"Haha, it seems that my family's Xuecai has caused you trouble." Mu Hantian's indifferent voice came.

At the same time, a porcelain plate quickly flew towards the huge arm. Since it was a beast, Mu Hantian could only smash it with a powerful attack containing magical power. Sure enough, when the porcelain plate touched the Familiar Beast, it was not hindered by anything, and it penetrated the Familiar Beast.

"What are you doing here, teacher." Xuena said loudly, she didn't want Mu Hantian to come here.

"Student Xuena, don't make decisions for me without authorization. And why didn't you come and see, why did you fight with them?" Mu Hantian asked.

"That... I'm sorry." Xuena was speechless, and had no reason to refute Mu Hantian.

"That powerful magic power just now, you are not an ordinary vampire, right. It completely surpassed the vampires of the old era. Could it be that the rumor that the fourth primogenitor has awakened is true?" Rudolph threw the destroyed battle axe and asked seriously . The blue-haired girl stood up, as if to protect Rudolph.

"Although I'm not the Fourth Primogenitor, it's enough to deal with you. Xuecai, take these things." Mu Hantian said, stuffing the items in his arms into Xuecai.

"Astaruti!" Rudolph shouted to the blue-haired girl.

"Accept the order, start again, Qiangwei's fingertips." The two arms appeared again and attacked Mu Hantian.

"Teacher, please step back." Xuena rushed out with the Xuexia Wolf in hand, trying to push Mu Hantian away.

"Hehe, no, Xuecai, you have to back away!" Mu Hantian rejected Xuecai.

Seeing the beasts attack, Mu Hantian's face was calm, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a powerful magic burst out from his body. The powerful magical power made the beast a little scared, but Mu Hantian ignored it and punched the beast, smashing it.

The surging magic power destroyed everything around it.

"Damn, Astaruti, let's go!" Rudolph cried.

"Is that, teacher's magic power? It's terrible." Xue Cai looked at Mu Hantian, a little scared.

The smoke cleared, Rudolph and Astaroth disappeared, and Mu Hantian didn't care about it either. After all, if he wanted to, they couldn't leave at all.


"Really, the teacher is really dangerous, the trouble is too big, what should I do?" Looking at the warehouse street that was completely destroyed, probably the way of training is different, or it is based on youth. The melancholy in Yukina's expression was not completely hidden, she seemed to be angry.

The speechless Mu Hantian met Xue Cai's gaze. Her real purpose seemed to be to teach him a lesson, but she was actually worried about the consequences for him.

"The Warehouse Street is completely destroyed, and it is impossible to restore it without tens of billions of yen in total. The teacher is an immortal vampire, so it may take five hundred years to pay off, and I don't know how much interest it will pay for a day. How much it has become, I am really worried about the future of the teacher."

"Anyway, no one knows who did it. Maybe it's due to natural disasters - such as earthquakes, typhoons, meteorites, etc." Mu Hantian said with conscience, and his expression was not worried at all.

"There must be a bottom line for nonsense. Teacher, do you think there will be an earthquake on the artificial island floating on the sea? And don't forget that I am an eyewitness at the scene. Lying is a bad behavior. Teacher, as a man, you should be brave. Take responsibility." Xue Cai looked at Nie Kong's face beside her with trembling trembling and sighed lightly.

"No way, could Xuecai tell others?" Mu Hantian chuckled.

"Actually, it's not obligatory to report, but I'm a little hesitant." Mu Hantian was a little surprised when she said something surprising. Yukina lowered her head in a troubled way, and continued to answer: "After all, I have a lot of responsibility for what happened just now, and I don't think it's all the teacher's fault. Besides, teacher, you also saved me... um, Thank you very much."

She said the last sentence in a volume so small that she could barely hear it.

"Sure, you don't have to feel any debt in your heart. Think about it carefully, I basically didn't take action. The reason is that my body's strength is justified in defense. I exercised the right of self-defense to protect myself." Mu Hantian was afraid that she would take responsibility for it. It was all on his own, so he comforted her.

Yukina looked at the righteous and awe-inspiring him, and shook her head regretfully.

"However, we have no evidence. Of course, I will also help testify, but it is impossible to gain much trust. The relationship between the Lion King agency and the human management agency was not very harmonious. Maybe we are now on the scene. for the problem."

After confirming her severe situation again, Yukina was disheartened. She didn't know whether this was a harm caused by the vertical administrative system, but there seemed to be various oppositions in the government's demon countermeasures department. Thinking that she is only a middle school student, a trainee sword witch of the Lion King agency, her testimony will lack the validity of evidence.

"Don't bother yourself. Destroying an artificial island is a big deal. Don't forget that I have a partner, Agulola. Sooner or later, the artificial island will be built into the territory of the Fourth Night Empire." Mu Hantian said domineeringly.

Xue Cai was trembling with fright, and said with a wry smile: "Teacher, you are so dangerous. If you didn't have me watching the control, you would really make a big mess. Why did the Sansheng send me to monitor you, I think I have already I know the answer. Don't be impulsive, teacher, I will help you come up with a way to get rid of your crime. The key lies in the teacher's self-defense, whether it will be recognized by that part. "

"That's right... You said that I have no evidence, and relying on you to testify is not enough." Mu Hantian nodded.

The silent Xuecai paced back and forth, she was worried about Mu Hantian. Although it was a bit superfluous, Mu Hantian couldn't attack her.

After a while, she had an idea: "The enemy is a random demon raider with enough ability to defeat the vampires of the old generation. Anyone can distinguish the danger, so as long as we can prove that we have been attacked by them, the teacher's crime probably has a solution. Excused. After all, no matter what, the teacher has Agurolla's trump card for the time being."

As long as Rudolf is caught, Mu Hantian's crime can be written off. On the other hand, Yukina felt that she couldn't rely on the police, she couldn't rely on the teacher, she had to act on her own. Relying on the weapons of the garrison, it was impossible to fight against that Luotan Lingqia teacher, she felt that it would only cause unnecessary sacrifices. And if the teacher makes a move, it is likely to cause destruction again.

"Teacher, please stay at the villa in peace tomorrow, I will solve the problem in front of you as soon as possible, you can't mess around in the future." Yukina said.

"Hey, can you handle them alone?" Mu Hantian shook his head. Two against one, she has no chance of winning at all.

"Teacher, don't worry too much, I have Xuexia wolf." Xuecai was full of confidence, concealing a bit of unease in her heart.

"Student Xuena, don't make your own decisions. As a teacher, how can you hide behind the students. Besides, I don't want to watch them destroy the territory I designated," Mu Hantian refused to agree to her request.


"We'll set off tomorrow to search their whereabouts, and have a good rest tonight. You've just moved, so you should have a lot of work to do later. Come, take your belongings." Mu Hantian stuffed the quilts into her again. 's arms.

"Ugh, teacher, you can't do things like the chaos in the world without my permission." Although she was worried, she felt much more at ease than fighting alone.

Although the Lion King agency has always said that Mu Hantian should be monitored at all times, but now she doesn't feel that Mu Hantian is a bad person, on the contrary, he is more gentle and considerate than humans.

The two walked back in the middle of the night, but the atmosphere was not heavy at all. In the end, Mu Hantian and Xue Cai returned home before the special security team on the artificial island came. Agulola, who was hungry, saw Mu Hantian's return, and told her grievance with tears in her eyes. Looking at her appearance, she must be very worried about Mu Hantian, afraid that Mu Hantian will not come back.

And that month was not at the villa, according to the maid, the magician had an urgent matter to ask her to go...

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