"Isn't that **** from the same place as Mr. Odin?" Ise was a little surprised.

"Mr. Loki, it's such a coincidence to meet in such a place. What's the matter? This carriage is sitting on the carriage of His Royal Highness Odin, the main **** of Northern Europe. Did you know this and take action?" Asachel calmly asked.

Loki put his hands together and said: "It's nothing, our Lord God, the pain of running out of our mythological system and coming into contact with a mythological system other than ours is really unbearable. I can't stand it, so I came to get in the way. ."

Hearing this sentence, Azazel's tone changed.

"It's really honest to meet you, Loki." There was quite a bit of anger in his voice! Well, after all, Azazel is a person who likes peace, and he hates guys like Loki who disrupt the peace.

Hearing Azazel's words, Loki smiled happily. "Ahahahaha, this is the Governor of the Fallen Angels. Although I don't want to meet you and all the demons, there is no way. It's good to be cleared by me with Odin."

"Can you contact other mythological systems? This is a contradiction."

"Hehe, it's enough to destroy other mythological systems. I really can't understand the need to conclude peace. Obviously the myths over there are stepping into our territory to spread their holy books."

"It's no use talking to me. Talk to Michael or the **** of the dead holy book." Asazel said while scratching his head.

"Hmph, no matter where it is, it's a problem for the Lord God Odin to personally negotiate with the gods of the extreme east. In this way, wouldn't the 'Twilight of the Gods' we greeted be impossible to achieve? In exchange for the information of the World Tree What do you want to get?"

Azazel pointed at Loki and asked, "Just one question! Is your action related to the 'Bang of Calamities'? But aren't you the evil **** who will answer this honestly?"

Loki replied indifferently: "It is extremely unpleasant to compare foolish terrorists with my claims. I came here to see it by my own will. Not the will of Orpheus."

Hearing this answer, Azazel breathed a sigh of relief. "Isn't it the 'Group of Misfortune'? However, this is still a troublesome problem. So it is, old man. Is this the problem of the Northland?"

Azazel turned to the carriage, and Odin led Roseweather out of the carriage. A magic circle is unfolded under his feet, and he moves in the air through the magic circle.

"Well, but what should I say, the current situation is that there are still stubborn guys. Even Ah'Dai who goes out in person like this has appeared."

Odin said with his long white beard.

"Lord Loki! This is an ultra vires behavior! Showing a fierce face to the Lord is not an acceptable behavior! You should express your dissent on a proper occasion!" Roseweather instantly put on his shirt and put on his armor, protesting to Loki .

"Don't get in my way. I'm here to ask Odin. Do you still plan to continue this kind of thing beyond the scope of Norse mythology?"

Odin replied plainly: "Yeah. At least, compared to you, the conversation with Sazex and Azazel is ten thousand times more interesting. I want to know about the Japanese way of Shinto. There is also for us there. I'm interested in the World Tree. I just want to send ambassadors to communicate between different cultures if the peace talks between the two sides come out."

Hearing this, Loki smiled bitterly and said, "Got it. What a stupid idea. Wouldn't it be impossible to start Twilight?"


Suddenly, a chill came over everyone. The terrifying hostility gave everyone goosebumps!

"Can you take that as a declaration of war?"

Loki smiled fearlessly at Azazel's final confirmation.



Suddenly, a wave hits Loki!

It's Xenovia—waving Durandal. A large amount of spiritual energy spewed out from the holy sword.

"I still know the principle that the first mover will win." Xenovia said flatly.

"Ah, it doesn't seem to work. As expected of a Norse god."

The smoke dissipated, and Loki floated in the air unharmed.

"Holy sword? It's pretty powerful, but it's still far behind if it's against a god. It's like a breeze blowing in the face."

Kiba also created the Holy Demon Sword, and a lightsaber appeared in Irina's hand.

Looking at these, Loki smiled: "Ahaha! It's useless! How can I say that I am also a god, no matter how many devils or angels attack you."

Loki's left hand slowly stretched forward. Seeing this, Mu Hantian rushed forward with his sword. He himself was nothing, but Lias and the others behind him couldn't stop him.

"Drink!" Mu Hantian slashed at Loki with a sword.

"It's this, it's this. Is this the Sword God? It's really powerful, but—"

The shining particles in Loki's hands begin to gather!

"You can't beat me."


The two waves collided violently in the air, and the bullets flew without any reduction! The shock wave of the explosion still hit Rias and the others!

"Although I didn't particularly show mercy. This time was really interesting. I'm very happy. Anyway, let's have a smile first. Ahahahahaha!"

Rias and Akeno also spread their wings and flew out of the carriage, wrapped in red aura, as if they were watching the battle.

"Red hair. The Gremory family...is that so? The blood relatives of the current Demon King. Two leaders of the fallen angels, one angel, a group of demons, the Red Dragon Emperor, and the Sword God. Odin, it's just guards, that's all. Are you serious?"

"Because there will be a big idiot like you, it is the right choice in the end."

Odin's speech made Loki nodded, and the smile deepened.

"Excellent. Then I'll summon too." After speaking, he unfolded his cloak and began to call loudly: "Come out! My dear son!"

Moments after Loki's shout——the space was distorted.

The distortion of space appears - the gray dog! No, it's a wolf!

A huge gray wolf about ten meters long appeared in front of everyone!

"Partner, that thing is very dangerous. It's better to avoid it if you can," said Ddraig, known as the Red Dragon Emperor.

"No...you guys, absolutely don't shoot at that giant wolf! Issei, keep your distance!" Azazel's expression was wrapped in tension that he had never seen before.

"Teacher, what is the origin of that wolf?"

Mu Hantian took over Ise's question. : "I still know something about Norse mythology. There are three famous wolves in northern Europe, Fenir, the god-killing wolf, and his two sons, Skoll, the wolf that devoured the sun, and Hati, the wolf that devoured the moon! "

Mu Hantian's words surprised everyone, and at the same time seemed to understand.

"Could that be the Fenrir wolf? It's in such a place!"

"It's really not good."

"Ise! That's the worst and biggest monster! He has teeth that can definitely kill God! If he bites him, I'm afraid this armor won't protect you! So be extra careful."


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