even if Leohart wins the duel, three of the current Demon Lord faction’s five victories will be with the Cardinal. 's achievements.

In other words, the Cardinal finally won a substantial victory.

"Then—you wouldn't just want to stare here, would you?"

Lars frowned. The young Demon King shook his head and stood up.

"How is that possible. I don't want to let the Cardinals go further."

"Even if none of us can play -- there's a way to stop them," Leohart said.


"Abstain from...?"

Mio couldn't help frowning when she heard the convention broadcast in the Moderate-style lounge.

The current Demon Lord faction voluntarily gave up the sixth round of the lieutenant battle.

what happened?

Is there a problem there, or is there another trap... In any case, the sixth battle that Lucia was scheduled to play was won by the moderate faction, and the two sides formed a tie with three wins and three losses.

It is up to the final master to fight to the end.

Except Maria lost to Takigawa simply because of her strength. After the opponent used despicable means to use Mu Hantian's absence to design tricks, which led to the defeat of Hu Tao and the penalty of Jest's foul, the number of victories could still be tied with the opponent. Call it the best result.


Naruse Mio still frowned - because Mu Hantian hadn't come back yet.

Although it was unpleasant that the war progressed faster than expected, but that was not a reason. At this moment, Mio heard the unprecedented grand cheers erupt from the arena.

On the image projected on the wall, Leohart was already on the ring.

"What should I do... if this goes on like this... this time, the moderate faction will be defeated without a fight, which also means that the moderate faction will be defeated in this battle.

While Mio was mumbling anxiously, someone entered the lounge.

It's Geng Xizi. Because the sixth game won without a fight, she came back without playing.

Along with her was Lucia.

Seeing that there was only Mio in the lounge, Lucia said, "It seems that Mr. Hantian hasn't come back yet... Then, this match will be played by Mr. Ramsas, right?"

"Miss Lucia, please wait a little longer... Now—"

It's too early to say that Mu Hantian won't appear—before Mio said that, the arena projected by the projection device had begun to transform into a battle space. Perhaps at the time of the equal battle between the two sides, it is necessary to choose a veritable battlefield for the decisive battle between the Moderate faction and the current Demon Lord faction. The battle space gradually changed into an ancient city——

"This time, it is really necessary for Lord Ramthas to play."

"What's the meaning?"

Rukia, who narrowed her eyes, replied to Mio, "That is the royal city of the third-generation demon king Lezonas, the ancient city of Rada. As the descendant of the first-generation demon king, Lezonas ascended the throne after defeating the second-generation demon king. Becoming a new demon king... This ancient capital was the battlefield at that time. Now it is protected by high-level magic due to its high historical value, and only people with demon king blood can enter. Since the battle space is a replica of a simulated nature, treat it as reserved Given the local characteristics, it should be more secure.”

"Oh my god...that's not to say..."

Rukia's explanation made Mio stare blankly at the screen.

In this way, even if Mu Hantian arrives——he will not be able to stand in the ring and fight Leohart.

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