Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 320: I'm not afraid

The man in black looked at Mu Hantian and saw that Mu Hantian was carrying two swords on his back. Looking at Jing Ke again, he said, "Gao Jianli, these two should be your helpers..."

"I never needed a helper." Gao Jianli said indifferently.

Hearing Gao Jianli's words, Jing Ke's hand holding the wine stopped for a while, then raised the wine bowl and said, "Friendship is made by drinking. How can you make friendship without drinking? Why don't I... I respect you first."

As he said that, Jing Ke suddenly flashed in front of the big man next to him, his left knee pressed against his stomach, and the big man immediately took a few steps back.

"This person is very fast." Gao Jianli secretly said.

Mu Hantian in the corner looked at Jing Ke boredly, and said to himself, "This eldest brother is good at everything, but sometimes a little naive, alas..."

And Jing Ke had come to the back of the big man, put one arm around his shoulder, poured the wine bowl into his mouth with the other, and said with a smile, "Come and have a drink."

The big man swallowed a few mouthfuls before the kick he had just received was relieved. The people around were pointing their swords at Jing Ke, and when the big man came over, the long sword in his hand immediately swung towards Jing Ke. And Jing Ke flashed to the other side of him again, poured the wine into his mouth again, and said, "How can we make friends without drinking?"

After waiting for a bowl of wine to be poured into the big man's mouth, he smiled and said, "That's good."

"Servant..." As soon as he finished speaking, the big man spit out the wine in his mouth. Seeing Jing Ke's distressed expression, he said, "You don't think alcohol is right to your taste. Alas, if you don't say it sooner, it will be a waste."

"Kill this guy!!!" At this moment, a man next to him charged at Jing Ke with a sword and shouted.

Jing Ke's hand on the shoulder of the big man turned and turned the big man around twice, and then he was facing the man who was rushing. Jing Ke kicked hard behind the big man. "Pfft..." The big man immediately spit the wine he drank into the man's face.

After the big man finished vomiting, the man wiped it with his hands. And Jing Ke suddenly appeared beside him, looked at the man and said with a smile: "I don't know if this is right for your taste?"

"Do it, don't leave a single one." The man in black behind said with a frown.

"Don't leave a single one? People in the Qin country are too arrogant. This is the Yan country." Just as the man in black finished speaking, Mu Hantian's sarcastic voice came from behind.

Everyone looked in Mu Hantian's direction again, only to see Mu Hantian standing up slowly.

"Xiao Gao, remember to invite me to dinner, I'm not full yet." Mu Hantian smiled at Gao Jianli.

Gao Jianli took a deep look at Mu Hantian and nodded lightly. Mu Hantian looked at Jing Ke again, smiled and said, "Brother, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see. Xiaotian, you didn't say come looking for big brother. Since he wants big brother to come to you, it is too unethical." Jing Ke also woke up from pretending to be drunk and smiled bitterly.

"Isn't this planning to go, then, let's finish the eye first." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"They know each other?" Gao Jianli secretly asked after hearing the conversation between Mu Hantian and Jing Ke.

"How can we say that our Qin state is also a great country of etiquette, how can we be rude in the face of the enemy? Go." The man in black sneered with cold eyes.


A burst of sword cries flashed, and the two went straight to Jing Ke, and the two went straight to Mu Hantian. But where are these four opponents, in one round, they flew out and landed on the ground.

"Dong dong..."

Gao Jianli sat in the same position and did not move, only to see Mu Hantian and Jing Ke flashing into the crowd, flashing back and forth like ghosts.

Soon, more than 30 people were quickly killed by two people, and more than 30 corpses appeared on the ground.

"Dare to ask the two names? Why do you want to be our enemy of Qin?" The man in black saw that Mu Hantian and Jing Ke's movements were extremely fast and their kung fu was impressive. The thirty or so people of my own can't beat him at all, let alone another Gao Jianli.

"Oh? Are you asking me? My name is Jing Ke, Jing Ke's Jing, Jing Ke's Ke; I'm very famous." Jing Ke shamelessly said.

"Jing Ke?" The man in black came up with this name in his mind and thought for a while, but it seemed that he had never heard of it before, why is it so famous?

In fact, Jing Ke is a native of Wei, and he has only a little reputation in the Jianghu. Wei Guo died early. Unless he is a well-informed person in Jianghu, he will rarely know about Jing Ke, so he naturally has not heard of it.

But at this time, he would not be stupid enough to say that he had never heard of this name, and the man in black looked at Mu Hantian again and said, "Then who is your Excellency?"

"First of all, I and no one are enemies, because I do things based on my mood." Mu Hantian looked at the man in black and said lightly.

Heiyi was stunned when he heard Mu Hantian's words, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Your Excellency said such words, aren't you afraid that Qin's iron cavalry will pacify Yan's country?"

"Don't worry, no outsider will know. You, you can't go back. What's more, I'm really not afraid." Then, Mu Hantian moved, and a long sword on the ground immediately flew out from under Mu Hantian's feet, directly hitting the heart of the man in black. .

"Ah..." The man in black looked at the long sword that was shot at him quickly, and did not rush to dodge at all. With a scream, he fell down unwillingly.

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