Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1064: dating (3)

The place that Mu Hantian and Hasegawa went to is the most visited area on the World Heritage List.

Although a taxi can drive into the scenic area of ​​'two shrines and one temple', Hasegawa requires the driver to go southeast first - detour to the front entrance of the hiking route, and stop in front of the vermilion-painted important cultural property wooden bridge. After explaining that the driver was waiting nearby and that he would be contacted by his mobile phone after a circle, the two walked in slowly.

In fact, Mu Hantian had a similar feeling in the taxi when he was going to and from the lake; but after stepping on the bridge, he could clearly feel that every step forward, the surrounding air became clearer.

This area was originally a land with strong spiritual power, called the "God's Domain"; when I came here, the spiritual power was much higher.

Among the world heritage sites, the first one that Mu Hantian and Hasegawa visited was a huge shrine dedicated to the gods of the famous generals who successfully unified the world during the Warring States Period.

There are not only gorgeous buildings built according to Feng Shui and Yin-Yang Dao construction methods, but also sculptures of various animals or spirit beasts, such as the famous three monkeys and sleeping cats. There is a huge dragon painted on the ceiling of a hall in the community, and hitting the bang wood directly under the dragon will cause a wonderful echo. The two stood side by side like this, watching these many tourist attractions.

Next - the two came to another shrine adjacent to this big shrine.

After a short walk along the straight pilgrimage trail lined with cedar trees, you will pass through the torii gate that is now in front of you, and you will be the grounds of the thousand-year-old shrine. After the two of them washed their mouths and hands together at the Tezumisha—

"Excuse me, can you accompany me to visit again?"

Mu Hantian nodded and agreed to Hasegawa's request. The main **** of this kind of shrine is a male **** who is also known as the "God of the Country". It is quite famous here for stories such as saving rabbits who were bullied.

"As I recall, he had a lot of kids."

The strongest claim is that he had 180 children with six wives and gods.

However, some studies suggest that he has seven wives, and even more in some literatures, so finding this commonality may not make much sense.

In addition to Mu Hantian and Changguchuan, there are many people in the territory who should be tourists, most of them are women or couples. Because this male **** sits and enjoys the blessings of all people, he is regarded as in charge of all love in this world, so he is also known as the **** of marriage.

Afterwards, Mu Hantian accompanied Chang Guchuan to the main hall, the cedar of the couple standing side by side, and the bond tree to worship.

After one round of worship——the two met a certain group.

It's a wedding. This world heritage shrine is holding a solemn wedding in front of the gods.

The groom in a hakama dress embroidered with the family crest and the bride dressed in Shirai Wugou walked forward with the guidance of the male priest and the priestess.

Two pairs of men and women who looked like the parents of the newlyweds followed.

"I'm so envious..."

Hasegawa looked at them, murmured intoxicated, leaning against Hantian.

"That's right."

Mu Hantian just said this briefly, and the hand around Chang Gu Chuan's waist tightened slightly. Watching the wedding go on for a while, the groom also noticed them—

And being fascinated by Hasegawa, he turned his head completely, and was pulled back by the ears of the sharp-eyed bride.

"Ah, since all the prayers are over, it's almost time to go."

It would be too cruel just to suffer for Hasegawa to be blindsided by accident.

"Okay, that's right... let's go."

Hasegawa seemed to be satisfied as well, and after hearing Mu Hantian's suggestion to leave, he nodded and left the shrine together.

After that, the two also wanted to go to another Buddhist temple listed as an important cultural property; but unfortunately the winter opening hours had passed, so they had to give up this trip, and returned to the parking lot to board their chartered taxi and returned to the first lake they visited.

That's not because of missing something. The destination of the two is a building standing by the lake.

"It's amazing here..."

Mu Hantian couldn't help but admire the scenery outside the taxi window.

Behind the huge welcome gate is a vast hinterland of 3,000 pings, where a super-high-end hotel run by a well-known leisure business company stands.

The female librarian dressed in kimono has lined up at the hotel entrance to greet him. When the taxi they were taking stopped, the back door opened——

"Welcome. Thank you two distinguished guests for coming from afar in the cold winter."

They bowed in unison, without the slightest difference in movements and voices.

After thanking the driver for his hard work and getting off the bus, Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan, led by the waitress, came to the sofa table group in the hall. As soon as the two sat down, another woman served fresh green matcha in an expensive teacup and colorful Japanese sweets. However, they were not here for tea. The proof is that after Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan had a few sips of tea—

"Welcome—sorry for disturbing the two of you with tea, there are some information here that I need to trouble you to fill out."

After the woman said that, she handed a leather notebook and a pen to Hasegawa.

Hasegawa also filled out his personal information with a graceful gesture.

After the woman took the book and pen returned by Hasegawa, she bowed respectfully and said, "I am very grateful. Then, please allow me to lead the two of you into the room to rest - please come this way."

Then, Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan were welcomed into the hotel. The hotel full of Japanese elegance was immersed in a thick silence, and only the footsteps of Mu Hantian and his party were heard in the tatami corridor.

Soon, the two stopped in front of a certain door. When I opened the door, I saw the most advanced six-person suite in this hotel. The space is more spacious than that of the Dongcheng House. There are one Japanese-style main room and one side room, one Western-style living room and one large bedroom, and two bathrooms, toilets and toilets.

When the two sat down on the cushioned Japanese-style chairs at the table in the main room, the woman immediately began to make tea, and after placing the teacup in front of the two of them, she pressed her hands on the tatami in a figure-eight shape, and kowtowed, saying, "Thank you again. The two of you are here today. I am the proprietress of this hotel, please give me more advice.”

At this time, Hasegawa, who was sitting across the table leisurely, asked, "What about the luggage we sent first?"

"Don't worry, the luggage has been delivered not long ago and placed there for the two of you."

Looking at the hand of the proprietress pointing to the living room, I saw the luggage that had been deposited at the station at first. This is because the two of them didn't just leave things at first - they also used the joint home delivery service to deliver their luggage to the hotel in advance.

That's right - today's trip is not a one-day return trip, Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan are going to stay here for one night.

"Sorry... Excuse me, but is today an important anniversary for the two of you?"

"Yeah, please make this really a memorable day."

Hasegawa smiled, took out an envelope bag from his clutch, and handed it to the proprietress who asked questions implicitly. Most of the stuff inside is a tip. see-

"This... I can't accept it. The accommodation fee already includes all the hotel's services, not to mention what you have given, Miss Hasegawa, is actually more than enough."

"That's another story. If you're confident enough in your service, just accept it. Just provide the best service you can."

Listening to Hasegawa calmly saying this, the proprietress was still terrified—

"Since that's the case, I'll be more respectful than obedient."

But he still took the envelope and put it in his arms, then changed his expression solemnly, and said, "Then... we will do our best to provide the highest level of hospitality according to your prior instructions."

After the proprietress said this, she introduced the facilities in the museum in detail.

"Please feel free to you two, don't be restrained."

Then he kowtowed to the ground and left the room quietly.


Mu Hantian looked around the room. Not only was it spacious, but the scenery of the lake and mountains reflecting the sunset outside the window was beyond words.

If possible, I really want to take them with me.

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