Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1080: Can't cooperate

Without saying a word, the Demon Wind Spirit immediately launched an attack.

The magic wind spirit gliding in the air quickly dived towards the ground where the four were.

The scene suddenly roared. The flagstone road was lifted one after another, raising a lot of sand and gravel.

Mu Hantian stood still, looked around, and saw that the two companions were already standing in their own places.

Claire directly covered Mu Hantian from a medium distance. Rinsley attacked from a distance, supporting the other two behind.

As for Carol... she had already fled outside the arena, waving the flag.

At this moment, the raging wind suddenly stopped... The roar of the Demon Wind Spirit resounded again. The huge magic bird stood in the big hole just created, flapping its wings and waving forward——

"Cut, trouble." Mu Hantian was speechless and quickly jumped away. Then quickly summon Esther.

But now Esther doesn't know what's wrong, and there is some instability. Maybe it was because he hurt Mu Hantian, he felt a little guilty.

"It's okay, Esther, that's not your fault." Mu Hantian communicated with Esther in his heart.


"I said, it's not your fault!"


"Let's finish this game with me now."

"I know."

"Mu Hantian, do you just run away? I really misread you!" Alice shook her ponytail and jumped to the ground.

"Who said that he wanted to fight me and you!" Mu Hantian charged at Alice with his sword. Mu Hantian heard Claire say that as long as the elves are defeated first, the summoned contract elves will naturally disappear.

"Hantian, be careful behind!"

No need for Claire's reminder, Mu Hantian already felt it. Instantly jump aside.

The wings of the magic wind elf swept across Mu Hantian's position in the next second.

"Should it be 'wind'?"

Wind-type spirits have always been known for their speed among the five element spirits. Alice really mastered the characteristics of the wind spirit perfectly.

The magic wind elf flying towards the night sky drew an arc in the air, turned around and dived towards Mu Hantian again.

Mu Hantian jumped to dodge again. The magic wind spirit that hit the ground rolled up a large amount of soil and stone, and then immediately turned into countless wind blades and slashed at Mu Hantian's arm.

Mu Hantian immediately set up a shield with sword energy and blocked the wind blade.

"Hantian, let me cover you!"

At the same time as the sound sounded, a raging flame suddenly illuminated the night sky red.

Claire activated Scarlet's magic elf outfit and swung the flame whip.

The slash of the flames drew an arc, swept away the incoming wind blades one by one.

"You are not allowed to hinder the captain!"

Braided knight Lasia charged at Claire.

The elf magic outfit in Lesia's hand is a transparent ice sword. Like Rinsley, she is an ice elf user.

However, Lesia's elf level is completely inferior to Rinsley's Fenrir. Although he has the skills to turn sprites into sprites, it doesn't seem to be able to use them completely.

Mu Hantian's goal is very clear, no, it should be said that it has not changed from beginning to end. It's Alice!

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion, and the ground in front of him was turned over.

"Drink! Eat my trick! Elf magic outfit - 'Rock Breaker Hammer'!"

The one who shouted in a manly voice was the short-haired knight Raka.

The guy in Raqqa's hand is a sledgehammer with a long handle. It danced nimbly on the girl's slender wrists.

Mu Hantian jumped back to distance himself. Then, while keeping a distance and confronting Raka, he caught Alice's movements out of the corner of his eye.

Under Raqqa's response, Alice had already moved.

As expected of the leader of the knights, Alice's commanding ability is indeed quite clever.

At the beginning, the magic wind spirit was used to preempt the situation, causing chaos in the scene, and then let Lesia and Laka deal with the center defender Claire and the avant-garde Mu Hantian respectively. Alice came forward to defeat the defender Rinslet.

"Although I really want to solve them all by myself, this is a team battle." So...

Mu Hantian stepped forward quickly and slashed with his sword. The silver flash lightly slashed Raqqa's wrist.

The attack of the elf armor does not cause bleeding, but it still feels the same amount of pain.


Anger gradually crept up on Raqqa's face. She aimed at the top of Mu Hantian's head and swung the 'rock breaking hammer'.

There was a rumbling sound on the ground. The ground was lifted, and the earth and rocks flew in the air. Although the destructive power of such an attack is amazing, due to its very large movements, it is easy to dodge past it.

"Don't run away! Male elf! Fight me!"

"I'm not running away, and this is a group battle. I advise you to pay more attention to the situation around you."

"What did you say?"

"What he means is that you have been targeted by the strongest hunter."

