Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1044: decisive battle

In the ancient city replicated by the battle space.

Leohart, standing at the top of the high-rise building in the center, waited silently.

This building was the royal city chosen by Lezonas as the third generation of the Demon Queen.

Before the battle opponent appeared, the arena was transformed into an ancient capital that only the descendants of the Demon King could enter, which meant that Leohart's opponent would only be Ramthas.

At least none of the remaining members of the moderate faction can stand on this arena.

In the end, Mu Hantian still did not appear.

Despite a little regret, Leohart still accepted fate's tricks.

After Balfreya went to investigate the situation of the Cardinal, it didn't take long for the news to stop.

From this, it can be speculated that Mu Hantian is likely to be imprisoned by them.

So be it!

The situation that finally resulted was actually not bad for Leohart. Not only was Ramthas able to destroy the high-level heroic spirit of Nebra with one blow, but he was also Wilbert's brother, and was qualified to be the trump card for the final duel between the current Demon Lord faction and the Moderate faction.

Leohart actually wanted to defeat Mio, who had inherited Wilbert's blood and power, and cut off the dead souls who had passed away—the shadow of the previous Demon King, who was known as the strongest in history, and declared to the world that he was the current Demon King; however, When the opponent deliberately avoided fighting against Mio, it would be too greedy to expect such a thing.

Soon, he will be able to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Leohart closed his eyes as if to suppress his floating emotions, waiting for his opponent to come.

Ten seconds later—with a sharp screeching sound, the surrounding space shook slightly.

Leohart slowly opened his eyes, and on the other side of the downward projection - the top of the high-rise building on the opposite side of the street, I don't know when another young man looked up at him silently, holding a white holy sword in his hand. . No need to explain who is coming.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be able to come in!"

After whispering softly, Leohart also showed the magic sword Loki in his hand and declared:

"Let's fight."

"Ah! I'm also very embarrassed for making you wait for a long time. Should I say it's the devil world? You can't walk around, but then... let me pay back the courtesy!"

After that, the two never needed any words again.

The signal for war sounded.

But this time is not the gong of the past.

The bells of the ancient city chimed at the same time.

Could that be the bell that blesses the imminent birth of the new order of the demon world?

Both sides stepped on the roof at the same time.

From this, he leaped to the front space, held the middle sword tightly, and swept out a full-strength slash.

Mu Hantian, and the current Demon King Leohart, bet all of his blows, and sparked violent sparks at this moment.


The ancient city of Rada, ruled by the third-generation Demon Lord Lezonas.

In the space simulated by the royal capital, which was a turning point in the history of the Demon World, a certain sound kept bursting out.

From the sharp fencing storm that rang continuously, and the shock and vibration that shook the atmosphere from time to time.

It was the sound of battle that described how intense the battle was.

The source of the sound is not fixed in one place, and it is constantly moving without a break. At the source of the sound, there were two silhouettes stepping over the roofs and eaves of the historic buildings, like two gusts of wind, staggering in the air one after another. One is a human boy wielding a pure white holy sword, and the other is a demon youth who slashes the pitch-black demon sword—Mu Hantian and the current demon king Leohart.

The two who fought with all their might on the first blow made full use of the entire space for a high-speed battle.

so fast!

Even though Leohart was also exposed to the speed that seemed to turn into wind, he still sighed at the speed of his opponent.

Leohart had fought against countless brave men in the previous war, and he had also met Balfreya, Lars, the Eight Demons and many other partners with outstanding combat power; but to be honest, I don't remember any one that could achieve such a speed.

Mu Hantian accelerated and jumped in front of the wide road where the eaves were no longer continuous, and Leohart jumped with his legs to make up for it. I saw Mu Hantian twisting his waist in the air, twisting his feet to change direction, facing Leohart who was chasing after him and landed on the eaves, slid away a lot of red tiles, and then jumped to Leohart.

Leohart slashed as he prepared to land on the ground. That was not to resist Mu Hantian's sword that was slashing to the upper right, but to forcibly repel it.

Immediately afterward, Leohart used the contact point of the blades as support to use the reciprocal force of the mutual strikes to pass over Mu Hantian's head in the sound of fencing each other; after a front flip, he chose to land on the top of the adjacent building... But instead of falling straight down, he slashed his sword, the magic sword 'Loki', backwards in the air.

The next moment was a metallic sound of pushing each other. When Mu Hantian saw Leohart jumping up, he instantly turned around and slashed. Leohart's sword was for this blow. The moment he finally landed, the battle turned into a close-range slash without a chance to breathe.

Mu Hantian moved at high speed in the space within a few steps around Leohart and kept attacking, while Leohart was on the spot with his sword blocking. Countless fencing sounds gradually surrounded him in all directions.

Not long after the incessant slashing sound started, something happened in front of Leohart's eyes.

The number of Mu Hantian who slashed with his sword increased.


That is a critical phenomenon caused by repeated short-distance high-speed movements.

In front of Leohart's eyes, there was an afterimage of Mu Hantian moving at a high speed.


The battle between Mu Hantian and Leohart finally begins.

Far away in the moderate faction's stronghold, Verda City, the real-time battle situation was also broadcast.

Leohart believes that the Moderate faction has the right to watch the battle of their representatives, to know where the results of the battle will lead to the Demon World, and to allow the projection device that broadcasts the battle to send magic waves to Velda; , after adjusting the magic power fluctuations of the projection devices on both sides to the same frequency, you can watch the battle with zero time difference.

Klaus and many others were watching the evolution of the battle with breathless eyes in various corners of the hall or their own rooms; however, someone in the atrium of the city of Verda set up a hammock among the trees planted in it, and put a pocket book. Cover your face as a blindfold, lie on the Internet and doze off leisurely.

It was none other than Dongcheng Xun. Fio, the current Demon King sent young soldier who was brought to this city by him, walked up to him and asked in disbelief: "Hey, his duel with His Majesty Leohart has begun, don't you watch?"

Xun Xian replied "No", took the book off his face and said, "It's all at a time like this, there's no need to read any more..."

"Isn't it necessary? There are three wins and three losses now. The result of this battle will determine the future of the demon world?"

"Hmph, the result is already doomed. The one who will fail must be Leohart!"

"You have so much confidence in him?"

"Of course, after all, even I'm not his opponent!"

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