Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 565: God is dead

"Ho, it's actually the Holy Demon Sword...? Impossible. It is impossible for two opposite elements to merge together." Balupa Galileo said with a tight face.

"I don't care about that, Balupa Galileo. Give me enlightenment." Kiba slashed at Balupa with the holy demon sword.

"I see! I see! Holy and Demons, if the balance governing their existence collapses, then it can be justified! That is to say, not only the Demon Lord, but also the gods..."

call out.

Balupa, who seemed to have figured out something, was penetrated by a light gun.

"Ugh!" Balupa spat out blood and fell onto the playground.

"Balupa. You are excellent. It is because you are excellent that you can think of it. But, it doesn't matter if I don't have you. From the beginning, I planned to do it alone." Kou floating in the air Kerber sneered.

It was Kirkball who killed Balupa.

"Hahaha! Ahahaha!" Kirkball laughed and fell to the ground.

overwhelming pressure. With strong self-confidence and aura, the officials of the fallen angel finally stood in front of Mu Hantian and the others. With a fearless smile.

"Kiba, Jerowa, step back, he's my prey." Mu Hantian waved his hand and motioned for the two to step back.

"Is this... is it really possible? You are alone." Kiba hesitated.

"No problem, come on, 'Wings of Storms'!" At the same time as Kiba answered, Mu Hantian imitated Jerova and stretched his hand into the void to grope.

Finally, I found it and pulled it out. It was a green sword, and I could feel it was very strong just by its imposing manner.

"Hey, Kirkball, I just released the seal on 'her', I wonder if you can stop it." Mu Hantian chuckled lightly.

"Who the **** are you?" As a strong man, Kirkball could of course feel the oppression on the sword.

"Me? Remember, I'm just a passing... person, and also Gremory's 'chariot'" (Haha, thought I would write about Kamen Rider passing by? I miss you too much.)

"Oh, a mere relative, huh, why don't you give your artifact, I can spare you not to die."

"Come and try, I also want to know how strong I am, so let's try it out." Said indifferently, Mu Hantian quickly attacked Kirkboer who was standing on the ground.

"Oh, good speed, but not strong enough." Kokboer gently stretched out a hand, blocking Mu Hantian's attack very easily.

"How about this move." Seeing that the attack failed, Mu Hantian didn't stop, he quickly retreated, and reorganized the attack.

"Underworld God Stream - Wing's Frontier." With the 'Storm Wing' as the center, the surrounding airflow turned into a sharp blade and swept towards Kirkboar.

"Huh? This kind of attack, so it turns out, it's you... The guy who suddenly ran out during the three-way war and defeated the **** and the demon king. I didn't expect you to be alive." Kokboer said Mu Hantian in his mouth. Can't understand words.

'What is this guy talking about? Wouldn't be stupid. ’ Although he thought so, Mu Hantian’s attack did not weaken.

"Hmph, if it were you, there would be no need to fight. I'm not your opponent, but you can't stop me if I want to leave." Kirkball seemed to have thought of something, and wanted to retreat.

"How can you escape, people and ghosts - the future will be forever cut." Mu Hantian took out the crystal Jue and opened it up.

"Damn!" Feeling the attack behind him, Kirkball had no choice but to turn around to resist.


"Hmph, it seems that we can't leave today, so let me tell you something interesting. In the previous three-way war, not only the four major demon kings, but even the gods died. Of course you don't know. The gods are dead. , how can I say it? Human beings are a lot of people who have no god-hearted balance and incomplete laws and functions? We fallen angels and demons have not informed the lower layers of the truth. No matter which side thinks that it is impossible to kill gods The information has been revealed. Even among the three major forces, only a few people at the top know the truth. It seems that Balupa noticed it just now. What remains after the war is that the angels went to God and lost everything The demon king and most of the upper-level demons, the fallen angels who have basically lost all except the cadres. Already, they are in a state of exhaustion. Every faction has fallen to the predicament that they cannot continue to survive without human beings. Especially angels and fallen angels Even if angels and humans intersect, there will be no descendants. If there are fallen angels, the number of fallen angels will increase, but pure angels cannot increase now that they have lost God. The pure blood of demons has become rare, right?"

In fact, the purpose of Kokboer telling the truth was just to interfere with Mu Hantian and others, and then take the opportunity to escape.

"Liar. Liar." Not far away, Xenovia, who had lost her strength and support, knelt on the ground on the spot. Her expression was very embarrassed.

Active duty believers. Servant of God. Existing with the purpose of serving God and living with the purpose of serving God If the existence of God is denied, the reason for life will also be lost.

And because Irina passed out in a coma, she didn't hear it.

"To be honest, even if you deliberately want to start a war, you won't be able to fight. No matter which faction, they have lost a lot in the previous war. In the battle, the gods and the demon king have both died, so there is no point in judging to continue the battle. That guy Azazel also lost most of his subordinates in the war, and declared 'there will be no second war'! I can't stand it! I can't stand it! I want to take back the fist I swung once! What a joke! What a joke! If we continue like this, maybe it will be our victory! But that guy! What is the value of a fallen angel who lives with the human artifact owner!" Kirkball said eloquently. The expression is also quite angry.

Elsa also covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes were wide open, and her whole body was trembling. Although she has left the church, her faith is still alive.

"The Lord is gone? The Lord... is dead? So, what is given to us is..."

Kirkball answered Elsa's question: "That's right. It is only natural that God's protection and love disappear. Because God is no longer there. Michael can really do it. Instead of God, he managed angels and humans well. Well, If the 'system' used by the gods is still functioning, the prayers of the gods, blessings, and exorcists can still function to a certain extent. However, the number of believers that can be covered is much smaller than when the gods are still alive. Right. The reason why the holy devil sword kid over there can create the holy devil sword is because the balance between the gods and the devil king has collapsed. Originally, the holy devil and the devil would not be merged together. It is in charge of the balance of the power of the holy and the devil. If the gods and demon kings are gone, all kinds of peculiar phenomena will occur.”

After listening to Kirkball's words, Elsa sat on the ground in a daze.

"Aisha! You still have me, don't worry." Mu Hantian hugged her and called to her.

Kirkball ignored Mu Hantian and the others, and raised his hand to the sky.

"I want to start a war, take this as an opportunity! Your life is a letter! Even if it's just me, I will continue until then! I want to prove to Sazex and Michael that our fallen angels are the strongest. But now there is nothing I can do, now I can only give in." After speaking, he was ready to flee.

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