Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 564: Holy Demon Sword

"Barupa Galileo. As long as you are around, there will be a second and third of our lives ignored."

"Hmph. Research from the past has come with sacrifice. That's all."

"Kiba! Destroy that **** Fried and Excalibur."

"Yudou! Come on! Make your own decision! Surpass Excalibur! Because you are me, Rias Gremory's servant! My 'Knight' will not lose to Excalibur!"

"Yudou, come on, leave Kirkball to me, don't worry! I believe you can do it!"

"Senior Yudou! Come on."


"Hahaha! Why are you crying? Sing happily with the ghost in the middle of the battlefield. It's annoying. It sucks. I hate that song the most. That's enough! I'm going to cut you down and calm down! Use these four invincible holy swords combined into one!"

The soul of my comrade who resides in it. I can't let you use it any more! These tears are tears of determination!

"I will be the sword."

Comrades. O comrades fused with my soul. Let's cross together-. The thoughts and wishes that were not conveyed at that time are now realized!

"I will become the sword of the minister and companion! Now respond to my thoughts! The creation of the magic sword!" The artifact merged with the soul of the comrade. Synchronized, shaped. Combine the power of the devil with the power of the divine.

Yes, this feeling. My artifact, thanks to my comrades. This is sublimation. At the same time, a divine brilliance and an ominous aura were released, and a sword appeared in his hand.

Done, everyone.

"Forbidden hand, 'Sacred Demon Sword of Double Domination'. A sword with both holy and demonic powers, just use your body to feel it." Kiba shouted, rushing towards Fried.

The characteristic of being a 'knight' is speed! Fried followed Kiba's movements with his eyes, and Kiba kept disappearing from his sight.


Even so, Fried blocked Kiba's attack.

"That blunt sword can actually surpass the real holy sword!" Freed made a shocked voice.

"If that's the real Excalibur, it might not be possible to win. But, with your Excalibur, you won't be able to cut off the thoughts of me and my comrades!"

"Tsk!" Fried, stunned, pushed Kiba back and backed away.

"Extend it!" Excalibur, like having a will, changed its orbit in the air and quickly approached!

From all directions, up and down, the piercing thrusts came flying, but Kiba blocked them all.

"Why! Why can't you hit, this is the invincible holy sword! Isn't it known as the strongest legend from the past?" Freed shouted. visibly anxious.

"Hey, hey, I don't agree with what you said, the strongest sword, are you kidding me? As far as I know, there are many holy swords stronger than Excalibur, our **** Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, The sword of Perseus that cut off the head of Medusa in ancient Greece,

Giant's Sword of Beoluf Medieval Europe

Sword of Hogney that killed Sigurd in ancient Germania

Sabre Spiral Sword of Celtic Mythology Hero Filx Mark Roy

Sigurd's Sword of Victory and more, none of these are worse than Excalibur. "

"It's annoying." Freed yelled, attacking faster and faster, but Kiba blocked them all.

"That's right. Let's go on like this." Xenovia intervened. She held the holy sword in her left hand and raised her right hand to the sky.

"Peter, Basil, Dionysius, and the Virgin Mary. Hear my voice."

Space is warped. Xenovia pushed her hand deep into the center of the twist. I searched it effortlessly, as if I caught something and pulled it out from the gap in the dimension. It was a sword that served the divine breath.

"In the name of the saint who resides in this sword, I order it to be liberated. - Durandal!"

"It's actually Durandal!"

"You guy, aren't you an Excalibur user!" Not only Barupa, but even Kirkball was quite surprised.

"It's a pity. I was originally a user of the holy sword Durandal. I was only a user of Excalibur." Xenovia set up Durandal. The two-way flow with Excalibur.

"How is that possible! My research should not have reached the realm of controlling Durandal!"

"That's for sure. The Vatican has no artificial user of Durandal."

"Then why!"

"I am different from Irina's existing artificial holy swordsmen. I am one of the few natural holy swordsmen."

"Dirandall is a tyrant beyond imagination. He can cut off anything. And he doesn't even listen to me. That's why it's an extremely dangerous thing that can't be stored in another dimension. A tough sword to master. - Well, Fried Selzer. Thanks to you now you can have a showdown between Excalibur and Durandal. I'm shaking with joy now. Don't give me the first blow Dead? You can use the power of Excalibur to your fullest!"

Durandal's blade began to release the divine aura above the Excalibur held by Bifried. That aura has the power above the Demon Sword of Saint You Dou!

"How could this be! Super-expanded! Bastard! There is no need for such a setting." Freed shouted, releasing murderous aura at Xenovia. At the same time, the transparent holy sword that branched out, which was invisible to the eyes, was also attacking her.


With just a horizontal swing, the holy sword Excalibur was shattered and revealed. The sword wind released by Durandal dug up a large area of ​​the schoolyard.

"It's just a broken holy sword. It can't be Durandal's opponent." Gerova sighed like a boring sigh.

"True or false, true or false, true or false! The legendary Excalibur actually shattered like sawdust! It's too much! Too much! Ah! Isn't it wrong to want to reuse the broken things! The superficiality of humans, the stupidity of the church, the uncle Ben, who has witnessed all kinds of things, wants to grow!"

Kiba rushed towards Fried, whose murderous aura had weakened!

He didn't react at all! General!

Excalibur blocked Kiba's holy demon sword.


A fantastic metallic sound rang out. —This is the sound of the holy sword Excalibur becoming shattered.

"See? Our power surpasses Excalibur!"

Following the momentum that shattered the holy sword, Kiba slashed at Fried.

Fried collapsed, blood flowing from the wound Kiba had cut from his shoulder to his flank.

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