Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 608: fighting

This is Kuo Academy during lunch break. Mu Hantian ate lunch with Aisha, Kiryu, Jerowa and Irina.

"Speaking of which, I'm about to go on a school trip, so I have to decide on a group quickly." Irina said while grabbing the fried egg.

"Yeah, it's about to go on a school trip. Our second-year students are going to Kyoto, and there are too many recent things to forget about it. After the sports festival, the second-year school trip will be ushered in."

"Well, it seems like a group of 3 or 4 people."

"Yes, that's right. As for the accommodation, it looks like a room for 4 people."

"Hantian, won't you team up with us during the school trip? But there are 4 beautiful girls who are having sex." Kiryu suggested.

"Don't say anything nasty!"

"Hantian, would you like to be with us?" Elsa asked with a smile.



"You guys, the relationship is still as good as ever. When we talk all day and night, the kiss light is released." Kiryu pushed a pair of glasses and said.

"Haha." Mu Hantian just smiled at Tongsheng's words and didn't say anything.

"That's it, the five of us will act together during our school trip. Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Kinkaku-ji Temple and Ginkaku-ji Temple are waiting for us." Kiryu's glasses flashed a declaration.

"Uh, that, is it only me, a boy?"

"Big man and big tits, we don't mind, what are you afraid of?" Kiryu patted Mu Hantian on the shoulder and said so.

Therefore, the grouping of the trip was decided. There are five people in total: Mu Hantian, Aisha, Xenovia, Irina, and Kiryu.


The club room after school.

As the get out of class drew to a close, the members chatted about school trips while drinking tea.

"Speaking of which, it's time for a second-year school trip." Rias said elegantly, sipping black tea.

"Well, by the way, Rias, where did you guys go last year, Akeno?"

Zhu Nai answered Mu Hantian's question. "We are also in Kyoto. We visited Kinkaku-ji Temple and Ginkaku-ji Temple with the minister."

Rias nodded and continued: "Yeah. What I didn't expect was that even though there are 4 days and 3 nights, the places you can go are very limited. Don't expect too much, or set a detailed time first. It’s better to start again by the watch. If you don’t take the time for apprenticeship and eating into account, you will suffer a big loss. Although the main modes of transportation are buses and subways, the time spent on the road is extraordinarily large. "

"It's not good if you don't calculate the traffic time. The minister is really, I want to see this and that. In the end, I don't have time to go to the originally planned Nijo Castle, and I'm still stomping my feet on the station platform." Zhu After Nao smiled slightly, Rias's face turned red.

"Ah, didn't you agree? I'm too excited. For me, who likes Japan, it is the Kyoto that I long for, so my eyes are drawn away by the city and the souvenir houses." Rias relished Honestly recalled.

"Haven't you been to Kyoto before your school trip? I want to use the magic circle to move around," Ise said.

Rias shook her head and said, "You don't understand, Ise. It's just the right time to visit Kyoto for the first time on a school trip. And using magic circles to move around, I wouldn't do such a tasteless thing. Well. It is precisely because Kyoto is my vision that I want to walk there with my own feet and feel the air there.”

After drinking up the tea in the cup, Rias changed the subject. "Traveling is good, but we also have to discuss the program we are going to present at the school festival."

"Ah, the school festival is coming soon. Our school's sports festival, school excursion, and school festival continued after a short hiatus. It's hard enough for us second-year students."

Rias took the copy from Akeno and put it on the table. It seems that the program of the Paranormal Research Association will be written on this and submitted to the student council.

"So, take advantage of this time to discuss the school festival and prepare in advance. If you can make a decision first, the third and first grades can start preparing during the time of your trip. There are many members this year, and things are easy to manage. too much."

"School Festival, I'm looking forward to it." Aisha looked excited.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to the school festival. The sports festival is great." Xenovia was still expressionless, only his pupils were shining. At the sports festival, Xenovia also made a big fuss. She took many first places in various competitions. After the game, various girls' sports clubs came to try their best to dig the corner of the supernatural research society.

"It's the first time I've caught up with this kind of thing. I'm really looking forward to it. The time for my transfer is just right! This is also the guidance of Lord Michael!" .

"Remember it was a haunted house last year, right? I wasn't a member at the time, but its fidelity became a topic of conversation."

"Yeah, because it's a real monster, of course it will be scary." Rias said this sentence in a single stroke.

"Yes... is it the real thing?" Elsa asked in astonishment.

Rias replied with a calm smile: "Yes. I commission monsters who will not harm humans to play the role of scare in the haunted house. It happens that those monsters are worried and have no work, so this is good for both parties, thanks for it. The pomp is unprecedented."

