Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 150: Get rid of

If it wasn't for Mu Hantian and the others who happened to land on the island, it is estimated that La Furia would starve to death on the island because there was no food supply. After all, it has been a few days since the accident, and the food in the escape cabin should be completely consumed, otherwise the food will not smell.

"No, are those people from the Sorcerer's Sculpture going to ask for ransom?" Yukina asked with serious doubts. It's hard to think of any other reason for a magic wizard who has turned into a private enterprise to hire a demon to attack a royal ship of a country.

"They are coveting my body, and they are the blood of the royal family of Ardikia. Because there are almost no exceptions for women born in the royal family of Ardikia, they are all powerful mediums." La Furia was quiet He shook his head, with a wry smile on his lips.

"The psychic... Do you mean the shrine maiden?" Agulola said, glancing at Yukina, thinking that she was the same type of person she knew.

Yukina, who was excavated by the Lion King agency, should also be a shrine maiden with excellent qualifications, and she can freely use Xuexia Wolf, so she knows how powerful that is. It's just that Mu Hantian knew that the power inside the princess in front of her seemed to be much stronger than that of Xuena.

La Furia continued: "Yase Keno, who was employed by the Sorcerer's Sculpture, was a court magician who served the Aldikia royal family. Many of the mysteries of magic he knows require the psychic abilities of members of the royal family. .Probably because of that, they took the risk and wanted to kidnap me."

"Yase Xiansheng you said is the adoptive father of Yase Xiayin?" Mu Hantian said.

With a serious face, La Furia looked back at him and said, "He is not the biological father of Natsune Haase."

"I know, Ye Se said that she lived in a monastery when she was a child. I brought her out due to some unexpected circumstances a few years ago." Mu Hantian pretended to sigh.

Nagisa looked at the princess' blue eyes and asked seriously, "You haven't made it clear what it has to do with Xia Yin, why are you two so similar?"

"Do we look alike? I've heard that Japanese people are not very good at distinguishing the appearance of Westerners." La Furia blinked and asked, with a hint of deliberately pretending to be garlic in her eyes.

"It's too similar no matter what!" Nagisa said with her hands on her hips, she couldn't help but approach the princess.

La Furia stared at them and fell silent. Rather than saying that she was hiding something, the silence was more like a hesitant to reveal a major personal secret.

"I heard some news from Xiansheng Yase, Xia Yin's real father is the previous king of Aldikia." Mu Hantian said.

La Furia looked embarrassed, "Yes, Xia Yin's father is my grandfather, so she is my aunt. Fifteen years ago, my grandfather had a daughter with a Japanese woman living in Aldikia. , that's Haase Natsuyin."

"Huh?" The girls were stunned and seemed surprised to hear the scandal of being a royal family.

"Of course, that was an affair for my grandmother, so after the birth of Natsuyin Hase's mother, she didn't want to cause trouble to my grandfather, so she returned to her motherland, Japan. Later, my grandfather found out about this and ordered someone to build a support leaf for her. The monastery where Se grew up. Xia Yin's current father is equivalent to her uncle."

When Yukina met an exotic princess who looked exactly like Xia Yin, she vaguely expected the truth of the matter.

From the appearance, the princess was about seventeen or eighteen years old, obviously older than Xia Yin. But to Xia Yin, La Furia seems to be her niece, a ridiculous relationship. But whether Xia Yin recognized her or not was another matter.

"Why didn't you come to pick her up before, but have been ignoring her until now?" Nagisa said very dissatisfied.

"Although she does not have the right to inherit the throne, it is true that she is a member of the royal family. A few days ago, my grandfather's confidant passed away, and his last words brought light to the existence of Haase Natsuyin. My grandfather did not dare to face it. My grandmother was very angry and caused some confusion in the palace. Plus I heard some rumors, so I made a special trip to pick her up." La Furia sighed weakly.

"That's why you're planning to go to Itogami City, right?" Nagisa inevitably sympathized and said with emotion.

"Yes, I was originally scheduled to pick up Natsune Hase in place of my grandfather. I know that the monastery that raised Natsune Hase had an accident five years ago. It was probably because she was young and unconsciously let the power of the psychic out of control. Xiansheng should have found out that she is from the royal family of Aldikia because of that incident. He will take Xia Yin as his adopted daughter, probably to use her as a psychic medium in his magical ritual." La Fu Leah clenched her little fist.

"Please be more specific. Since a few days ago, it's no wonder that Xia Yin has been a little strange."

"With information, I'm not very sure. Yase Xiansheng is likely to create a molded angel." Seeing that he actually cared about her aunt, the princess was very surprised by the relationship between the two.

"Molding an angel?" Yukina frowned at the unfamiliar and ominous sound, did she make an angel by imitating it?

"That's the magic ritual that Yase Kenji has been studying for a long time. It uses artificial means to trigger the evolution of the spirit, so that human beings are reborn into a higher-order existence, and the gods are created." La Freya explained.

"Hmph, trying to make an angel out of a human is really too much. Apart from me, there is absolutely no one who can turn her into an angel." Mu Hantian said coldly, and he could no longer forgive Xia Yin as a test subject. treated people.

"Huh..." The girls seemed very strange to Mu Hantian's unexpected answer. Before I had time to say anything, a row of lights suddenly lit up on the sea outside the beach, and it seemed that someone was coming by boat.

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