Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 618: transition

While the preparations were progressing, Ise and Mu Hantian came to Rias's room to confirm how to use Thor's Hammer.

Suddenly, a silver-haired maid, Grafia, appeared from the magic circle there. Holding the same thing as a document in hand.

"Miss, this is the material related to the magic lock and Gleipnir that you asked for. On the same day, the lock will be sent directly to the battlefield."

"Thank you, Grefia." Rias took over the information and glanced at it roughly.

After nodding to Rias, Gurefia forgot to look at Mu Hantian.

"I want to be with you, I want to help you."

"Gurefia, you have something to do, just leave it to me here, it doesn't matter."


"Okay, Ise, go find Azazel with me, there is something I want to ask him." Mu Hantian interrupted Gurefiya, and dragged Ise out.


"Azazel, there is something I want to ask you, but I never had a chance before." Mu Hantian said after He Yicheng came to Asachel's room upstairs.

"Oh, what is it?"

"That's right, I want to ask..."

At this time, someone entered the room.

"Azazel, I'm back." It was Valli.

"Ah, is that you. How's it going?"

After listening to Azazel's question, Vali stretched out his hand and spread a small magic circle in the air.

"The Nordic spells are almost mastered. Loki's attack can be more or less resisted." Vali was holding the book he had been reading.

Azazel nodded after confirming. "I see....Okay, let's finish the homework first, I'll take a break."

Leaving Mu Hantian aside, Asachel walked out of the room.

The rest are Ise, Mu Hantian, and... Vali, there is a subtle atmosphere flowing. Vali sat on the sofa, and Ise sat on a chair that was a little distance away. Vali went back to read the book in his hand, and Mu Hantian also sat on the sofa, closing his eyes and resting.

The silence was broken by Ise.

"However, even though it is an evil god, it has become a situation where we are going to fight a 'god'."

"You'd better remember it in advance. There are good gods and there are evil gods. Well, even good gods may be regarded as evil gods if the angle of view changes."

"Evil god? Why do you hate peace so much? Although I am a demon, I live an ordinary life. It is enough to spend happily with the minister and brother every day."

Vali closed the book, stared straight at Ise's face and said, "There are people in this world who feel pain for your so-called peace."

"Ise, you need to know. People, depending on their position, have different criteria for how to live happily... Because of this, there are many sad things." Mu Hantian said.

"Do you feel pain in the current world?"

Hearing Ise's question, Vali looked at the ceiling. "It's nothing, it's just boring. This time the common front makes me very happy."

"It has become annoying. After all, there are still many strong people in this world."

"But... just because of this, this world is still very interesting, and I want to become stronger than anyone else."

"Is this your dream? I-I want to become the strongest 'soldier', it would be best if I could become a high-level demon. Then I will spend my life peacefully with Yuma."

"It really has your style." Valli laughed.

"Ah, yes, there is another goal."

Ise also stared directly at Vali and said, "I must surpass you."

Hearing this, Vali showed an extremely happy smile that he had never seen before, and replied, "Ah, it's good to be at my level. I'll be happy if you become stronger. Although you can make a difference. When I was disappointed by the weak Chiryutei without talent, but you can grow up in a different way from the previous Chiryutei.——While talking to Ddraig, you can use the power of Chiryutei. Probably the first time."

"Really, Ddraig?"

"Exactly. I've said it before. You are the first host who has spoken to me in the past. ——And, instead of believing in my power too much and indulging in my power, I want to use the power of Sekiryuutei freely. "

Vali took Ddraig's words and said: "The previous hosts were all people who abused that powerful and ferocious power at will. In the end, they indulged in Ddraig's power and disappeared in battle. You are the Red Dragon Emperor of all dynasties. The most incompetent of them all. Without power, everything is weak.——But he is also the Sekiryuutei who has mastered the best way to use power in the past." Ddraig and Vali said at the same time.

Arubion also spoke. "This type is the most troublesome. As an opponent, I can't find any major flaws."

Vali nodded and said, "Yeah. And, now, I've thought of something very interesting. - In the future, my team and your family may have a ratinggame-like battle that might be interesting, like that. "

"Hey, that's really good! I'm going to gather the strongest and best relatives."

"Hehehe, just wait and enjoy that time. Maybe first you have to fight Gremory's family. ——I will defeat it one day."

"Rias Gremory's family won't lose to you. But they can't be called by a terrorist attack or something."

"Hahaha. I can't guarantee this."

"Well, yes, this is youth, it seems that your relationship is very good." I don't know when, Odin appeared between Ise and Vali.

"The red and white this time are really personal. Everyone in the past was a bad-tempered child. They fought in various places, destroyed the surrounding scenery for the red and white showdown at will, and died. Even the 'Balong' I just use it as I like it, even the mountains, islands, etc. have disappeared." Odin said with a regretful sigh.

Roseweather, who was behind the old man, also said

Said: "Indeed, there is a very wretched dragon on one side and a terrorist on the other, but such an extremely dangerous combination has shown unexpected calmness. I thought that the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor would start a fight as soon as they met."

"I'm not rude!" Ise retorted, but Roseweather ignored Ise.

"Sure enough, it's still better to be young." Suddenly, Odin said what the elderly said.

"What's the meaning?"

Odin answered Ise's question while brushing his beard: "What? At this age, I believe that any problem can be solved by relying on the experience of an old man. However, this is just the arrogance of an old man. The real precious thing is still youth. People have unlimited possibilities. Haha, at this age, I already understand that I am probably more foolish than anyone else.... Because of my arrogance, I let Loki live, and because of my arrogance, let you all this time. Young people have worked hard." Odin's eyes were full of sadness.

"Well, although I don't understand it very well, isn't it enough to just move forward on the ground?" Mu Hantian said lightly.

After listening to Mu Hantian's words, Odin put on a dumb and stupid face. Then, 'quack quack' laughed strangely again.

"It's nice to be young. Old men can be stimulated too. Ah, really, that's what it is."

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