Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 607: True Red Dragon God Emperor

"Aren't you going to run away?"

"Why should I run? My purpose is just to lure you over and cooperate with you." Mu Hantian said with a light smile.


"That's right, cooperation! Because my purpose is the True Red Dragon God Emperor, and your purpose is to go home, and you also need to defeat the True Red Dragon God Emperor, so we have no conflict, right?"

"Then, let me give you the strength to drink my 'snake'."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Mu Hantian laughed out loud after hearing Orpheus' words.

"Why, laugh?"

To Orpheus, who tilted his head in surprise, Mu Hantian explained: "Your 'snake' is indeed, very powerful. However, unfortunately, that is not acceptable."

"Why? My snake, if you drink it, you will immediately gain powerful power."

"Sorry, Orpheus, although my strength is not as good as yours, I am stronger than Sazex and the others, so the effect of your 'snake' on me can be ignored. And most importantly, I I don't want to be controlled by others, and if I drink your 'snake', I will be controlled by you, right?"

"Indeed, but..."

"Needless to say, I just want to ask you one question, if you want to join forces with me, if you don't join forces, I will not say anything." After speaking, Mu Hantian turned around and prepared to leave. After all, there were still a lot of things to deal with.


"K... bang!" When Orpheus was about to say something, the space suddenly collapsed, and a huge cave appeared in the space.

"Great.Red (True Red Dragon God Emperor) long time no see."

Orpheus made a snap shot at the appearance of the Shinji Dragon God Emperor with his fingers swinging the gun.

"One day, I must keep the silence in my hands." After speaking, he looked at Mu Hantian again.

"What I said just now, I promised, I will come to you." After saying this, Orpheus disappeared.

"You shouldn't be in this world."

"Sorry, True Chilong God Emperor, I have reasons for having to do this."

"Alas, the silence of the world is ruined again."



"Yeah, but in a bit of trouble, Cruzenil Asmodeus and others from the old Demon Sect suddenly appeared and attacked us, but fortunately, they were resolved." Sazeks replied Mu asked coldly.

"Then everyone, don't get hurt."

"It's okay, it's nothing. But then again, are you all right? It's Orpheus after all."

"I'm fine, but it's not just Orpheus, I just met the True Chilong God Emperor."

"What!" Those who knew the existence of the True Chilong God Emperor were shocked, while those who didn't know were full of doubts.

"There are two types of dragons called 'Red Dragon'. One is the ancient Welsh dragon that resides in you. It is also called the Red Dragon Emperor. The White Dragon Emperor is also from the same origin as this one. . However, although there is only one, there is another 'Red Dragon Emperor'. That is recorded in the Book of Apocalypse, the red dragon. The 'true Red Dragon God Emperor' greatred. Known as the 'True Dragon' The great dragon. I live in the narrow gap of the dimension, and continue to fly there forever." Wally, who suddenly appeared in the air, said aloud, next to him were a beautiful monkey and a man in a suit.

"Wally? What are you doing here."

"Purpose? This time, we came here to confirm this. The venue of Ratinggame opened a barrier in the corner of the interdimensional gap and opened the interior. This time, Orpheus's real purpose is to confirm that. Sharuba Their battles don't matter to us at all." Vali thought about Ise's question and said.

"Wally, as far as I know, in your organization, other than you, the only big power is the 'hero faction' made up of human heroes, descendants of brave warriors, and owners of artifacts, right? ."

"That's true, but I didn't expect you to even grasp the existence of those mighty guys, Azazel."

"Oh, it sounds like you don't like them very much."

"Of course, those so-called descendants of heroes and brave people are very proud."

"Oh, it seems that you are not very peaceful, hahahaha." Azazel laughed.

"Let's go!" Wally said.

He had already run right in front of the dimensional breach that should have been created by the man in the suit.

"Hyoto Issei. - Do you want to defeat me?"

"I want to defeat you. However, you are not the only one I want to surpass. I want to surpass Kiba, who is also a dependent, and I want to surpass Key as a friend. There are many, many people I want to surpass."

"Me too. I also have something to defeat besides you. It's strange. Now there is a purpose and goal that is more important than the fateful confrontation between the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor. Certainly, this time me and You are a strange dragon of red and white, right? It’s okay to be like this every now and then. But, one day…”

"Ah, let's have a showdown, Vali, I will definitely knock you down, not just because of fate. I just want to knock you down."

"That's it, I'm looking forward to it." After saying this, Vali and the monkey entered the dimensional rift, while the man in the suit looked at Gerova and Kiba and said, "I am the Holy King Sword. The holder of , the descendant of Asa Pendragon. Just call me Asa. The next day, I will fight against the holy sword in turn. Farewell." After speaking, they also entered the dimensional rift, and the three of them Just left.

"Let's go too," Mu Hantian said to the people behind him after glancing at the disappearing dimension crack.

"Well, after all, there are still a lot of funerals to deal with." Sazex responded, and the others nodded.

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