Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1065: It's a benefit

"Why do you have me, are you still thinking of other women?"

Seemingly noticing Mu Hantian's thoughts, Hasegawa put his face on the table and said mockingly, "You and Naruse Mio and the others have lived in the demon world for so long during the winter vacation, I can only miss you here alone. Of course. , you accompany me to live here for a day, and it should be reported to them that they are safe... But at other times, please think of me alone."

Mu Hantian nodded to Hasegawa, who was smiling and coquettish, and replied, "Okay."

There was still some time before dinner, so Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan decided to try the hot springs first.

There is also an open-air cypress bath in the room, but taking a bath in a large public bath or a spacious open-air hot spring is the taste of a hot spring hotel. The proprietress said that there are also yukatas in the changing room of the large bath, so the two of them left the yukatas in the room and left the room in plain clothes.

I don't know if it's because of the hotel, but the corridor is also filled with calm silence.

"See you later then."

"it is good……"

After saying goodbye, Mu Hantian and Chang Guchuan entered the men's bath and the women's bath respectively.

After passing through the curtain of the men's bath, Mu Hantian went to the dressing room to strip, locked the clothes in the locker, hung the key bracelet, opened the door and stepped into the large bath.

"It's too big."

Mu Hantian couldn't help but say that to the air. The white smoke haze, and the luxurious large public bath built with cypress wood everywhere, both the bath and the overall space, are so large that people can't help but look left and right, and the sense of openness is full. And at the other end of this astonishingly large bath, there is an open-air hot spring. but--

Are you still so empty this weekend?

To monopolize such a large space made Mu Hantian feel a little strange. Is it because the price of the hotel is high and the number of guests is small, or is it because the people who come to stay here don’t really like the large bath and prefer the bath attached to the room?

Mu Hantian was thinking about this kind of thing in the huge bathing place with strong flavor, while sitting on the low stool in the washing area by the wall to wash his body. Washing, washing, the direction of the locker room——there was a sudden movement.

It seems that there are other guests who also want to take a dip in this large bath before dinner. So Mu Hantian reassured and continued to move his hand in the bath, and soon saw the man walking into the bath.

But it turned out to be Hasegawa.


Mu Hantian was a little embarrassed at this moment, but no matter how he couldn't believe it, the person in front of him with a towel wrapped around his hair and a towel around his body was undoubtedly Hasegawa Chisato.

"It's been a long time, cold days..."

As soon as she saw Mu Hantian who was in the washing area, she stepped forward with a smile on the stagnant water.

"Why are you here, if other guests come in... Could it be..." Mu Hantian thought of something.

"You're right, these two days, we have packed this place down."

"This large bath?"

Regarding the question of Mu Hantian——

"Not only oh... I'm talking about the whole hotel."

Hasegawa seemed to take it seriously and said the reason why she was able to do that.

"I see."

Mu Hantian finally understood why. Not only the changing room or the large public bath, Mu Hantian had never seen other guests since stepping into this hotel. Also, when the proprietress left the room, she said 'please feel free'—usually, 'please have a good time' or 'please take a rest'.

But the proprietress released the power of 'arbitrary'. When Hasegawa tipped her, she said, 'You've actually given more than enough', which turned out to be no politeness or mere modesty.

Chang Guchuan came to Mu Hantian and untied his bath towel, sat naked on the low stool in the washing area beside Mu Hantian, picked up the shower head and poured water on his body.

"Hey, just do it with me here, right?" Hasegawa said charmingly.

"Okay, but it's good to vent a little, after all, we have to eat in a while."

"Yeah." Hearing Mu Hantian say that, Chang Guchuan ran into Mu Hantian's arms with a look of excitement, and the two kissed fiercely. (Please make up your own mind later.)


Since there was really no time to continue, the two managed to anneal quickly, put on the bathrobes in the dressing room, and returned to the room. Wearing a yukata and curling up his hair, Hasegawa, whose whole body was hot from the bathing and pleasure, revealed the back of his neck dyed with a faint pink—

Well, bad.

Mu Hantian, who was almost dazzled by this **** appearance, hurriedly shook his head, desperately trying to calm himself.

When we arrived at the room, it was just in time for dinner, and the waitresses were preparing the meal in the room.

One after another, the meals that make one's index finger move are lined up on the large table in the main room.

There are raw oyster pot, raw horse slice platter, stewed turtle steamed in earthen bottle, etc. The intention of the whole dish is so blatant that most men would be put off; Han Tian was not particularly surprised.

"It looks good."

"You have won the prize... Thank you two for giving the chefs of the restaurant the opportunity to show their talents."

One of the waitresses said so humbly and kowtowed deeply.

"It's a pity that the table has become a bit crowded, please forgive me..."

