Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 614: Wally arrives, Loki retreats

Loki said while stroking the Fenrir wolf: "That's right, that's it. You guys pay attention. He's the worst of the topclass monsters I've developed. Why? His teeth are a kind of energy. Killing anything, even a god. I haven't tried it, but it's useful even for gods and Buddhas in other myths. Whether it's a high-level demon or a legendary dragon, it can easily cause fatal wounds."

Loki pointed at Rias and said, "I didn't want my Fenrir wolf's teeth to be used on people outside the Nordic family... Well, then this child might taste the blood of people outside the Nordic family. It was also a good experience.”

"The blood relatives of the Demon King. **** That blood can also be the food for the Fenrir wolf--go!"


The far cry of the gray wolf resounded in the dark night sky.


The wind blows. The wolf in front of him disappeared from everyone's sight.

"How could it be possible for you to succeed. Stormwing." Mu Hantian, who was beside Lias, naturally felt the murderous intention. He understood that Jing Jue couldn't stop Fenir's teeth, so he could only use this.

In an instant, Mu Hantian appeared in front of Lias and blocked Fenir with the wings of the storm.

"Hantian, are you alright?" Lias was surprised to see Mu Hantian suddenly appearing in front of her.

"It's fine, but I still underestimated Fenir, I only knew the strongest teeth, but I forgot its claws." He looked at the blood on his chest and the obvious claw marks. Mu Hantian smiled bitterly.

"Hantian, are you alright, I'll help you recover right away." Aisha said anxiously.

"Aisha, I'm fine, you don't come here, and Lias and the others step back. Don't worry about me, I have this." Mu Hantian waved to Aisha, and at the same time took out a bean and put it in his mouth.

"Huh, the effect of fairy beans is strong. But it's still too expensive, and some injuries can't be recovered." Looking at his chest, the scratches were gone, but the clothes were dyed red.

"Sword God, as expected of you, it's amazing to be able to catch up with Fenrir at the moment when the wolf moves, and you still have that kind of magical thing. But so what? Among this group of people, can fight against You are the only one in Fenrir, and I can make Fenrir target any of them. Next time, will you be able to save others in time?"

"Loki!" The two fallen angels shot.

Azazel and Baiqiu released the spear of light and thunder light at Loki with great firepower.

"Really, do you think I'm weak? Even without the Fenrir wolf, it would be too reluctant for the two fallen angels to take me as their opponent."

The magic circle of an unseen spell formed a shield and spread out in a large area in the air, and the attacks of Azazel and Baiqiu were easily blocked.

"Cut, is this the Nordic technique? When it comes to the technique, it is more developed than our mythological system! As expected of a world famous for magic and magic!" tone.

"Then, just use the same technique to attack!"


Roseweather used the same magic square as Loki to expand multiple times in the air, and unleashed countless magical attacks!

Clap clap clap clap!

Loki's defensive magic circle unfolded as if to protect his entire body, and all of Roseweather's attacks were barely blocked.

"Then, the next round is here, let's show you some color." Loki waved his hand sideways, and at the same time, the murderous aura of the Fenrir wolf also increased at the same time. Those cold, gray and emotionless eyes turned to Mu Hantian and the others.

Suddenly, a beam of light flashed in the eyes of everyone

, the speed of light passed through Finnir.



The space centered on the Fenrir wolf gradually distorted greatly. The Fenrir wolf itself was bound by the distorted space, and its movements were blocked. However, it quickly bit the twist with its sharp teeth and was liberated. Silver also fell between the crowd and the wolf.

"I said, are you all right?"


That's right, the one who appeared in front of everyone was White Dragon Emperor Vali!

"Oh, I didn't expect the powerful Sword God to be injured." Riding the golden cloud was the beautiful monkey.

"Oh, it's the White Dragon Emperor!" Loki showed a delighted smile when he saw Vali appearing.

"First meeting, Loki, the evil god. I am Vali, the White Dragon King—I came here to kill you."

Hearing Vali's declaration of war, the corners of Loki's mouth raised more and more, "I'm very satisfied to see Ertianlong and Sword God - I'll retire today!" Loki pulled the wolf back to himself. . He threw the cloak, and the space was greatly distorted, wrapping Loki and the wolf.

"However, on the day of the meeting with the gods of this country, I will again disrupt the situation! Odin! Next time, my son Fenrir and I will bite the Lord God's throat!" Loki and the wolf— — Fenrir disappeared from there.

"So, Wally, what are you doing here?"

"Don't get excited, I'm not malicious, and if you want to make Odin's meeting a success, you can't beat Loki back, right?"

"what do you mean?"

Vali glanced around at the crowd and said unceremoniously, "With the people here, we cannot defeat Loki and the Fenrir wolf. Moreover, due to the activities of the hero faction, the underworld, the heavens and Valhalla (all the people) Temple) is a mess. There's no way to assign people here."

No one said anything to Vali. Mu Hantian can defeat them one-on-one, but Lias and the others still need Mu Hantian's protection. Nayue and the others were also called by Mu Hantian to fight against the heroes of the hero faction.

"Can't you just kill him?" Ise asked Vali.

And Vali just shrugged and said lightly: "Unfortunately, now I can't fight against Loki and Fenrir wolf at the same time."

"What. Throwing down a handsome line. But if you say something you can't do, there's nothing you can do."

"Well, can you listen to me? Although I can't do it alone, it's another matter if the two Tianlong form a team."

Valli's proposal shocked all the members present! Only Vali's companions were not surprised!

To the shocked speechless crowd, Vali continued, "I have a suggestion. It would be better for I and Hyoudou Issei to fight together in this battle."

"Well, I have no problem, this is a good opportunity to exercise, Ise, come on." Mu Hantian smiled lightly.

"I understand, brother, I will do my best, I will definitely defeat Loki and avenge you." Ise said firmly.

"Fine, come on."

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