Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1074: reason

"long time no see."

"Huh?" The witch's words made Mu Hantian puzzled.

But the other party didn't care at all, just talking to himself.

"I haven't seen you for eight years. I really don't know where you have been all these years. If that person hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known you were back."

Greyworth's words made Mu Hantian more and more puzzled, but one thing was certain, someone knew that he would come here.

"Wait a minute, you just said... Someone knew I would come? Who?" Mu Hantian immediately asked.

"Ah, that's the man."

What Greyworth took out was a pink flower bud, she tapped it with her finger, and after the flower bud bloomed, what appeared from the inside was someone Mu Hantian didn't want to see.

"Well, my friend, don't be angry, this is just a video. What I want to tell you is very simple, the world has been ruined by me. Of course, although I didn't do it, I still have some Relationship, after all, that thing was released by me, it's just this kind of darkness, I don't know if you've seen it before."

In the picture, Yi Yi was holding a black ball in his hand. Even if it was just a picture, Mu Hantian still recognized that it was the darkness in his dream.

"I accidentally let this thing out, and I'm chasing it now, but the trouble is, a small part of it ran away, so I want to ask you. Also, I'll come to you as soon as possible, Goodbye."

After the words fell, the flowers withered like this, it is estimated that it can only be used once.

"This guy will really cause trouble. But that darkness... what is it?"

While Mu Hantian was thinking, in another place, a figure was chasing the darkness.

"The video was opened, and it looks like he's already here. But these things are really troublesome... There's no way to kill them right away... And the spread is fast... It seems that you can only find out what this thing is. The solution is."


Well, this is simple and clear (liao), that darkness is the cause of the changes in this world. So all I have to do is kill that thing.

Mu Hantian held up his hands, pacing and thinking.

"By the way, although I don't know what you're talking about, even I can feel that's terrifying." Greyworth frowned, her expression very serious.

"Indeed, so I hope you can take care of the students here, don't let them walk around, and I will take care of the rest."

"I see. But from today onwards, you are also a student here."


"That's right, I have done all the procedures for you. Don't worry."

"Don't worry, this is a girls' school!"

"This trivial matter can be solved with my authority, it's not a problem."

"Okay, I see." Although staying here would limit his movements, Mu Hantian thought that Restia would come to him later, so he could only stay here temporarily.

"Well, very good. As for your residence, live with me." Greyworth said something that made Mu Hantian vomit blood.

"It's better not to." Although it was a welfare, he had no idea what happened to this witch.

"You... have no right to refuse."


There was a crisp sound of footsteps in the corridor of the academy.

After putting on the issued uniform, Mu Hantian walked behind the swaying ponytail.

The uniform was custom-made by Greyworth. The basic color is the same as the other students, they are all white, only the lower body is different.

Underneath, of course, is not a skirt, but trousers made of sacred fabric, which are very comfortable to wear.

"The second floor of the teacher building and the student building are connected by a corridor. The restaurant is on the first floor."

The person who introduced the academy was the girl just now, Alice Frangolto.

When Mu Hantian was changing clothes, Greyworth first brought her to help lead the way.

At first, Alice's face was obviously quite dissatisfied, but perhaps because of her very serious personality, Alice didn't run away halfway along the way, and kept showing Mu Hantian to the hospital in a regular manner.

In order to allow the elves to enjoy a comfortable space, the house adopts the architectural type that conforms to the latest elves engineering, and the design is very complicated. All in all, one thing is certain, such a design has absolutely no regard for the human beings who use it.

Mu Hantian recalled the conversation just now while staring at Alice's long hair swaying from side to side.

In the end, it was still the way of the witch, which was really uncomfortable. But forget it, in this case, I don't have to sleep in a stable like the protagonist in the original book. And also a lot less hassle.


Alice, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

She rubbed her hands on her waist and turned around, staring at Mu Hantian with a stern look.

"Are you listening to me? I'm introducing the academy to you."

"Sorry, sorry. I was thinking about something just now."

"What? Thinking of something?"

Alice blushed for some reason and walked quickly towards Mu Hantian.

"You bastard, what are you thinking about staring at my back!"

"Hey! Wait a minute! Don't swing your sword here! And... what are you thinking about in your head!" Mu Hantian hurriedly dodged the sword that was constantly waving at super close range.

It seems that this lack of immunity to men is a common problem among students here. He has been walking so fast, maybe because he is very concerned about himself as a man.

"Hmph, you heard me clearly! I'll show you around the academy because the dean of the academy has ordered me! It's definitely not because I agree with you, don't make a mistake!"

"Well, I know. But don't take me as an enemy. We are classmates from today."

"You... don't be too long-winded! What a male elf, in short, I will never agree!"

Alice turned around and walked quickly forward again.

"Really, why did the dean of the academy let such a man into the academy..."

It looks like she hates me very much. never mind. After all, I'm the only man in the famous women's academy, and it's impossible to be hated...

It's like suddenly throwing a lion into a group of bunnies. It is only natural that the eldest lady in the greenhouse would be wary of men of the same age.

"Listen to me, if you dare to mess around in the academy, I will ask the contract elf to make you into fried mushrooms."

"It turns out that there are mushrooms here, but... do you like to cook?"

"Yeah, this is my hobby. In order to be able to cook with my own hands for my ideal husband one day, I usually hone my cooking skills."

"Well, let me taste it when you have a chance. I can give you a taste."

"Okay, let's cook the dish I'm most proud of some other day - **** you! Who wants to eat it for you!"

With a swoosh, Mu Hantian dodged the lightning-like sword blow by a centimeter.

"Cut, don't say anything about cooking, no one dares to marry you like this." Mu Hantian couldn't help but complain.

"Hmm..." Perhaps because of her consciousness, Alice couldn't help but look away.

"I think the person who will disrupt the order the most should be you, the leader of the Knights."

"You... you stop being long-winded! It's not because you said something inexplicable!"

Mu Hantian shrugged helplessly and turned to the corridor. "Where is my class?"

"You're the Raven class. It's full of excellent problem characters, and it's a good fit for you."

Damn, it was actually that class that got scammed.

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