Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 366: I agreed

In the Xianyang Palace of the Qin State.

Yingzheng and Li Si were still standing there, Yingzheng looked ahead and asked, "You said that the previous action was hard-to-find, and the purpose was to let Genie and the rebels hide in the city and find his hiding place in the city?"

"Yes, this is what this minister planned." Li Qi lowered his head and said.

"I found it now, presumably... You should have a plan for the next step, right?" Ying Zheng said lightly.

"As Your Majesty expected, your servants have already started their subordinates' offensive plan." Li Si said, looking at Yingzheng.

"What plan?" Yingzheng squinted at Li Si and said.

"The mechanism city is exquisitely designed, and it is impregnable. If you want to break through, you must have someone who is proficient in mechanism." Li Si respectfully said.

"A person who is proficient in mechanical techniques?"

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the shocking duel three hundred years ago in order to make Chu cancel its plan to fight Song?" Li Si asked mysteriously.

"You mean the Gongzu family?" Ying Zheng said.

"Exactly, 'the Mo family's organs, walk on wood and stone; bronze opens, ask Gongshu.' The Gongshu family is the mortal enemy of the Mo family, and his specialty is 'overbearing mechanic'." Li Si explained.

"Domineering tricks? It sounds like a lot of people's appetites." Ying Zheng said.

Organ City.

"Hantian!" At this moment, a crisp voice sounded from behind Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian looked back and saw a woman with a wide skirt standing not far behind him. The skirt showed her graceful and delicate beauty, but the cold clothes showed her indifference. Hold out.

Crystal headdresses, crystal earrings, silver bracelets, dark blue silk skirts, silver leg ornaments, blue crystal dance sandals, decorated with all kinds of accessories in elegant colors and exquisite shapes, not only will they not make her look vulgar, On the contrary, it added a little more elegance. A little more is too bright, and a little less is empty.

Mu Hantian turned to look at the woman and smiled, "Xue'er."

This person is not Snow Maiden, who is she?

Xue Nu walked up to Mu Hantian and said softly, "When did you come back? Why don't you ask someone to call me first so that I can pick you up."

"I just came back." After speaking, Mu Hantian stretched out his hand to Xue Nu's cheek, stroked the silver hair that fluttered on Xue Nu's face, and said with a smile, "It's not a scene, there is something to take care of. Besides, you are not Did you go on a mission with Xiao Gao?"

"It's done, so I came back early." Snow Maiden looked at Mu Hantian tenderly.

Oh, ah, ah, smiled slightly, and joked: "Hehe, I thought Xueer didn't go because she was afraid that I would come back early."

"I... I am naturally worried that you will come back early... That's why... I asked Xiao Gao to finish the task quickly." Xue Nu lowered her head and said shyly.

Mu Hantian took Xue Nu's jade hand and said with a smile, "By the way, Xue Er. Where are they?"

"They? They are in the room." Snow Maiden thought for a while and said.

"Really? Forget it, I'll find them later." Mu Hantian said.

"Hey, you two, can you not do this!" I saw Duanmurong leading Yue'er and Nongyu to Mu Hantian's side and said at some point.

"Ah! Sister Rong..." Xue Nu exclaimed, her face flushed. Turning his eyes, he looked at Nongyu beside Duanmu Rong, then went over to take Duanmu Rong's hand and said with a smile, "Sister Rong, who is this sister?"

Duanmu Rong looked at Mu Hantian and said to Xue Nu, "She's called Nongyu, and it belongs to him..." As she spoke, she pointed at Mu Hantian.

Xue Nu immediately gave Mu Hantian a roll of eyes, and Mu Hantian immediately turned around to talk to Tianming Shaoyu, pretending not to see it.

"Sister Xue Nv!" Yue'er saw Xue Nv hurriedly ran in front of Xue Nv, called out kindly, took Xue Nv's hand, and said affectionately, "You are back."

"Yeah. I haven't seen you for a few days, and Yue'er is beautiful again." Xue Nu patted Yue'er's head and smiled.

"No, Sister Xue Nu, Sister Rong and Sister Nongyu are beautiful." Yue'er secretly looked at Mu Hantian, blushing.

Xue Nu just saw Yueer's eyes and teased: "Haha. Why is Yueer blushing?"

"I...I..." Yue'er's face turned even redder, and she lowered her head and was speechless.

Xue Nu supported Yue'er's ear and murmured, "Did Yue'er fall in love with your brother Hantian?"

"Ah!" Yue'er couldn't help but panic when her mind was discovered.

"Haha. Yue'er is so cute, it looks like your brother Hantian said something to you." Snow Girl smiled.

"" Although Yue'er said so, she still remembered the scene of that afternoon at Jinghu Lake.

"Haha. I still said no, don't worry, your sister Xue Nv won't mind." Xue Nv smiled.

"Really?" Yue'er looked up at Snow Maiden and said in surprise.


"Sister Xue Nv is great." Yue'er hugged Xue Nv at once and said happily.

"Haha." Xue Nu looked at Yue'er and smiled softly, then looked at Nongyu and smiled, "Sister Nongyu, you are welcome."

"Sister Xue Nu." Nong Yu smiled at Xue Nu.

Saying that, Snow Maiden pulled Duanmu Rong and made jade, and Yue'er went to the side and whispered.

Mu Hantian also let Shaoyu and Tianming play by themselves, and then walked towards Gai Nie.

"Boy, have you seen the performance of the eldest brother just now?" Shaoyu put on Tianming's shoulder with a smile, and said with a proud look, "How is it? Do you admire my eldest brother very much?"

Tianming turned around slowly, sighed, and his expression was very serious, which really surprised Shaoyu, he had never seen such a serious Tianming before, only to hear Tianming slowly say: "I just want you to understand a truth. Bravery is not proven by making others worry about him, especially those who care about him. The strong is able to make his friends and relatives feel safe and secure."

"No way, kid, I haven't seen you for a few days. How do you talk like Master Fan?" Shaoyu was a little stunned, and couldn't help but wonder if the kid was taking the wrong medicine.

But I saw Tianming reached out and patted his shoulder and continued: "It's really not easy to understand, it may take you a long time to understand this truth, I hope you can promise me to keep these two sentences in my heart, okay? ?"

"No problem..." Shaoyu nodded with eyes wide open.

Tianming seemed to be quite satisfied and nodded, but made a face behind his back.

on the cliff.

Wei Zhuang was still standing on the edge of the cliff, and Bai Fengyi was standing on his left.

"call out!"

A masked man suddenly appeared behind Wei Zhuang and the others. A black spider was stabbed on his neck. The man knelt down and clasped his fists and said, "Lord Wei Zhuang."

"What is Li Si looking for from me?" Wei Zhuang said lightly, looking at the mountains and clouds placed in front of him.

"Lord Xiangguo asked me to convey that the Gongshu family has been dispatched, please prepare, Lord Weizhuang." That said.

"Understood." Wei Zhuang said lightly.

With that said, the man disappeared in place. The whole space became quiet, and after a long while, Wei Zhuang said, "Let Hidden Bat and Lin'er go over."

"Yes." Said, Bai Feng also disappeared in place, and the white feathers fell again.

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