"After that, it annoyed the student council. So Na, who was the vice president at the time, got so angry that he said, 'If you use genuine products, there is a limit to ignoring the rules.'"

"What about this year? What to do?"

"Anyway, I'm going to try a new trick..." Rias just said here, and everyone's phones rang at the same time.

Everyone knew what it meant and looked at each other.

Rias adjusted her breathing and said solemnly, "Let's go."


The location is an abandoned factory in the city, and everyone came here.

As the sun went down, the sky gradually darkened. There are several auras in the dim factory, filled with killing intent and hostility at the same time.

"Is the family of Gremory, the nose is really good." A male wearing a black coat appeared from the darkness. In the darkness around the man, several human-like black aliens were about to move, and the number was no less than double digits. There were about a hundred black human-shaped monsters in this narrow workshop.

Rias took a step forward and asked in an icy voice: "It's the 'Group of Disaster' - the hero faction, right? Gui'an, I'm Rias Gremory. I was appointed by the three major forces. , the superior demon who manages this city."

Hearing Rias' greeting, the man raised the corners of his mouth. "Ah, this idiot has already figured it out, the Demon King's sister. Because our purpose is to purify you and other demons and save the city."

Two more shadows appeared next to the man, not monsters but humans this time. They are men wearing sunglasses and wearing Chinese national costumes.

click! Ise's dragon hand flashed a red light, the countdown was completed, and he quickly entered the forbidden hand. After putting on his armor, he stepped forward as a pioneer, and at the same time took out Ascalon and threw it to Xenovia. Xenovia, who caught Ascalon, took a stance. Mu Hantian and others also made a state of battle.

When the man in the black coat saw Ise rushing towards him, he hurriedly emitted something like a white flame from his hand.

Kiba on the side narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you the owner of the artifact again?"

"It's really nerve-racking. I've been fighting with the owner of the artifact all this time." Rias sighed. But her eyes were full of determination.

At the moment when the man with the swaying flames attacked the crowd...


The magic vent on Ise's back quickly spewed fire, and he sprinted at the beginning of the battle! At the same moment, the attack of the flame also flew over.


The members who avoided Ise's attack shouted, "Watch out for the power of Chiryuutei! One hit and we're finished! But he can't use it freely in this workshop!"

"Boring, let's get rid of you!" Mu Hantian said that the sword in his hand was constantly waving, and the sword waves slashed out.

Zig up!

Jianbo disappeared! It gives the impression that the moment my attack hits the opponent, it is sucked in by the shadow extending from the workshop! Is it the ability to manipulate shadows?

The man who did it was a man with sunglasses, and that guy's artifact was...


Kiba slashed quickly! The Holy Demon Sword slashed towards the man with sunglasses—the shadow just now swallowed Kiba's sword one step earlier!


The blade of the Holy Demon Sword flew out of Kiba's own shadow! Kiba deftly turned his body to dodge and retreated to the back.

"Is it the ability to teleport anything swallowed by a shadow into any shadow? It's not a direct attack type, but a defensive ability that turns someone else's attack into one's own use? What a troublesome artifact. Kiba narrowed his eyes. murmured.


In the vibration of the air, Mu Hantian felt his own energy in the shadow of the building! Looking there, I saw a blue sword wave flying over here!

The goal is - Aisha! Xenovia, who wielded Ascalon and slaughtered the monster fighter, also noticed the danger of Asia.

"How can you succeed."

Mu Hantian quickly slashed out a few sword waves, dispelling all the attacks on Aisha.


The fierce impact of the sword waves on each other caused a wave of air in the workshop.

"I won't let you touch a finger of Aisha!" Xenovia instantly acted as Aisha's shield to protect her.

In the air waves, a certain object glowing blue came into everyone's eyes.

Looking at it - it happened that the man in the national costume was holding a bow that was probably made of light, and was firing arrows of light at the same time.

shhhhh! boom!

Ise rushed forward and successfully shattered the arrow.

"Gasper! How's the stats?" Kiba asked, keeping his eyes on his opponent.

Gaspar, who had been fiddling with the machine, replied, "Okay... Okay, come out! That one over there is an artifact of the flame attack type 'Hands of White Flame'! That is a defensive counter-attack artifact 'The Great Shield of the Night' '! The most...the last one is the light attack artifact 'Blue Light Arrow'!"

Gasper investigates the opponent's artifact using a mechanism developed by Azazel. Although it's a bit awkward, the artifact scanner developed has been very powerful recently, and it is very useful in the battle with the artifact owner. The data is out now.

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