Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1063: dating (2)

Here, there are modes of movement such as buses, taxis or rental cars. After asking Hasegawa for her opinion, she chose a taxi.

"Although recently rented cars are equipped with navigation systems, it is almost impossible to get lost, but the fate of tourist areas is that there will be traffic jams on weekends and holidays."

When time is limited, taxis can use small roads to quickly reach their destination when encountering traffic jams; when the parking lot closest to the destination is full, they can also wait a little farther; in addition, the driver may also provide private information that is not in the travel guide. The knowledge and experience of local taxi drivers can be said to be the best weapon for navigating tourist areas.

"As long as the budget allows, you can directly book a taxi by paying by the hour. You don't have to worry about a lot of trivial matters, and you can fully enjoy the fun of watching."

So Mu Hantian also agreed with Chang Guchuan's choice, took the taxi waiting in front of the station and said that he would take the taxi until the evening. Under the leadership of Chang Guchuan, Mu Hantian began to tour the sightseeing spots.

The two used the morning time to enjoy the natural beauty of the large lake in the west and its surrounding giant waterfalls. In such a winter, on this lonely lake with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, the ripples caused by the surrounding falling winds, and the droplets of the waterfall on the branches of the lake, all freeze into ice crystal art chandeliers, creating a beautiful atmosphere. A space like a dream.

The taxi driver they took was an elderly male. After hearing where they wanted to go, they drove people to this winter -- and it's a stunning sight that's especially beautiful today.

"So beautiful……"

Hasegawa, who hooked up to Mu Hantian, murmured intoxicated, and Mu Hantian, who was looking at the same place as her, nodded, unable to take his eyes away from the beautiful scenery in front of him.

"Two guests, do you need me to take a photo for you?"

Halfway through, the driver suddenly made this suggestion. I believe he has left loving memories for the couples he brought here for a long time. At this time, Chang Guchuan asked Mu Hantian what he meant:

"Hantian, shall we accept the kindness of others?"

"Okay, ask him to take a picture."

Seeing Mu Hantian smiling and nodding, Hasegawa happily took his mobile phone and switched it to camera mode and handed it to the driver, returning to Mu Hantian.

"Thank you... Han Tian."

He thanked him in a low volume that only Mu Hantian could hear.

So, Mu Hantian also put his hand on Hasegawa's shoulder as if returning a salute, and gave him a hard hug.

Hasegawa was startled, looked at Mu Hantian blankly, and then leaned his face on his chest with a moved face, cuddling with him——

"Okay, I'm going to shoot."

Together they smiled at the driver who said so. After taking the photo and returning it to the original owner's mobile phone, Mu Hantian and Hasegawa who were just lovers no matter what they looked at were reflected.

The two of them looked at the photo together, their eyes left the screen at the same time, and their eyes met within a few minutes. Photos only record what the camera sees.

Moreover, in this photo, the expressions and atmosphere of Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan are very influential - so after that, the interaction between the two is completely different.

"Sit down."

"it is good."

When he was far away from the original range of activities, and it was difficult to be seen by acquaintances, Mu Hantian put his arms around Chang Gu Chuan's waist in the taxi, and Chang Gu Chuan also stuck to Mu Hantian.

The driver is also experienced in this regard. Seeing that the guests are very affectionate, they will not mention the scenery or attractions, and let them enjoy this time quietly in the back seat.

After arriving at the famous scenic spot, which is known as the three major waterfalls in Japan, the driver stayed in the car because there was a fee to take the elevator to the viewing platform below.

The two paid the entrance fee at the ticket office and walked to the elevator hall. On weekends, the crowd lined up in front of the two elevators. After two elevators coming and going, there was no room to swallow the people who were just in front of them... After the second elevator spit out the tourists who left the waterfall viewing platform, The two seemed to have encountered a visit fault, and the elevator only carried Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan.

Therefore, when the elevator door was closed under the watchful eyes of the staff——

"Hantian - um, chirp..."

Hasegawa, who was full of love, couldn't wait to kiss Mu Hantian, who smiled at the corner of Mu Hantian's mouth and matched Hasegawa's actions. Even in the control room, they can see clearly through the monitor, but they can't control that much now.

If circumstances permit, the two of them really want to continue; but when the elevator arrives at the waterfall viewing platform—

"Okay, it's almost there."

"Well... well, come back later."

Their lips parted reluctantly, and they got out of the elevator as if nothing had happened.

The tall waterfalls seen from the waterfall viewing platform are indeed magnificent and live up to the reputation of the three major waterfalls in Japan.

Not only was the mountain spring that poured down majestically from a height of nearly 100 meters, but this waterfall, like the lake just now, greeted them with a special appearance that can only be seen in winter.

Usually in the middle of the big waterfall, the small waterfalls lined up like a curtain of water—now in the cold winter, they have frozen into a pair of wings.

When Mu Hantian was fascinated by the magnificent blue ice sculpture carved by nature—

"That... I'm sorry, can you take a picture for us?"

Beside them, two women who were also watching the waterfall asked. Seeing that they were holding selfie sticks in their hands, most of them were worried about the crowded tourists on the stage, and they restrained themselves for fear of affecting others.

"Then I'm going to take a picture, laugh-"

After Mu Hantian reminded, he pressed the shutter displayed on the LCD screen.

To be on the safe side, Mu Hantian took a few more pictures and asked them to check the results—

"Wow, you are so good at taking pictures!"

"Really... like a professional photographer."

After being complimented by the two girls, Mu Hantian shook his head, smiled, and replied, "Thank you..."

Mu Hantian turned his head and wanted to talk to Hasegawa, but Hasegawa didn't have a smile on his face and stared at him with protesting eyes.

Those eyes were repeating in a high-profile manner what Hasegawa had told Mu Hantian to remember in the elevator of the apartment on Christmas Eve—she was also jealous.

"Ah, I'm sorry... If it's convenient, how about we take a picture for you too?"

Hearing the woman say this with regret, Hasegawa also evoked Mu Hantian's hand as if emphasizing sovereignty. After asking them to take a group photo with the waterfall as the background, the two of them took a long time to appreciate the beauty of winter makeup before taking the elevator back to the ground. Naturally, it is impossible to monopolize the elevator on the return journey, and it has to be crowded with people.

"Okay, don't be angry, come here."

Mu Hantian blocked her in the corner, but she took advantage of the situation and hugged Mu Hantian silently.

"Han Tian... During this trip, you are the only one for me."

"Okay, I know."

Mu Hantian also honestly apologized in the arms of Hasegawa who was a little emotional.

The elevator soon reached the ground. When they returned to the taxi, it was already lunch time, and the two asked the driver to recommend a restaurant; the driver, after knowing what type of food they wanted to eat and their afternoon itinerary, came to a soba restaurant that was highly praised by locals and tourists alike.

In the afternoon, it is not the magic of nature, but the works of art by craftsmen.

Shrines and temples registered as World Heritage Sites.

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