Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1075: Meet Claire again

After walking up the stairs and walking through the long corridor, Mu Hantian finally saw his class.

On the left and right open wooden doors, abstract sprite patterns are carved.

The classrooms on each floor of the Aresia Academy of Spirits are separated by a certain distance. Because if the classroom is too close, it is very likely that private fights will occur at any time.

"The students here are all the daughters of famous nobles, and there are many students who have feud between families. So although private fights are prohibited by the rules of the academy, in fact, they never stop."

Alice sighed and clenched her fists.

"Mediating and maintaining the security of the academy is the mission of our Knights of the Wind King." Alice, who was whispering sideways, looked very serious.

Looking into the classroom that looked like an auditorium, there was no one in it. It seems that no one is there at this time. Maybe he went to the field training ground outside to do actual combat training.

"Just here. I can ask my classmates about other things. Thank you for leading the way."

"Hmph, what's there to thank. If I hadn't led the way, you would have run into the women's toilet pretending to be wrong."

"Are you so unsure of me?"

Alice left a hurtful remark and turned away. Mu Hantian couldn't help but sigh.

Mu Hantian shook his head as he walked into the empty classroom.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, and a sound like a piercing air sounded in the air——


Mu Hantian's neck was suddenly wrapped around the whip.

Mu Hantian, who was attacked, didn't have time to struggle and was dragged directly into the corridor.

"I actually forgot."

Mu Hantian kept coughing and looked around.

"Mu Hantian."

A somewhat familiar voice came from overhead.

But seriously, I don't want to hear that sound at all.

" are obviously my contract elf...ju, how dare you run away!"

A young girl appeared in front of Mu Hantian who fell backwards.

A beautiful girl with flaming red hair and her arms folded, looking down at her fiercely. At this moment, a gust of wind blew from the window, slightly lifting the girl's uniform skirt.

"Claire, you..." Mu Hantian moaned with a hoarse throat.

"What? You still want to make excuses?"

"No. You're standing there, your **** are about to be seen."

"What!" Claire blushed and quickly pressed down her skirt.

" you big pervert!"

Boom boom boom boom boom...!

A heat wave gradually rose from Claire's body. wrong. This is no ordinary heat wave. It is the flame of the element spirit world that can burn everything.

"It seems that you really want to become coke, Mu Hantian?"

"Wait! Don't be impulsive! I'm actually joking, I didn't see that black thing at all."

Claire, who was stimulated, was suddenly startled. Then, from the neck to the ears, it was slowly dyed red like a boiled octopus——

"It's not... it's not black! I wear white all the time! Black is only occasionally... you! How dare you lie to me! Big idiot!"

"Wuuu...I've been seen twice...they can't get married..." Claire, who was kneeling on the ground, whimpered and cried.

"Yeah...sorry...don't cry, okay?"

Mu Hantian got up and leaned over. I saw Claire roll her eyes and stare at Mu Hantian.

After wiping away tears with her uniform sleeve, Claire clenched her whip.

"Mu Hantian!"

"What's wrong?"

"I...I'm very magnanimous., give you one more chance to explain."

His tone was steady, but his voice was clearly shaking.

"Why did you run away just now?"

"With your tone, everyone will run away, right?"

"Okay. The escaped slave, there is only one way to die."

"Hey, how did I change from elf to slave?"

"It's a slave, yes. You are my slave spirit!"

"You can say what you want, but can you let go first? It will kill people."

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time, but—"

Claire retracted the whip, and then brought her face close to Mu Hantian with a very displeased expression.

"You were talking to Alice Falangolto of the Knights just now, didn't you? It feels very close. Can you explain what's going on?"

"Cough cough...Is that kind of intimacy? She's just helping me introduce the academy."

"Introduction? Why?"

"Because I transferred here today."

"What? Transfer? ... You? Transfer to Aresia Elf Academy?"

Claire's eyes widened, and she looked up and down with an expression that she had only discovered now was the uniform on Mu Hantian's body.

"Liar...Aren't you a man!"

"Yeah. But I can make an elf contract, you should have seen it." Mu Hantian nodded, showing the elf engraving on his right hand.

"And I'm studying here because of what your dean, Greyworth, said."

After hearing these words, Claire put her finger on her cherry blossom-colored lips, as if thinking about something.

"'re a transfer student..."

Claire muttered to herself for a while.

Suddenly, Claire suddenly raised her head and faced Mu Hantian.

"Eh, since you're here, that means you're also from the Crow class?"

"Yes." Mu Hantian nodded helplessly.

"So you're in my class."

For some reason, Claire's voice sounded very pleasant. The expression looks quite happy.

"Well, since that's the case, I'm willing to give you another chance."

"what chance?"

"It's a contract. This time you must be my exclusive contract spirit."

"Hey, why do I have to be your elf!"

"Hmph, of course it's because you stole my contract elf, needless to say!"

Claire puffed out her pitiful chest and stretched her index finger towards Mu Hantian.

Still so unreasonable, completely ignoring what other people say. Such a lady's character will suffer sooner or later.

"I'll say it again for the last time, Esther was originally mine, not only a weapon, but also my family and friends. So I'm not obliged to be your so-called contract elf!"

"You bastard, how dare you be so arrogant!" Claire bit her lip and slammed the whip in her hand towards Mu Hantian.

"This is the last time." Mu Hantian caught the whip and forcefully pulled Claire to the ground.

"You... a mere slave elf!"

"Hey, if you don't change your temper, you will suffer a loss sooner or later." Mu Hantian shook his head, when he was about to pull her up...

"Hey, this student."

Mu Hantian suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder from behind.

Mu Hantian slowly moved his body and turned his head.

"What do you want to do in this holy Aresia elf academy?"

In front of Mu Hantian was a beautiful woman with a gentle smile.

The beauty is about twenty years old. Has long black hair. Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. A long-sleeved white coat was draped over the iron-grey suit.

"I'm Freya Grundo, the class tutor of the crow class. I have heard about you from the dean of the academy. You are the first male elves in the history of the academy."

The beauty put on a smiley face and reported her name. Of course, there was no smile at all in those eyes.

"But... you bastard, why are you making our lady cry?"

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