At this moment, an arrow of ice suddenly flew from the sky and penetrated the girl's chest. Raqqa's body flew out, bounced on the ground and landed. The elf magic outfit 'Rock Breaker' turned into particles of light and disappeared.

"That...that stupid dog! Didn't I tell you to be a sniper in the back!" Claire scolded through gritted teeth.

"Hmph, I'm the lady of the noble Lauren Frost family, and I must stand in the most conspicuous position at the ball." Rinsley, who was standing on the outer wall of the theater, was tucking her long hair, while exuding pride of laughter.

"This is our eldest lady!" Carol waved the flag happily on the ground.

"Hmph, Crow Class, you guys are quite leisurely."

The moment he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew from behind. The demonic wind spirit that spread its wings roared and flew towards Rinslet.

"You're standing there, and you just happened to be my target! Cold ice teeth, pierce through the enemy! 'Magic Ice Arrow'!"

Rinsley immediately fired an arrow of ice.

The magic wind spirit immediately turned into countless wind blades and attacked Rinsley.

"Ah ah!"


Claire was about to rush over, but was blocked by the Braided Knight.

While Claire was distracted, the braided knight quickly got into the gap of the whip and slashed at Claire with the ice sword. Once the distance is drawn, the sword has an overwhelming advantage. Claire was quickly and gradually suppressed.

"You really..." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, every archer has a heart for melee combat? Pulled into the distance without withdrawing.

"Claire, focus on fighting, leave the rest to me."


Mu Hantian also nodded, then charged towards Alice at a rapid speed.

"Hmph, since that's the case, then let me defeat you!" Alice said, calling the Demon Wind Spirit back into her hands.


"—O Calamity Wind, here is a magic spear that penetrates the heart of the enemy, and manifest in my hands!"

As soon as Alice finished reading the Elvish language and activated the spell, a gust of wind immediately blew on the scene, and then a huge spear appeared in her hand.

The handle of the gun is engraved with delicate patterns, and it is a long gun for ritual use. There was a sharp wind around the spear tip, which gleamed in the red moonlight, making a constant squeak.

His waist-length ponytail swayed slowly in the wind.

Alice turned around with the gun in one hand and looked at Mu Hantian with a stern expression.

"This is my elf magic outfit-'windwing spear'. Then you try to avoid my attack!"

Alice's magic spear stabbed at Mu Hantian, who quickly blocked it with Esther. But at this time... the tip of the spear released the blade of wind, if Mu Hantian hadn't hid quickly, he would definitely have been stabbed.

"I see, can I use the Blade of Wind?" Mu Hantian frowned, pushed the magic spear away, and jumped back.

Alice did not relax, and continued to approach Mu Hantian, sending out continuous storm-like attacks.

"You arrogant guy! Don't try to escape!" Alice smashed through the wall of the theater with all her strength, and the fragments of the brick wall were scattered everywhere.

It's really good, it's already very strong in terms of skills, but... this level, it's not enough!

"You bastard! Don't try to escape!" The murderous Alice was surrounded by the storm.

This attack was not a random attack, but a hard blow to determine the outcome.

However, it also revealed a fatal flaw——

"Cold ice teeth, pierce through the enemy! 'Magic Ice Arrows'!" Rinsley, who was rearranging her posture, seized the opportunity to snipe, and immediately shot an ice arrow.

at the same moment-

"Call the crimson flame of destruction, dance with me! 'Flame King's Breath'!"

Claire, who had eliminated Lecia, also used fire-type elf magic.

Alice's eyes widened in astonishment.

The timing of the attack was perfect. The ice teeth and hellfire released by the two flew straight towards the target——

The two forces collided in mid-air.

Mu Hantian's mouth twitched. Alice next to her was also stunned, unable to say a word.

"Hey! Rinsley! What's wrong with you!"

"You... what did you say! Don't get in my way!"

The two suddenly quarreled.

"My own people are making trouble! Stupid guy!" Alice Frangolto raised the spear of the elf magic outfit again.

There was a loud bang in the air, and an unprecedented gust of wind blew.

Ok? This feeling is...

"Alice! Wait a minute, look at the sky!"

"What did you say! Do you want to fool me with this method? You don't..."

Halfway through speaking, Alice suddenly stopped.

Apparently, she noticed it too.


"what happened?"

Claire and the others also noticed something. A group of people looked up at the foggy night sky and tilted their heads in confusion.

At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the air. Then, the thing emerged from a crack in the sky.

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