Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 609: battle is over

"I see, I have a solution, Ise, Yuto, Xenovia, listen to my instructions. Ise will deal with the one who uses fire, and Yuto will deal with the light envoy with the bow! Xenovia is responsible for driving the miscellaneous soldiers out The two of you open the way! Rias, you give your full support and wipe out all the miscellaneous soldiers! Leave that shadow envoy to me!"

"Understood." Everyone responded in unison and moved together.

Xenovia spearheaded, wiping out local combatants with Ascalon.

Kiba pressed forward with a single stride, and slashed towards the wall of shadows covered with light messengers.


The blade of the holy magic sword was sucked in.

call out!

A shadow flew out from Ise who was approaching Yanshi!

"Ise step aside and shoot the dragon missile at the shadow." Mu Hantian's order arrived.

Ise dodged the blade of the Holy Demon Sword, and after dodging he shot a red magic bullet at the shadow!

Boom! Boom!

Issei's magic bullet was sucked into the shadow!

"Haha, I don't know if it's right or not, but it should be like this." Mu Hantian murmured and swung a sword into the shadow.


The explosion and screams of something being hit sounded at the same time! When everyone saw it, the scarred shadow envoy flew out!

"I wanted to try what would happen if I attacked and exploded in the shadows. It seems that I can't handle it and it will eventually bring disaster to myself. Even if the attack itself can be diverted, it can't do anything about the explosive power." Han Tian showed a knowing smile.

"Brother, you are really amazing!"


Just when Ise sighed, the Arrow of Light flew towards him! Not blue, but green.

The sudden attack startled everyone. Although Ise tried to dodge it, the arrow came from a direction where the enemy's breath was completely invisible! Everyone was caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Rias turned her gaze to the shadows in the workshop. Then he said: "There is another one. Using shadow as a medium, he is shooting arrows of light outside the safe area. Even if the shadow envoy is defeated, the power of shadow will continue for a while."

Gasper looked at the machine and said, "Okay... It's amazing! With the attack just now, the data came out! It's the 'Green Light Arrow'."

"Leave this to me, the kitten with me. You can find the other party's position with your anger."

"Yes, Xenovia-senpai."

Xenovia dragged the kitten with cat ears and rushed out of the workshop.

"Oh, I have to hurry up to work too." The thruster on Ise's back spurted and rushed forward in one breath!

"Damn Scarlet Dragon Emperor, burn me down!"

Enshi's hands were about to release a huge flame at Ise.

The flames attacked Ise's body...

Ah, it's not hot at all, but rather cool. It seems that after the dragon breath of Uncle Tanning and Sister Timayat, this flame is nothing.

"If you want to burn me to death, your flame is not enough."


Ise's fist threw off the flames and stabbed the flames in the abdomen! Hit straight. At the same time that Yanshi fell to the ground, Kiba also knocked down Lightman not far away.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The Shadow Envoy who had just fallen stumbled to his feet and shouted loudly.

Immediately, the man's body was wrapped in a layer of dark mist, and the shadow gradually extended, almost covering the inside of the workshop.


The light walked under the feet of the shadow envoy, forming a certain magic circle, a magic circle that had never been seen before.

It looks like it's used for transfer, but it's not a demon's spell, because it doesn't have the unique emblem used by demons.

After a flash of flash, the Shadow Envoy disappeared from here.

"Phew! It's over." After the battle, Ise lifted his armor with a long sigh.

"It's hard work, Mr. Ise."

Although everyone was not injured, Mu Hantian still asked Aisha to help everyone reply.

All the combatants disappeared, and the remaining few escaped after the artifact-wielder Shadow Envoy escaped.

In order to send the two men they caught to the underworld, Rias and Akeno started to create a magic circle to send the captured members back to the underworld alive.

"Knocked down the enemy. Although he was slightly injured, he didn't kill him."

Xenovia came back with an unconscious male on her shoulders, and the kitten followed.

After taking away the man's consciousness, he also sent it to the center of the magic circle, and sent it away together with the two people who were caught before, so that one person escaped, leaving some regrets.


"The mission to the underworld is over! But this time it doesn't look like I can get any useful information." Rias sighed.

"Although the artifact holder was sent to the underworld through the magic circle, the moment he lost the battle, his memory of the hero faction was also erased."

"However, our super offensive team has to fight as much as possible without damaging things, which seems a bit harsh."

Hearing Ise's words, Kiba gave a wry smile.

"There's no way. We already have powerful abilities. If we don't control our strength to fight, the city will be destroyed."

"This can also be used as a good reference for ratinggame rules, because we have seen terrible consequences at one point."

"However, things have become troublesome," Kiba said with a sigh.

"Why do you say that? Kiba."

"I mean, there are artifact-wielding assassins with special skills. In our demons' words, there are people who are good at support and tactics, and they are all strength or magic at first. ...Has the mode of action on our side been gradually figured out?"

"The teacher also said that there are still many unclear points about the artifact."

Rias also nodded in affirmation of Kitten's opinion.

"That's right, that's why the special ability to devour Han Tian and the others just now appeared. The other party probably realized that since they can't defend directly, they should deal with it in other ways."

"Then... that, I thought of a question... can you tell me my opinion?" Irina raised her hand cautiously.

"Of course, please speak."

At Rias' urging, Irina began to speak.

"Apart from our research and attack, don't you think there is anything strange about the actions of the hero faction?"


Irina nodded to the suspicious Xenovia and said, "That's right, because if you really want to take us down through research, only two or three battles are enough for the strategists to plan a strategy, and the fourth time The battle will be a showdown. But there was no change in the fourth and fifth battles, so I felt that they were really cautious... How should I put it, are their boss-like existences there? What experiments are you doing?"

"Experiment? Ours?"

Facing Akina's rhetorical question, Irina shook her head slightly.

"I have to say which side it is, it feels more like them - the experiment of the artifact holder... This is my intuition, so I can't say... They also sent the artifact holder to other forces outside this city. The place, I guess is it deliberately picking a place where people with powerful abilities gather to start."

"Dramatic change," the kitten whispered.

"Difficult... Could it be... how could it be that the hero faction let those guys fight with us in order to put them into a banned state?"

"But Ise-kun, don't you think it looks a bit like the reaction of the shadow envoy before disappearing on the other side of the transfer magic circle?"

"But, is it possible to achieve a hand-free state just by conflicting with us?"

Ise's opinion made Rias narrow her eyes.

"The Sword God, the Red Dragon Emperor, the man who manipulates the lightning, the holy magic sword, the holy swords Durandal and Ascalon, the vampire who stops time, the cat who uses magic, and even an excellent responder... Ise, from the perspective of the opponent, our strength should be beyond the norm. Not to mention the question of whether we can win or not, just fighting against us is already an unusual combat experience for ordinary humans.”

"It's a bit reckless, even crude, in terms of method."

Irina continued Kiba's words: "It feels like if dozens or hundreds of people die, as long as one person reaches the banned hand, it will be fine... No, the defeat of the comrade in the battle is not even possible. It's tied to some kind of dramatic's the worst idea anyway."

Rias shrugged and said, "There are still a lot of unexplained matters, let's ask Azazel another day. We have already come up with these opinions, presumably there will be some over there too. What are your thoughts?"

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