Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 319: Get it without effort

The guy looked in the direction Mu Hantian pointed and said, "You said Mr. Gao, but he is..."

At this time, the store door was opened again, and a cold wind blew in, along with the whistling wind and white snow.

The person who came was wearing a black robe and a hat on his head. The people in the tavern were overjoyed when they saw this person appearing, and the man was overjoyed, and then the man hurried over and said, "Yo, guest officer, It's freezing outside, so please sit inside."

The man in black robe said nothing, then slowly walked towards Gao Jianli and said, "Are you Gao Jianli? Dude, make ten pounds of wine and give it to him..."

"Okay." The guy sneered and then hurriedly ran over with a jar of wine, while the rest of the tavern began to move slowly, touching the hilt of their own sword, and the sound of the sword was drawn.

There was a strange change in the atmosphere in an instant...

"I'll do it first as a respect." Said the man in black robe raised the bowl to his mouth.

Gao Jianli also raised the wine bowl and said, "Please."

The black-robed man's wine bowl stopped beside his mouth, a sullen look flashed in his eyes, and his murderous intent came out instantly.

I only saw that the man in black robe was about to draw his sword, but at this time a cold light flashed, and the candle light seemed to be about to go out.


The cold light flashed, everyone held their breath, and the candlelight returned to normal again, illuminating the entire tavern.


Surprisingly quiet.

Gao Jianli stood up slowly, looked at the man in black robe, then looked at the guy, and said, "Are you here to kill me? You too..."

With a sound of "click", the hat of the man in black robe opened instantly, and a sharp and smooth incision like a tile appeared.

The man in black robe looked surprised, picked up the sword in his hand and looked at it, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and the bowl of wine in his hand began to sway continuously. Only half of the blade is left, and the broken part seems to be flattened.

"The spirits of Yan Kingdom are fatal to those who don't know how to drink it..." Gao Jianli took the wine bowl in Hei Pao's hand and said coldly.

The man in black robe looked surprised, then felt a pain in his chest, he was out of breath in an instant, covered his chest, and then looked at Gao Jianli in disbelief, slowly fell down, and landed on the ground with a thud .

The man was equally unbelievable, looking at Gao Jianli with eyes wide open like lanterns. Suddenly, the wine jar cracked open with a click, and all the wine inside was scattered.

The guy looked at Gao Jianli. Just now, another cut-off sword of the man in black robe appeared on the guy's chest, and the blood had not yet come out. The guy moved his mouth uh uh, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

The atmosphere instantly became tense, as tight as the strings of a piano. But Mu Hantian was drinking to himself in the corner, ignoring it.

"Gao Jianli, really deserves his reputation. Many people think that this action is too much to inspire people. Now it seems that you are underestimated..." At this time, a man in black in the restaurant smiled.

"You are also here to kill me?" Gao Jianli said indifferently.

"Gao Jianli, killing the minister of Qin in Qin, your Majesty is very unhappy, and wants to invite Mr. Gao to Xianyang." The man in black said.

Gao Jianli said coldly: "Minister Qin? I only remember killing a small and inconspicuous trash fish."

Saying that, Gao Jianli got up and wanted to leave.

"It's windy and snowy outside, why don't you stay for a while and get drunk," said the man in black. Speaking of which, except for Mu Hantian and the other man lying on the table next to him in the restaurant, everyone else drew their swords and stood up.

"Yan's wine is too expensive, you can't afford it." Gao Jianli looked at those people coldly and said.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of people here. If you gather together, you can also drink a little." The man in black stood with his hands behind his back, walked over slowly, still smiling, and said lightly.

"Well said, you can rest when you are drunk. Dude, bring me the wine and serve as many as you want." At this time, the man lying on the table next to him raised his right hand high and said in a daze.

After speaking, the man stood up drunkenly, turned around to look at everything around him, and said, "The drinker didn't fall, but the wine seller did? Well, so, then I myself Come and get some wine."

Mu Hantian was startled when he saw the man, but he quickly settled down, and said to himself, "It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get it."

After that, he drank quietly again. This person is exactly the person Mu Hantian was looking for on this trip, Jing Ke.

Maybe the people around didn't notice Mu Hantian in the corner. At this time, Jing Ke was already drunk and saw that there was a bowl of wine on the table in front of Gao Jianli.

At the moment, he said with joy: "Wine... So the good wine is here... Hehe." After speaking, he stood unsteady and walked towards the wine in front of Gao Jianli as if he wanted to wrestle.

"Pu...hahaha." Seeing Jing Ke like this, Mu Hantian spit out the wine in his mouth and laughed.

When everyone smelled someone behind, they turned their heads and looked in Mu Hantian's direction. Gao Jianli was shocked when he saw Mu Hantian, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at Mu Hantian and didn't know what he was thinking.

While Jing Ke was pretending to be drunk to get the wine, his eyes slanted to Mu Hantian's side, and when he saw Mu Hantian, the corner of Jing Ke's mouth twitched, and he continued to get his wine.

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