Shaoyu touched his chin, looked at Tianming, and then slowly walked in front of Tianming, squatted down, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, only to hear him say, "You guys are really immortal! Hey! Kowtow to the big brother as soon as we meet, you really know the book!"

After listening to Shaoyu's words, Tianming was uncharacteristically. At this moment, he was not as angry as before, but rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, and quickly said to Shaoyu: "I haven't seen big brother for a long time, little brother really misses it very much. Miss you!"

"Ah?" Shaoyu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and when he heard Tianming say this, he was dumbfounded for a while when he saw how uncharacteristically he was, and he didn't know what to say, and secretly said in his heart, "I wonder how this kid has changed his personality? "

Just when Shaoyu was dumbfounded, Tianming suddenly rushed up and rushed towards Shaoyu. First, Shaoyu didn't react. Tianming smiled complacently. Unable to move, he felt as if someone was grabbing his back, Tianming slowly turned his head to look, and saw that his body was lifted up by the big hammer at some point.

"So you think of me like this!" Shaoyu clasped his fists in his chest, stood up slowly, sneered, and said.

"You brat really doesn't cry without seeing the coffin, it seems that I have to give you something to taste." The big hammer said fiercely while grasping Tianming.

"Ah!" Before he could finish speaking, the big hammer suddenly felt a pain in his right hand, and he saw Tianming was biting his hand, the big hammer was in pain, and he threw it hard, and Tianming jumped to the ground, ready to hit Shaoyu. Go, but suddenly there were bursts of strong footsteps behind him, and when he looked at Shaoyu's surprised eyes again, Tianming was stunned, turned around, and saw the big hammer standing tall and mighty behind him with a serious face. .

"Humph!" Tianming, who refused to admit defeat, also straightened up and stood opposite the sledgehammer, with sparks in his eyes.

On the other side, Mu Hantian looked at the two of them with a lot of interest. He also wanted to see how much Tianming could achieve.

"Brother Hantian, do you want to stop the big hammer, Tianming he..." Yue'er asked Mu Hantian, holding Mu Hantian's hand.

"The Mo family has always advocated that Guangming is tired, and he used stones to count Shaoyu. Naturally, the big hammer is to teach him a lesson, so it shouldn't be a bad thing!" Before Mu Hantian could speak, Duanmurong, who was beside him, looked at Tianming and said.

"That's right. Tiannian is young and ignorant, and his nature is active. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, he will not be able to take up great responsibility in the future." Mu Hantian said lightly.

Gai Nie quietly looked at Tianming below, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Below, I saw the big hammer reaching out and trying to grab Tianming, but Tianming seized the opportunity, bent over and turned down, and then shrank down, quickly drilled from the bottom of the giant cauldron, and came to the giant cauldron. The other side of the tripod.

Afterwards, Tianming revolved around the giant cauldron, grimacing from time to time while hiding from the big hammer, and the big hammer could not catch Tianming for a while, so the two of them went around there, playing hide-and-seek. But seeing Tianming smiling at him all the time, Big Hammer couldn't help but feel angry. Robber Zhi couldn't help rubbing his chin and muttered, "This kid is interesting."

Afterwards, I saw that the big iron hammer quickly concentrated its power on his left hand, and punched the giant cauldron. He didn't expect that the big hammer would knock the giant cauldron into the air, and he blinked his eyes for a while, staring at the big hammer.

When Tianming was in a daze, now there is no obstruction between the two, the big hammer slapped Tianming, and the sober Tianming hurriedly ducked back. Although Tianming managed to dodge, he also scared Tianming. Not light. The palm of the sledgehammer is much larger than that of ordinary people, and when it is fanned over, the palm wind can be imagined.

Immediately afterwards, the big hammer clenched his right fist and swept it towards Tianming's lower plate. Tianming hurriedly did a somersault, jumped up, and dodged again, but the big hammer still did not give up, and his left fist immediately went down to where Tianming was standing. When the fist fell to Tianming, it flashed again, and successfully escaped. Seeing that the sledgehammer could not catch him, Tianming was also a little complacent, so he smiled and said: "Silly big man, don't bother, you can't catch me. of."

After speaking, he made a face at the big hammer. At this time, the big hammer was also a little anxious, but the corner of his mouth rose slightly. Suddenly, he raised his fists and hit Tianming at the same time.

"This is..." Gai Nie was a little surprised when he saw the action of the big hammer.

"No way! This guy actually used the Thunder God Fist!" Roof Zhi said in surprise, looking like he couldn't believe it. On the other hand, Mu Hantian had a solemn expression and let go of Yue'er's hand.

At this time, Tianming also felt that something was wrong. He was horrified to find that his body could not move back, as if there was a powerful force pushing his body towards the big hammer, and the fist wind on the big hammer's fists also Hit Tianming like a whirlwind Just as Tianming kept approaching the big hammer, when he had nothing to do, he was about to be punched.

Suddenly, a white figure flashed by, and between the silver light stones, sword qi cut through the swirl, and attacked the fist wind of the big hammer. Due to the sudden sword qi, it cut through the swirl. , disrupting the punch of the sledgehammer itself. For a while, the big hammer instinctively stopped his fists and quickly turned sideways to avoid the sword qi, and turned his head to look.

Mu Hantian didn't know when he appeared in front of him, and blocked Tianming behind him, while Mu Hantian's right hand changed his sword to his chest, and his left hand was behind his back. Looking at the big hammer, he said indifferently: "Big hammer, you have a lot of skills."

"Big Brother Mu!" Tianming exclaimed in surprise when he looked at the person who came, "I knew you and Uncle would definitely come to save me!" After that, he stuck his tongue out at the big hammer and made a face.

The people around were also shocked and said:

"It's the big boss."

"The boss is back."

"The big boss is so powerful..."

"Big Brother Mu!" Shaoyu said softly after seeing the visitor for a moment.

Big Hammer looked at Mu Hantian and said embarrassedly, "Xiaotian, why are you back?"

"I'm not coming back, how can I see you show off your strength." Mu Hantian put down his right hand under his abdomen and said lightly.

"I... I was just joking with this little brother." Sledgehammer smiled while touching the back of his head with his right hand.

"Just kidding? It seems that your Thor Fist has reached the level of pure blue." Mu Hantian said lightly.


Seeing the embarrassed look on Big Hammer's face, Mu Hantian smiled lightly: "Big Hammer, I don't want to blame you either. Just taking a shot at a child is in itself a big bully. Also using 'Thor Fist' is really It's too much, you can't see that this kid has no martial arts except for being flexible."

"Uh...this..." For a while, Mu Hantian turned red in the face when he said the big hammer, wishing he could find a hole to burrow into.

Mu Hantian shook his head, turned to look at Tianming who was making a face at the big hammer, and said solemnly: "Tianming, I save you because you are still a child. The Mo family always advocates that Guangming is tired, you use stones to counteract Shaoyu, big The hammer should teach you some lessons too. I hope you remember, there is no next time."

"Yes, Brother Mu." Tianming looked at Mu Hantian's serious expression, and quickly lowered his head to answer.

"Okay, the play is over, all the disciples return to their posts." Mu Hantian looked at the surrounding Mo family disciples and said.

"Yes... the big boss."

"As ordered."


Soon, the surrounding Mo family disciples dispersed, and the big hammer also picked up the cauldron with one hand, carried it on his shoulders, and left with the twelve Mo family disciples of the Forging Department.

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