The number of meals is quite large, and there is almost no extra space on the table.

"Don't say that... There is no service of delivering meals to the room. You made an exception to accommodate me."

Not only that, but high-end banquet dishes like this should have been served one by one according to the meal schedule, just like a Western-style set meal.

Before long, the meal was ready.

Generally, when placing meals, they are considered from the perspective of sitting on the table; however, the dishes on the table were arranged horizontally at the request of Hasegawa. After Mu Hantian asked what his intention was, Hasegawa leaned into his ear and said sweetly, "This way, it's more convenient to feed each other, and we can get closer."

The waitresses who had completed their tasks saluted neatly and left the room, and the two began to enjoy today's dinner.

It is indeed a super-premium hotel - everything is top-quality ingredients, the workmanship is delicate and flawless, and the seasoning is also extremely elegant, whether it is a visual or taste sensation.

Although he knew that he was being rude, Mu Hantian still obeyed Hasegawa's hope, and fed her and poured Japanese sake to each other, making her happier as she ate... From time to time, he deliberately exposed his chest and asked Mu Hantian for a kiss.

While Mu Hantian was responsive to his requests, he was also relieved to see Hasegawa's happy face. After dinner, Mu Hantian moved his hips to the sofa in the living room, and then asked Hasegawa to sit on his lap, so he hugged her from behind to rest for a while, looking out the window.

"What do you think? Take a dip in the cypress pond in the room, or go back to the large bath... This time, let's go to the women's pond and have a look?" Hasegawa, who was leaning on Mu Hantian and acting like a spoiled child, turned around a little and asked.

"I'll call home first." Mu Hantian immediately dialed the home's landline number from his mobile phone, and the call was connected after a few rings.

"Hello, Master Hantian."

A respectful female voice came from the phone. She knew it was Mu Hantian, probably because she had been waiting by the phone, and the LCD panel would display the caller's number.

Mu Hantian smiled softly and said, "Jeste, I'm sorry to contact you so late... How is it over there?"

"That's it. Until a while ago, everyone was waiting for your call, but it started taking turns taking the bath not long ago, and now it's Mio-sama, Miss Keikiko, and Maria. Please wait, Miss Yuki. And Miss Walnut wants to talk to you...——Hello, Hantian?"

After only a short gap, it was replaced by Yuxi's voice, which was mixed with a little unease.

"Yuki, sorry for worrying you... Did something happen while I was away?"

"It's alright, no problem at all."

Maybe you can feel relieved when you hear Mu Hantian's voice, but Yuxi's voice on the other end of the phone is much softer.

After talking to her for a while, this time it was Hu Nuo who answered the phone. Mu Hantian also apologized to her for being late, and then told her that he had successfully checked in, and the response he got was—

"Actually, we already know from the GPS of your mobile phone that you have entered the hotel... By the way, that hotel seems to be super high-end?"

"Yeah, I also think it's a bit too extravagant..."

Mu Hantian couldn't say that it was Hasegawa's handwriting, so he could only be vague.

"It's okay to be extravagant once in a while? Maria didn't buy such a big bathtub... Especially you, you have been playing non-stop. How about your place? I heard that there is a famous dragon vein there. The air must be completely different, right?"

"Yeah, it's really a lot worse..." Mu Hantian also nodded, telling her how he felt about visiting here.

At this time, Hasegawa actually stuck out his tongue and licked back and forth on Mu Hantian's belly.

"Brother Hantian? What's wrong?"

"It's okay...don't worry about it."

While Mu Hantian hurriedly dealt with the walnuts, he cast a protesting glance at Hasegawa. There was an uneasy and kind-hearted smile on Hasegawa's face, and his tongue slowly slid from his belly to his navel—and further down.

"Hey, just joking around here, I'll do this kind of thing later."

"Who told you to call for so long." Hasegawa snorted dissatisfied, but stopped.

"Ah, wait a minute—Mio came out of the bathroom, I'll tell her."

After the walnut said so—

"Hello, Han Tian?"


"Cantian, is there a hot spring over there? Is it really amazing?"

"Yeah... It's amazing, really...!"

"I'm so envious that you can soak in the hot spring... Han Tian, ​​next time, let's all go together."

"Okay, that's right... let's go together next time..." Mu Hantian also had such a plan, so he agreed to Mio's proposal.

Mu Hantian then chatted with Maria and Geng Xizi for a while and hung up the phone.

Seeing this, Hasegawa threw Mu Hantian onto the bed. But how could a girl be on top of such a thing, so Mu Hantian turned over and threw her down.

"I have set up a barrier here, so don't worry about being disturbed."

After hearing Chang Gu Chuan's words, Mu Hantian already understood, and then... (I won't write it, ha.)

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