Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1079: daily duel

The two girls felt a sudden change in the atmosphere and couldn't help but keep silent.

"You go too far."

Alice blamed the two, then turned to Claire.

She cleared her throat and said, "Anyway, I will report this to the 'General Assembly of the Knights'. The charges are small fires caused by elves and damage to public properties. As for the specific punishment, a notice will be sent to you at that time. Don't do this stupid thing next time, we're very busy, you know?"

After Alice said "Let's go", she prepared to leave with the two girls.

However, a voice like this came from behind—

"Wait a minute, Alice Frangolto. Do you want to run away like this?"

"What?" Alice stopped and turned back to Claire.

"What did you just say?" The calm tone was full of anger. Alice's hand was already on the hilt of the sword at her waist.

"Oh, did you hear that? I just thought, I didn't expect the Knights of the Wind King to be cowards."

"Claire Rouge, as long as anyone dares to insult the Knights, I will never let them go."

Alice drew her sword. The two next to him also drew their swords.

"I will return this sentence to you as it is. You can insult me ​​as you wish, but I will never allow anyone to insult my sister."

Claire hit the ground with her whip.

"Alice Frangolto, I'm going to duel you—and those two."

"Claire Rouge, I want to duel them too. According to my Lauren Frost family's admonition, if anyone dares to fool my Lauren Frost family, they must retaliate with the teeth of vengeance." Rinsley Shaking his hair, he showed a fearless smile.

At this moment, Alice's blade turned and pointed her sword at the two in front of her.

"Okay. It was said that it was like escaping, and it would damage the face of my Knights of the Wind King. I accept the duel. Seriously, I can't stand the chaos of your crow squad for a long time."

"I said, are you really okay with this? Isn't it forbidden to mess around here?"

"If it's 'in the academy', of course private fights are prohibited. So we won't fight here."

Alice said, turning her head to Claire.

"The time and place are set in front of the 'gate' at two o'clock at night today. The format of the battle is up to you."

"One on one is too much trouble. How about threesome?"

"Okay." Alice nodded and put away her sword, then turned and left.

While staring at her back, Claire cursed viciously: "Humph! I will definitely make you regret it! Especially the one with short hair, she must look good on her!"

"This is a good opportunity to teach them a lesson. I have long disliked the people of the Knights."

"Rinsley, don't hold me back."

"Oh, you don't even think about who you are collaborating with."

Mu Hantian sighed deeply. Then, a smile appeared.

"That's it, I'll go first." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he was about to leave.


Claire rubbed her waist with one hand and stretched out her index finger towards Mu Hantian. "Slave elf! Don't try to escape, I'm talking about a three-person system, and you are the last one!"

"Ahh... I knew it would turn out like this..." Mu Hantian lowered his shoulders helplessly.


Two o'clock in the middle of the night - the students of the academy have already fallen asleep, and the elves of the forest are about to start to move.

Mu Hantian had dinner at Greyworth's place and waited at the place agreed with Claire.

"Are you really going to fight?"



Mu Hantian shook his head and walked on the moonlit stone road, following Claire all the way.

"The atmosphere of the academy at night is completely different."

"Night is the time of elves, of course it's different." Claire replied coldly as she walked forward without looking back.

The shoes hit the slate firmly and sounded extra loud.

"It's there."

Claire stopped suddenly. There was a boulder circle in the direction she pointed. The ground was emitting a faint bluish-white light.

"Is that there?"

"That's right, that's the 'Gate of the Elf World'. This gate is connected to the Elemental Elf World, so the academy is built in such a remote place."

"I see." Mu Hantian nodded.

After Claire said to Mu Hantian, "Come here quickly," she walked into the boulder circle.

After chanting the door-opening spell in Elvish, the blue light on the ground became even stronger.

"Okay, come here soon."

Mu Hantian was grabbed by Claire, and quickly jumped onto the circle of light.

