Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 149: La Furia

"Shasha..." The sound from the grass caught Yukina sauce's vigilance. She clenched Xue Xialang in her hand, "Who is there!"

"Don't make a fuss, maybe it's a wild cat." Mu Hantian said

"But...but it's impossible to have kittens on a deserted island, I want to confirm." Xue Cai hesitated.

Just before she could finish speaking, a "meow" sound came out of the grass. Very sweet, like a bird on a tree. Yukina was stunned, is there really a kitten on the island?

"Well, it's probably not a kitten, maybe it's a puppy. Kittens can't make such a big noise in the grass." Mu Hantian didn't seem to be at ease, and said to the girls.

Xuecai and the others were very surprised by Mu Hantian's words. They had clearly heard the cat meow. If it was a dog, how could it make a cat noise?

"Wang Wang..." After a silence, a dog barked again in the grass, and the girls widened their eyes at the same time.

"No, if it was a dog and smelled the meat, it must have rushed out already. Could it be a grass-eating sheep?" Mu Hantian muttered to himself, and as if responding to Mu Hantian's words, the grass let out a baa sound. 's cry.

"Hey, it's really a sheep?" Xue Cai was startled, and her head became a mess after being guided by Mu Hantian.

"Well, that's right. Sheep can't have night vision. Am I guessing wrong again, but the wolf? Because the wolf is afraid of fire, so he dare not come out."

"Woo..." I don't know how many times it has changed, but the wolf's cry is still vivid, but it has a girl's coquettishness in it, and it sounds very cute. Mu Hantian held back his laughter and said to Agulola, "Wolf is not a lone animal, but why does it seem to only hear one sound? Could it be that it is not a wolf, but a tiger?"

"Ah... I can't take it anymore." A frenzied gentle voice came from behind a nearby tree, and she rushed out of the grass.

Silver hair and azure blue eyes; unlike the Japanese face-lifting, the girl is so beautiful that it is almost mistaken for a beautiful goddess. The appearance is similar to Xia Yin, but she is one size bigger than Xia Yin, just like Xia Yin's older sister. Although the other party did not look like a soldier, he was wearing a Western-style suit and lace-up boots that looked like a military uniform.

"Haha... You're willing to come out." Mu Hantian couldn't help laughing, thinking it was very funny. I was just talking and playing, I didn't expect that she would simply learn to call it out.

"So you've already found out, you just want to play with me?" The girl was annoyed, her azure blue eyes glared at Mu Hantian.

"Who told you to be so stupid? Ordinary people wouldn't be fooled." Mu Hantian laughed, thinking that the girl was hiding in the grass, racking her brains to figure out how cute it would be to learn how to call animals.

The girls suddenly realized, and Xuecai secretly blamed herself and looked at Mu Hantian, the teacher is too naughty, how can she bully the girl, and she doesn't know what relationship she has with Xia Yin.

"This princess will not easily forgive your rude behavior, are you a man?"

She sat down opposite Mu Hantian, ignoring her etiquette, grabbed Mu Hantian's barbecue and stuffed it into her mouth. Judging from her condition, she was probably starving, so she secretly watched Mu Hantian and the others.

"Excuse me... Are you Xia Yin's sister, how is Xia Yin's situation now?" Nagisa asked in a low voice.

Seeing her appearance, Yukina and the others already knew that the girl who appeared had an extraordinary relationship with Xia Yin.

"I am the king of Ardikia in northern Europe, the eldest daughter of Lucas Lihban, La Furia - the princess in the kingdom of Ardikia. As for the Xia Yin you mentioned, strictly speaking, she It is my relative who came to the artificial island for the purpose of taking her back to China instead, so I don't know her situation very well now." La Furia held up her skirt and saluted gracefully, her pretty face showing an age-matched look. Girl smiles. Just seeing Mu Hantian, he immediately pouted his greasy little mouth.

Yukina stared at the girl who claimed to be a princess, "So you are really a princess."

"Why should I lie?" La Furia looked at Yukina, who was in a state of confusion, and tilted her head in confusion.

"Generally speaking, when guests of the princess level visit the artificial island, the Japanese government will send someone to greet them. Including our Lion King agency, someone will definitely arrange the itinerary for Her Royal Highness. But Her Royal Highness, how can you appear on the deserted artificial island?" Yukina is puzzled

She said a little angrily: "Please call me La Furia, I'm tired of hearing Your Highness, Princess and Princess. At least I don't want foreign friends to call me with that rigid title, otherwise I won't be with you. You talk."

"Huh? But..." Xue Na seemed to shake her head in surprise. She was a government official, and she would inevitably resist being too close to the government's distinguished guests, and she was a very serious person.

"By the way, it can also be called a nickname." She muttered with a serious look on her face, and then said with a smug smile: "For example, change my name to Xiao Fufu or Fujiang with a Japanese style, Then it's acceptable. Hehe, don't look at me like this, I'm familiar with Japanese culture too."

"Princess fool." Mu Hantian hummed.

"Only you can't. You are a man, do you have any kind of gentleman's temperament? You should kneel in front of me on one knee and kiss the back of my hand to show respect." It seemed that he was still angry, so La · Freya spoke with dissatisfaction.

"No, please forgive us for calling you by your big name, La Furia. So, why are you in a place like this?" Xue Na hurriedly covered Mu Hantian's mouth, for fear that Mu Hantian would destroy the Kingdom of Aldikia and Japan. Relations with the government are strained.

"My ship was shot down while visiting Itogami City," La Furia said nonchalantly.

"Down? Shouldn't it be made by the magician?" Yukina said in surprise.

"That's right. I'm afraid it's to kidnap me." As if mourning those sacrificed subordinates, La Furia lowered her eyes slightly and nodded. The armored flying ship carrying her was shot down a few days ago. On that day, it is said that La Furia was going to Itogami Island, accompanied by the Knights of Guard. Later, when the ship sailed through this area of ​​water, it was suddenly attacked.

The surprise attack that was launched at a height of 1,000 meters in the middle of the night was a monster with wings and a mask. The weak knights lost most of their fighting strength, and those attendants realized that the situation was unfavorable and put La Furia into the escape boat. Before she could resist, the escape boat was launched into the sea.

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