Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 605: The title girl was sold by me

Mu Hantian got up very early this day, and there is nothing I can do about it. Last night, Lias came to Mu Hantian's house and said, 'There is a source. Underworld TV is coming to film a show with us. The appearance of the youth demon special. ' That's what it said.

Everyone is sent to the underworld through a special magic circle! The place to arrive is below a large building.

When they arrived at the place where the magic circle was installed, they were warmly welcomed by the staff who were waiting there.

"Waiting for a long time. Lord Rias Gremory. Also, all of the servants. Next, please go this way." The producer led everyone to the upper floor using the elevator.

Inside the building, although the decoration is no different from the world, there are still small differences. Things like magic-powered contraptions and gadgets are all over the building.

The poster in the hallway - it's Rias! The poster of the smiling red-haired girl is like a big star!

At this time, in front of the corridor, there were about 10 people who looked familiar and walked over.

"Sairaorg. You're here too." Rias greeted.

"It's Rias. Are you also here for the shoot?"

"Well, is Sairaorg over?"

"It's only going to start now. Probably in a different studio from Rias and you. I've already watched the game."

Sayraorg's words made Rias frown slightly.

"There are rookies on both sides, and it's unavoidable to feel like a rookie." Sairaog smiled wryly.

He turned his gaze to Ise. "No matter how powerful you are, if you stick to the old ways, you will fail. Because the opponent will aim to attack the gap in a split second. Especially the artifact is full of many unknown areas. I don't know what will happen and what will happen. It's very important. Your battle with Cana Sidi made me realize this again, but..."

Sairaorg patted Ise on the shoulder. "I hope to have a showdown with you using pure power." Sairaorg left after saying this.

After saying hello to Sairaorg, everyone went to the backstage first and put down their luggage here.

Then everyone was taken to a place similar to a photo studio and passed through the middle. It is still in preparation, and the staff of the authorities are carrying out various operations.

The host who arrived earlier greeted Rias.

"First meeting, please take care. I am the anchor of the first TV station in the underworld."

"I'd like to ask you to take care of me too," Rias replied, shaking her hand with a smile.

"Let's discuss it right away." In this way, Rias began to discuss with the staff and the anchor in turn. There are plenty of chairs in the studio for guests!

"I, me, me, me, me... I really want to go home...!" Gasper trembled behind Mu Hantian. It is really cruel to let the family squat on the TV. This problem cannot be corrected.

"I think everyone who belongs to the devil also has a lot of interviews to do, so don't be too nervous." The staff said to everyone.

"Well, who are Mr. Kiba Yuto and Miss Himejima Akeno?"

"Ah, here I am. I'm Yuto Kiba."

"I'm Himejima Akeno."

Kiba and Akeno were called by their names, and both raised their hands.

"I think I will ask you two a lot of questions. Because both of you are on the rise in popularity."

"Really!" Ise exclaimed in surprise.

The staff nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Kiba's female fans and Mr. Himejima's male fans are increasing."

"Oh, it's really good." Mu Hantian smiled.

"Well, then, let's start, please come with me."

Everyone nodded and followed.


"Ah, I'm so tired."

After the shoot, everyone gathered backstage exhausted.

It seems that I was really nervous just now. When I got to the backstage, I was either leaning against the wall or lying on the table.

"Okay, it's almost time to go back." After hearing Rias's words, everyone stood up from their seats.

Just then, the backstage door was knocked, and someone walked in.

A girl with vertical curly hair. And she's quite a beautiful girl.

"Is Mr. Han Tian there?"

"It's Rebel Phoenix. How did you come here?" Mu Hantian asked suspiciously.

She brushed the basket in her hand towards this side.

"Here...for you! It's a cake! Because the next show on this TV station is from Big Brother, I made this by the way!"

"Is that so." With a faint smile, Mu Hantian took the basket and opened it to see that there was a chocolate cake that looked delicious.

"Did you do this?"

"En...En! Of course! I only have confidence in making cakes! And...and I also promised to invite you to eat cakes!"

"Thank you. However, it's okay to take it out when we make an appointment to have tea together."

"No... I won't do things that don't understand fun. Is the battle with the Astaroths approaching? I don't want to take up your time. But, I think it's fine if it's just cake. Give... give I am grateful!"

"That's it, thank you very much."

"Then...then, I'll say goodbye..."

When Rebel finished her business and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute! Kiba, please." Mu Hantian left Rebel behind and asked Kiba to create a small cake knife.

A small piece was cut from the cake in the basket, and it was put into Rebel's mouth like this, and then another piece was put into her own mouth.

"It's delicious, Rebel. Thank you so much, let's eat a little too. Hahaha, you see, I don't know when the next meeting will be, so let's talk about your feelings and gratitude now. Let's have a good tea party next time. If you think there is no problem with me," Mu Hantian said.

Rebel's eyes were wet, and the flushing on her face reached its peak.

"Lord Hantian, I'll cheer you on for this match!" Leibel saluted everyone and left quickly.

"Haha, really..." Mu Hantian looked at Leibel who was leaving, and shook his head with a smile. Then a few more cuts were made from the cake.

"Let's eat together, too, that's what Rebel wants."

"Well." Everyone was not polite and ate directly.


"Huh, it's really cool." Mu Hantian, who had returned home to take a bath, shouted.

"Well, let's go see Heige and the others, and make them some snacks by the way." Muttering to himself, Mu Hantian got dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

"Huh? Is anyone practicing?" When Mu Hantian walked outside the training room, he saw the lights on and was very curious.

Opening the door a little and peering in, Xenovia was wielding a practice sword. Wearing training clothes, wielding every sword seriously.

Xenovia sensed Mu Hantian's breath, and turned his face to this side.

"It's you, Han Tian."

"Yo. I didn't plan to take a peek, because I saw the lights were on here." Mu Hantian took advantage of the situation and entered the room.

"Doing practice?"

"Well, because the game is also approaching."

"But you did quite a bit of practice before sunset, didn't you? I thought you were gone."

"Because, I can't compare to Kiba." Xenovia said with a frank look.

"In the video, we can also see that Kiba uses Durandal's posture better than me. In terms of talent alone, Kiba is above me." There was a little haze in Xenovia's eyes.

"From my point of view, both you and Kiba are pretty good."

"Thank you. However, the most unforgivable thing is that you lost in the previous game without doing anything. So, retrain yourself so that you won't be careless next time."

"No matter how powerful one is, there are countless ways to knock them down. Although power determines everything is the most simple and easy to understand truth. Especially the game is based on teamwork. Compared with individual ability, the combination of multiple abilities is more important. We have to help each other out.”

Xenovia suddenly stopped swinging his sword. Looking at Mu Hantian, he said, "I don't know why, I always feel that after talking to you, Hantian, the tense nerves will be relieved."

Xenovia sat down and approached Mu Hantian. Suddenly, he kissed Mu Hantian's cheek.

"Jenova?" Mu Hantian touched the left cheek that was kissed.

"This is a thank you gift. Hehehe, let's end today." Xenovia said so and left the room, leaving behind a stunned Mu Hantian.

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