Suddenly, a flash of white took over all sight. A dizziness-like feeling hit the whole body. Then--

Mu Hantian opened his eyes, and a scene of another world appeared in front of him.

In the dark and gloomy forest, there are trees that are severely twisted and deformed. The red moon, like blood, shone brightly in the night sky. There was a lavender mist all around, rising into the air like smoke.

The element spirit world is the habitat of elves, a world completely different from the human world.

"There won't be anyone to disturb here, and even if you get hurt, it won't cause very serious damage, so students often come here to duel."

In the world of elemental spirits, elves can make further changes and use contract elves simply as divine power.

In such a situation, the body where the divine power resides is equivalent to the spirit itself, so it hardly suffers physical damage.

However, this approach is not 100% safe. The pain is still felt when traumatized, and although the physical body is not injured, the mental damage is to the same degree.

In such a situation, if you just fainted, it would be good luck, but in severe cases, it may cause severe memory impairment, and then the spirit is completely destroyed, and consciousness can never be regained.

"Flame, light up the darkness."

Immediately after Claire chanted the elf magic, a small fireball appeared in the palm of her hand, slightly illuminating the gut path leading to the forest.

"Let's go, Han Tian."

After Claire gently poked her ponytails, she started walking forward quietly.

"You have to be careful. Leaving aside the other two, Alice is really strong. The leader of the knights is not a joke. And after the battle with the Sealed Spirit this morning, Scarlet has consumed a lot of energy. Less power. As for Rinsley's strength... I admit that guy is really powerful, but our tacit understanding is extremely bad." Claire said calmly.

"I know."

After walking for a while, a huge theater ruins appeared in the forest. In ancient times, the world of elemental spirits and the world of human beings still belonged to the same world, known as the age of mythology. This ruin is a product of this period. The stone gate that was about to collapse greeted the arrival of the two. It seems that this is the stage for the duel.

"As a sword elf, you should be responsible for the attack, and Rinsley and I will support you from behind."

"I'm the most dangerous character? Isn't this your duel?"

"How, any comments? Okay, let's choose. Attack or coke, which do you want to choose?"

"I'm in charge of the attack."

"It's a wise choice." Claire nodded in satisfaction.

"By the way, you should be able to fully control that 'sword elf', right?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Since you say that, then I'm relieved. But the seal elf has a bad reputation in the first place, so it wouldn't be surprising if something happened. Anyway, just be careful."

"I understand. You don't have to worry about me."

"Claire Rouge!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the dark woods.

Claire and Mu Hantian looked over. It was Rinslet and her maid, Carol, who appeared.

"Rinsley, you're late."

"Well, it takes a lot of time for a lady to dress up. Don't you know that?"

Rinslet smugly folded her long pale blond hair.

"It seems that you are all here, Crow Class." A majestic voice volleyed down.

The four of them raised their heads at the same time and looked at the theater wall that was about to collapse.

A majestic maiden knight was standing there, her long blue hair fluttering gently in the breeze.

The silver armor gleamed.

Next to the girl knight stood two knights also wearing silver armor.

Mu Hantian had heard the names of these two people from Claire. The one with short hair is Racha, and the one with the braided head is Laccia.

"Alice Frangolto, when did you come!"

"You shouldn't have been waiting around, looking for a good time to appear handsomely?"

"What did you say... there is no! I just arrived!"

When Claire said that, Alice was clearly panicking and almost fell off the wall.

Alice glared at Claire with sharp eyes, and drew the sword from her waist.

"Go on, Crows. Let's end this duel before dawn—"

At this time, a fire suddenly lit up the theater, which was the stage for the duel.

An eagle with outstretched wings appeared in the red night sky.

"Mu Hantian, let me introduce you. This is my contract elf - the magic wind elf 'Smoff'!"

After the eagle let out a storm-like roar, it descended sharply with a gust of magic wind and charged towards Mu Hantian.

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