Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 617: Prepare

The next morning, everyone who had finished breakfast gathered in the underground hall. Mu Hantian and others and Sidi's family did not go to school today. The decisive battle with Loki is approaching day by day, and the school has to rest.

Azazel appeared while complaining in a low voice. An extremely unhappy expression on his face.

"It's a gift from the old man Odin - a replica of Thor's Hammer. Really, that bastard, he really hides this stuff. But, thanks to that guy, Yemengard, who even knows this kind of detail. !"

"Is it a great thing?"

Azazel explained Ise's question with confusion.

"It's a replica of the legendary weapon wielded by the Norse **** of thunder Thor. The thunder of the gods resides in it."

"Yes, Lord Odin is going to lend this replica of Thor's Hammer to the Red Dragon Emperor. Please use it."

What was handed over from Roseweather—an ordinary hammer.

"Eh? Is that it? It's about the same as an amateur carpenter's hammer. But it's still luxuriously decorated and engraved with some patterns."

"Well, please try to inject magic into it."

Issei nodded, and as Roseweather said, poured powerful magic into the hammer.

click! Instant flash. After that, the hammer began to expand rapidly.


It turned into a huge hammer that exceeded Ise's body and fell to the floor of the hall. The hammerhead part is getting really huge! The impact of the fall shook the hall itself violently. Because of the excessive weight, the hammer was buried in the floor.

"Drink ah ah ah!" It seemed that Ise tried all his strength to lift the hammer, but the hammer didn't even mean to move.

"Okay, the magic of the package is too much, restrain it." Azazel said with a sigh.

Ise suppressed the magic power as he said, and the hammer shrank to a size suitable for swinging with both hands.

"Oh, ah! Still can't move! It looks that the weight is not changed."

"If you can't hold your hands, you can pick it up. Anyway, let's stop."

Hearing Azazel's words, Ise first took his hand away from the hammer. Then it returned to its original size.

"Well, the replica has a power that is quite close to the real thing. Originally, only gods could use it. With Baiqiu's cooperation, the type of this thing was temporarily changed so that it can also be used by demons. Don't give it to me. ? A high-energy lightning strike will destroy both sides."

"True or false! Woo, so scary!"

"Valli, how about you try to find a slap in the face of Mr. Odin? Maybe it can give you something special now." Azazel said happily.

After listening to Asazel's words, Vali just shook his head with a smile.

"No. I'm going to use up the power of the dragon. I don't need additional equipment. What I want is something else."

"Monkey, do you have time? There is a message that I want to convey to you." Asachel then turned his attention to the monkey.

"Ah? For me? Whose message?" The monkey pointed to himself and said in surprise.

"'Bastard, want me to find you without your fruit to eat' - this. It was said by the first generation. It seems to be looking for your movements with Yulong."

"That **** old man... Have I been exposed to terrorist activities? And Yulong is also here!" Azazel's words caused cold sweat on the monkey's face, and it turned green.

"Would you like to go back to your hometown to see? It will be very happy to meet Yulong and the first generation of Sun Wukong."

"Forget it Vali, forget about Yulong, who is about to retire. That **** old man from the first generation is a real monster. Even if he is on active duty, there is no problem. That old man, both immortal and sorcery are at their peak. So it's really strong."

Azazel cleared his throat and said to all the members: "Hmm, the battle is confirmed. First of all, wait for the guy to come at the meeting place. From there, use the power of Sidi's entourage to send you and Loki and Fenry. The wolf is teleported to different places. The destination of the transfer is the wasteland of a quarry. The place is big and strong enough for you to fight as much as you like. The main axis of Loki's strategy is Ise and Vali, and the two Tianlong confront each other. . Fenrir's opponent is Han Tian you, and the other members - Gremory's family and Vali's squad grab it with chains and then break it. Fenrir must not be allowed to get close to Odin. That wolf The teeth can tear the gods to pieces. Although it is the main **** Odin, if you are attacked by those teeth, you will die. You must take precautions before it happens.”

"Azazel, I have a question, should Finnir's two sons also be considered?" Mu Hantian asked suddenly.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that, then the other members' goals are Finnir's two sons, and they will come when they appear."


"Then, the chain is also handed over to the dwarf elders, let's wait for it to be completed. Next is... the key!" Azazel greeted the key.

"What's the matter, Mr. Azazel."

"You are also very important to combat. After all, there is Friedo's artifact."

Spoon was taken aback by Azazel's words.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Time. But, if possible, I think it’s better to just transfer everyone with the president and the others!”

Azazel sighed and said, "I understand. Don't worry, it's not that you're going to the front line, but that you use the power of Frido to support your comrades. Especially Ise and Valli who are fighting on the front line. Your assistance is necessary."

"Support... support?"

"That's right, because this requires a little bit of hard training. There are also things that need to be tested. Canna, I'll borrow this guy for a while, right?" Azazel asked Canna.

"Very glad, where to go?"

"Take him to the fallen angel's territory in the underworld using the transfer magic circle - to the research facility in Gremory." Azazel's expression was very happy.

"Key, teacher's special training is hell. I almost died in the underworld. And it's still a research facility, so don't die." Ise put his hand on the shoulder of the key and looked at him with pity. Hearing this, the spoon trembled even more.

"Hahahaha, Spoon, let's go then." Azazel held the back of the neck of Spoon, who looked like he was about to die, and spread the magic circle like this.

"Really!? Help... help me! Hyoudou! President!" The magic circle glowed and wrapped the crying spoon.

"Farewell, Spoon. You will always be in my heart

, well, just kidding. "Ise glanced at the key and said so, and I don't know if the key heard it.

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