Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 616: How to deal with Loki

Not long after, Azazel came back, Ise, Spoon and Vali flew out of Hyoudou's house by transferring the magic circle.

In order to summon that Dragon King, it is impossible to summon consciousness without special preparation.

The place to arrive is - white space. Looking around, what is particularly striking is that there is an incomparably huge dragon standing there.

"I haven't seen you for a few days."

"Uncle Tanning!" Ise shouted happily.

"Oh, is that Frito over there?"

Tanning was looking at the spoon. The key figure, the key person, was trembling all over his body.

"Dragon...Dragon King! The highest demon...!" Tension and respect mixed.

"Don't be nervous. Although the uncle is a bit fierce, he is still a good dragon."

"Stupid, idiot! It's the most advanced demon, Lord Tanning! Big, uncle or something!"

Key pointed to Ise and said, "Even in the underworld, only the selected person is qualified to become the top demon. To put it further, the rankers within 10 of the ratinggame are all superior demons. Contribution to the underworld, game The achievements and abilities in the world can only be obtained when all these are evaluated by the highest rank, the highest status among the demons." Ji Ru gave a speech enthusiastically.

"White Dragon Emperor? If you do something strange, I will bite you into pieces without hesitation."

Tanning looked down at Valli, who just gave a wry smile.

Azazel quickly unfolded the spell, drawing a special magic circle on the ground. The light travels, creating a unique textured shape.

"However, is that guy coming? I've only seen him two or three times," Tanning muttered as he sighed.

"Well, don't worry, if there is a two-day dragon, either agree or refuse, there will definitely be some reaction." Asachel said while drawing the magic circle.

"Is he a difficult dragon?" Ise asked.

Tanning narrowed his eyes and answered Ise's question. "That guy basically doesn't move, because it's a dragon that starts to move at the end of the world, and it's been in a state of sleep until the mission arrives. Although it occasionally appeared on the ground, even then it was still there. Sleeping. Because hundreds of years ago, there was a declaration to live in the deep sea until the end of the world."

"Okay, the foundation of the magic circle is done. Next, everyone, stand at the designated place."

Under the urging of Azazel, everyone took up the spots drawn by the patterns they had never seen before. The patterns depicted under each are also different, meaning the two heavenly dragons and the dragon king.

After confirming that everyone was standing at their designated point, Azazel manipulated the small magic circle at hand to make final adjustments.


A faint light roamed the magic circle below. Issei was red light, Valli was white light, Azazel was golden, Spoon was black, and Tanning was shining. with purple light.

The magic circle was activated. Something started to project from the magic circle. Three-dimensional images began to slowly form on the heads of everyone.


What appeared in front of everyone was a huge creature that seemed to bury this space.

It looks like a snake. But the head is the same dragon as Tanning. The long body curled into a roll.

"Sure enough, I'm sleeping. Hey, get up, Yemengade."

Tanning went to talk, and the huge dragon slowly opened his eyes.

"The nostalgic dragon wave. Huaaaaaa..." He yawned.

"Oh, isn't this Tanning. Long time no see."

The dragon looked towards Ise and the others.

"Oh, and Ddraig and Alubion. Fafnir and... Friedo...? What's the matter, is the end of the world?"

"No. I wanted to ask you something today, so I called your consciousness here." After Tanning said this...

"Hu, hu, ah, ah..." Yemengade snored again.

"Don't sleep! Really, you and Yulong are both lazy and sick!" Tanning was angry.

After hearing Tanning's words, Yemengarde opened his big eyes again.

"Tanning, you are always so angry... So what are you trying to ask me about?"

"Want to ask about your brother and father," Tanning said.

"Daddy and puppy. Okay. Daddy and puppy are nothing to me anyway... Ah, but Tanning. I want to hear something."


"Has the battle between Ddraig and Arubion not been fought?"

"Ah, don't fight. This time, it is planned to defeat Loki and Fenrir on a common front."

Hearing Tanning's words, Yemengarde seemed to smile.

"Hey, interesting... It's incredible that two people are fighting side by side instead of fighting."

After speaking, he changed the subject and answered Tanning's question.

"Puppy is more dangerous than Daddy. There are many cases of death due to being bitten by teeth. However, there are also weaknesses. Magic chains made by dwarves, Gleipnir (ps: Gleipnir, Gleipnir. In In Norse mythology, this is a magical rope used to bind the demon wolf Fenrir) can be bound. This will stop its footsteps."

"This has been known for a long time. However, the report from the North said that Gleipnir seems to have become ineffective. So I wonder if I can get a little secret from you or something."

Ok. Daddy's words will strengthen the puppy. In that case, just ask the darkelf who lives somewhere in the Northland. Remember that the elders over there know the spells that strengthen the magic of the dwarves' processing. The place where the elder lives can be teleported to Ddraig or Valli's artifact. "

Azazel pointed to Valli and said, "Let's give the information to the White Dragon Emperor. Our brains are too meager to have difficulty."

"Most of them have entered another world due to the drastic changes in the human environment. Some still live in the secret realm of the human world." Vali said after obtaining the information.

"Understood. Azazel, unfold the world map of the stereoscopic image."

Azazel manipulated the phone, and the world map was projected into the air from the screen. Vali pointed to a part of it, and Azazel quickly sent the information there to his companions.

"Then, what about the countermeasures against Loki." Tanning then asked about Loki.

"Yeah, if you use Mjolnir, (that is, Thor's Hammer, Thunder Warhammer, Thor's weapon.) If you hit Daddy, you should be able to defeat him."

After listening to Yermengard's words, Azazel put his hand on his chin and said, "In other words, basically, you can only use normal attacks. If you ask that old **** Odin to ask Thor, you should be able to borrow it. Come to Müllernier."

"I don't think Thor will borrow it. Because that's a weapon that only the Protoss can use."

Valli said that to Asazel's opinion.

"If that's the case, let the dwarves and darkelf try it out. Odin should have handed over the replica of Müllenir to them for safekeeping."

"Your Bogutong is really helpful today, Yemengade." Azazel thanked him with a wry smile.

"It's okay, it's nice to chat like this every now and then. Then, it's almost enough. I went to sleep. Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

"Ah, sorry to trouble you."

"It's alright, just call me up if there's anything else."

Before the voice died, the image shook a few times and then disappeared.

"Then, let's get started."

"it is good!"

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