Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 604: Conversation with Valli

Rias, Theodora, and Azazel, who was a consultant, sat at the desk in the department.

Junai made tea for Theodora and waited beside Rias.

The other members were watching the situation from the corner of the room.

Aisha stayed beside Mu Hantian with a confused look on her face, Mu Hantian quietly held the hand of Aisha who seemed very uneasy, and she also held Mu Hantian's hand back. Her nervousness was also clearly communicated to Mu Hantian.

"Student Rias, do you want to make a deal? I'll just admit defeat, and then you give me the 'monk' Aisha Alget that I want, of course, I'll take a 'monk' in exchange. "Theodora cast her gaze to Elsa and said without hesitation.

"What I have prepared here is..." Theodora took out what looked like a catalog of her servants, and when she was about to hand it to Rias, Rias quickly said: "I will I know. But sorry. I think it's better to say this before looking at something like a catalog of servants. I'm not interested in trading. That doesn't mean I can't get along with your 'monk', just I simply don't want to let go of Asia. She is my important follower demon." Rias responded directly!

"Is that because of ability? Or is it because of her own charm?" Theodora asked indifferently.

"Both sides. I've always regarded her as a younger sister."

"Minister!" Aisha covered her mouth, her green pupils also wet.

"We are partners who live together. Is it strange that we don't want to lose her because we have a deep relationship? I think it's quite sufficient. And I want to get the woman I once proposed to her through a deal, what should I say. And Thinking of getting Asia through my hand like that, you really don't understand the world, Theodora. Do you understand the meaning of marriage proposal?" Rias asked back with a forceful smile.

"I understand. Then I'll leave today. But I won't give up." Saying that, Theodora stood up. Then he walked to Aisha's side.

He stood in front of the bewildered Elsa, knelt down on the spot, and grabbed Elsa's hand.

"Aisha. I love you. It's okay, fate will not betray us. Even if everyone in the world rejects us, I will cross them." He said something he didn't know and tried to kiss Aisha. nail--.

"You, it's really boring." Mu Hantian said lightly, while grabbing Theodora's shoulder to stop the kiss.

Theodora still showed a hearty smile and said: "Can you please let go? Being touched by a dirty guy makes me a little bit of that."


Elsa's slap exploded on Theodora's cheek.

Aisha hugged Mu Hantian and shouted, "Please don't say such things!"

Theodora's cheeks were flushed from the slap in the face. But even so, his smile did not disappear.

"I see. I understand. Well, let's do it for now. I'll take down this guy in the next match. If that happens, Asia will definitely respond to my love."

"It's just you? Don't let me down!" mocking? Who wouldn't, hehe.

At this moment, Asachel's cell phone rang. After some answers, Azazel said to the crowd, "Rias, Theodora, take up your time. The match date is set. It's in five days."

The day was over, and Theodora went back. And through the official competition notice from the Demon King, it was sent to everyone a few days later.

Although he was no longer a demon, Mu Hantian did not give up on this job. He had always regarded it as a boring pastime.

"Puha, sports drinks are really cool." On the way back, Mu Hantian bought a can of drinks from the vending machine, and suddenly a voice came. Appearing in the dark night——is a man dressed in a carefree manner!

"Long time no see, Sword God."

"Beautiful Monkey! Why are you here!" Mu Hantian didn't bother about the title of 'Sword God', anyway, he used a sword, so this couldn't be refuted.

"Well, I just accompany my partner." The monkey turned his head.

"I haven't seen you for two months, Mu Hantian, I really want to fight you, but I haven't had time."

"Valley! Did you come to see me for something?"

"It's nothing, I'm just here to tell you something. You seem to be going to a ratinggame, right? The opponent is the second head of the Astaroth family, right?"

"so what?"

"You'd better be careful. Although I don't know how strong you are, as my opponent, you can't die too early."

"You mean I'm going to lose?"

Vali shrugged and said, "Have you seen the recorded video? The battle between the Astaroth family and the princess of the Grand Duke?"

"Oh, so what, don't worry, I won't die, even if Orpheus shoots, it won't kill me."

"Oh, hearing you say this, I'm even more excited, and I want to play with you more, but not now. Go back, Monkey." With that, Vali and Monkey left together.

"Wait. You came to me just to say this? Did you make a special trip?"

Hearing Mu Hantian's question, Vali laughed. "Because it happens to be near here, so I came to remind you, sigh, why isn't the 'Red Dragon Emperor' you, a strong man like you, it's interesting to fight."

"Don't underestimate Ise, his strength is not weak at all."

"Well, then I'll look forward to it."

"Goodbye, Sword God. Hey, Vali. Stop by that legendary ramen shop on your way back."


Saying that, Vali disappeared into the darkness with the beautiful monkey.

"Well, in order to devour the True Chilong God Emperor, I have to join forces with Orpheus, really, but that Theodora has to be dealt with. He looks disgusting, a hypocritical guy." Han Tian rode a bicycle back home.

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