Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 113: fighting

"Please stop fighting." Yukina glared at the man in the robe and warned.

"Are you an attacking magician on Xianshen Island?" The man in the robe asked casually!

"Wrecklessly killing demons on the island will violate the law!" Yukina looked at the man in the robe vigilantly, felt the murderous aura from the man's body, and lowered her focus.

"Do you still want me to obey the laws that are only for the sycophants of the demon clan?" The man in the robe raised his axe with a loud shout!

"Oh, Xuexia Wolf!" Yukina clenched her spear and rushed out!

Just as the man in the robe was about to swing the battle axe at the severely wounded vampire, he was blocked by her at the last minute, and the man in the robe took a few steps back.

"That gun of yours is a Type 7 Assault Demon Subduing Machine Gun!" After being blocked, the robe asked excitedly! "It is engraved with the vibrational wave driving technique of the godhead, a weapon that cannot be hidden in the Lion King agency! I didn't expect to see the true face here!"

Yukina didn't speak, she held the Xuexia wolf in her hand, and the spear head showed a few driving patterns with fluctuations in the godhead!

"Well, the sword wizard of the Lion King agency is qualified to be an opponent, the little girl, the teacher of Luotan Lingqia, Rudolf Ostach came to ask for advice!" The man in the robe gave a grim smile!

"The annihilation teacher of Luotan Lingqia? The magician of the Western European Church, how can he hunt vampires?!"

"I'm not obliged to answer you!" Ostach stepped on the ground, his body suddenly accelerated, and he charged with an axe! Approaching Yukina.

Yukina was not in a hurry, Xuexia Wolf touched the ground, and the ground immediately burst into a blue light, and a magic circle emerged under her feet.

"The Lion Dancer, the High Divine Sword Sorceress, I sincerely pray and wish, the dawn of breaking the devil, the Xuexia God Wolf! With the power of justness, help me to slay the evil spirits and ghosts!" It looks like a small magic circle, but it can't be a small area, because this is the driving style of the fluctuation of the godhead, breaking all enchantments!

Yukina also rushed up, and Yukina, who had circled around, stuck out the tip of her spear and hit Fang Xie's right arm towards Ostach Mei.

Ostach blocked the inescapable attack with his armored left arm. The magical weapon and the armor clashed violently, and a bluish-white flash erupted.

"Humph!" The armor of Ostach's left arm shattered, and she took a few steps back. Yukina chased after her victory and kept bombarding Ostach's armor, bursting out a faint blue light!

"What kind of power is this, and your speed, is this the sword sorcerer of the Lion King mechanism?" Seeing the power and speed of Yukina's attack, Ostach did not find it difficult, but seemed very excited. Wearing the damaged left arm armor, he licked his lips in satisfaction. His monocle was flickering constantly, and Xuexia Wolf was able to defeat the protective barrier of his holy armor. These spells are really exciting!

Yukina felt a chilling air from Ostach's appearance, so her expression was grim, and she had to defeat him here. As a swordsman, her intuition told her that if she ignored this teacher, she would be recruited here. great disaster.

"But that's it!" Suddenly, Yukina seemed to feel that her movements were full, and she was stunned, and quickly blocked, and sure enough, Ostach's axe slammed down and collided with Xuexia Wolf's gun handle. The powerful force made Yukina take a few steps back, and the sharp blade also cut a red mark on Yukina's snow-white thigh!

"I have already learned the spell of the Lion King!" Ostach sneered and shouted loudly, "Go! Astaruti!" Then Ostach, jumped back, behind him, covered with The blue-haired girl in the cape coat jumped up!

"The order is received, executed, 'Rose's fingertips'!" After saying that, a huge arm penetrated from Astaruti, bursting with iridescent light towards Yukina.

"Oops!" Yukina's expression changed as she looked at the huge arm that was galloping over!

In the face of danger, Yukina used the Xuexia wolf to attack, and the huge magic power and the magic power clashed violently, causing the atmosphere to make a harsh sound.

The powerful blue air flowed wildly, and Yukina looked at the girl whose expression remained unchanged, and asked, "You control this beast?"

The conflict accelerated, but it was Yukina who barely won the conflict.

The Familiar Beast named "Rose Fingertips" is being gradually torn apart by the silver spear tip. Perhaps the damage to the Familiar Beast had flowed backwards, and Astaruti let out a weak groan in pain.

"Ah!!" Astaroty's expression was a little painful. The other arm is extended out!

Seeing that there was another arm, Yukina's expression instantly condensed!

Looking at the other arm that was attacking, she had no way to fight back. Xuexia Wolf was fighting against the injured arm, but she didn't dare to let go. If she let go, she would definitely be smashed into scum by that arm !

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