Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 619: Loki arrives

decisive battle time. The sun has set, and night has come. Everyone was on the roof of a high-rise building in the city, that is, the high-end hotel where Odin and the Japanese gods held talks. Maybe it's because of the height. The wind was blowing fiercely. The roofs of the surrounding buildings are equipped with Sidi's family members who are always on call, and a small figure can be seen standing there in the distance.

Azazel, the mediator, was at Odin's side. Baiqiu stood on the roof with everyone in place of Azazel, who was unable to participate in the battle. Roseweather also has to fight. Wearing battle armor, standing by.

There is still Tanning in the distant sky! Because it may cause a big commotion when it appears in people's field of vision, it casts a spell to make it invisible to ordinary people. Vali and the others are also waiting for the fighter plane not far away.

"It's time." Rias looked at her watch and whispered.

The time has come for the meeting to begin, and now an important conversation has begun in a room of the hotel.

Well, just wait patiently for Loki's arrival.

"Aren't you being clever? It's daunting!" Valli gave a wry smile.


Papa! Papa!

A space warp appeared above the hotel, opening a large hole. Appearing from there were the evil **** Loki and the huge gray wolf - Fenrir!

"Target confirmed! The battle begins!" Baiqiu said to the small communicator on his ear, and a huge magic circle spread out as if it was about to wrap around the hotel.

In order to send everyone and Loki Fenrir to the battlefield, Sidi's family led by Canna launched a large magic circle.

Loki had realized that, he just smiled indifferently, without showing any resistance.

Then, everyone was enveloped in light—

When he opened his eyes again, there was a large open space in front of him.

There is a rocky surface everywhere, and the place used to be a quarry. It seems to be no longer used.

"You didn't escape." Rias said sarcastically.

Loki laughed and said with a big laugh: "There's no need to escape. You have to resist anyway, just kill you here and go back to that hotel, it's just a matter of one minute later. , I'm going to ask Odin to retire."

"Your thoughts are very dangerous." Baiqiu said.

"When it comes to danger, your thoughts are the best. The union of various myths... After all, the union of the three major forces recorded in the holy book is the beginning of all distortions..."

"Aren't the words speculative?" Baiqiu's hands began to wrap around thunder light, and 10 black wings spread out on his back.

"Go!" With the flash of red, the power of the Red Dragon Emperor turned into armor and appeared on Ise's body. Vali's entire body was also covered with a layer of white full-body armor without any flaws.

Ise and Vali walked towards Loki together. Seeing this, Loki smiled happily.

"Oh, this is really great! To defeat my Loki, have the two heavenly dragons united! My chest is throbbing like never before!"


Wally attacked first! Light approached Loki at high speed along a zigzag trajectory in the air. Ise also cooperated and opened all the magic power vents on his back. Vali attacked in the air, while Issei charged on the ground!

"I'm so excited, red and white are competing! This is the first time even I have seen such a battle!" Loki, who was overjoyed, unfolded a large-scale defensive magic circle covering his entire body. Afterwards, several magic lights turned into ribbons and shot out of the magic circle, flying towards Ise and Vali!

Valli flew around as if doing an aerial show, dodging all the attacks. Issei is dodging and rushing towards Loki!

Charge your right fist and aim at Loki for a low-altitude sprint with maximum acceleration! At this time, dragon wings have been born on the back!


Under Ise's assault, the magic circle covering Loki disappeared after a loud noise! Vali aimed at this gap and sent an exaggerated magic attack with a large mass.

In Vali's hand, a spell other than magic was also deployed. That is the Nordic magic I just learned.

"Take it first."

slap! !

In a burst of fire, Ise instantly backed away.

After the attack, I looked at the place where Loki used to be, and saw a bottomless pit left there.

"Hahahaha!" came a high-pitched laughter.

Following the direction of the voice, a figure floated in the air. ——It was Loki. Although the cloak was somewhat damaged, he himself seemed uninjured.

Seeing how much Loki could be hurt, Ise reached for the hammer that was hanging around his waist—Mjolnir, and injected magic into it to make it the size of a hand. Ise waved his arms and charged towards Loki.

Loki's eyes were drawn to it. "Is it Mjolnir? A replica? By the way, you're holding a rather dangerous thing in your hand. Dead Odin, are you just trying to facilitate a meeting?"

Issei lifted Müllernier up, took a stance and sprayed the thrusters on his back. Headed towards Loki at high speed, caught the target and swung the hammer with all his strength.

"Come out! Thunder that can turn God's battles over!" Ise chanted and released his attack. (Good middle-two lines.)


Hide by Loki! There was a big gap on the ground... The important thunder didn't come out! Unbelievably, I waved it several times, but it was still the same.

"Hahahahahaha." Loki laughed.

"It's a pity, that hammer can only be manipulated by a person with strong power and a pure heart. Your Excellency has evil thoughts, right? That's why it can't make a thunderbolt. I heard that it didn't even have any weight, and it was as light as a feather. "

"Forget it, it's time for me to come out with a real attack." Loki snapped his fingers, and Fenrir, who had been watching the change, took a step forward.

"God-killing tooth, Fenrir, my servant who holds this thing! Just one bite will bring destruction! If you think you can defeat this beast, feel free to let it go!"

Loki instructed Fenrir, and at this moment—Rias raised her hand.

"Meow!" A magic circle spread out around the kitten, and a huge thick chain appeared from the ground—the magic lock Gleipnir. It was good to have it delivered earlier than the scheduled time, but it was quite inconvenient to bring it here, so it was sealed in the kitten's personal domain.

Then starting from Tanning and Baiqiu, Mu Hantian, Lias and others grabbed it and threw it to Fenrir together!

"Hahahaha! It's useless! Gleipnir's method was long ago—"

Clap clap clap!

Loki laughed halfway through, and the magic lock strengthened by the dark elf swept toward Fenrir as if it had a will!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh……

The screams of the giant wolf resounded in all directions.

"Fenrir, the capture is complete." Baiqiu said as he glanced at the immobile Fenrir.

At this moment, Loki spread his arms. "It's really troublesome, but...even though the ability has decreased..."

Goo! !

The space on either side of Loki distorted violently.


Something new came out of the space slit.

Gray fur, sharp claws, and emotionless eyes. And that wide open mouth!

"Skoll! Hattie!"

These things seem to be responding to Loki's call and screaming in the sky!


The dark clouds in the night sky dissipated, and the full moon shone with golden brilliance.

Under the moonlight, two huge wolves roared.

Loki took two new Fenrir and said: "The giant woman living in the steel forest turned into a wolf, and mates with Fenrir. As a result, these two were born. Although they are worse than their parents, their teeth are still alive, which is enough. Buried God and you."

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