Seeing the new two wolves, everyone was not surprised, as if everything was so natural.

"Hey, Han Tian, ​​you seem to have guessed it right." Rias laughed.

"Ah, I still know a little bit about Norse mythology. How could I not know Finnir's son, so I've already prepared for it."

"Oh, let me see your preparations." Loki gave instructions to the two Fenrir! "Come on, Skoll and Hattie! Those are the ones who caught your father! Rip them to shreds with your teeth and claws!"

The two wolves rushed towards the crowd with the sound of Slashing the Wind!

One jumped towards Vali's group, and the other jumped in the direction of Gremory's family.

"Let him see, we're ready." Rias smiled lightly and raised her hand again.

"Understood!" As Kiba's words fell, countless chains stretched out, locking the two little Fennir.

"Well, I asked the dwarves to make a few more. Anyway, this kind of thing is not too much." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

"Hmph, it's really troublesome, but my purpose has been achieved."


Vali was bitten by Fenrir, who appeared beside him.


Vali vomited blood, and his teeth easily shattered the silver armor, completely penetrating Vali's body.

Vali's blood stained the corners of Fenrir's mouth.

"Fenrir? How could it be?" Everyone looked back and saw that the chains that locked Fenrir had been broken.

"Hahahaha! Crush the White Dragon Emperor first!" Loki laughed loudly.

"Damn...Hyoudou Issei!"

Wally's voice! Vali, who was bitten by the Fenrir wolf, spoke to Ise.

"Loki will be handed over to you."

"This mother's Fenrir wolf - let me kill it for sure."

Loki's laughter sounded in his ears.

"Wow hahahaha! What are you going to do! Aren't you going to die soon! Wouldn't being brave humiliate the reputation of the White Dragon Emperor?"

"Don't underestimate the White Dragon Emperor, underestimate Valli Lucifer!" After looking at Loki with a cold look in his eyes, Wally said quietly.

At the same time, Vali emits a divine aura! The jewels on the armor reflected seven-color brilliance.


"I, the one who wakes up is—"

‘Dissipate! ' 'Go away! ’

It wasn't Vali's was the thoughts of the past owners who existed within the White Dragon Emperor.

"Usper the principle of hegemony, in order to achieve the business of the two heavenly dragons!"

'The end of the dream! ''The beginning of the illusion! ’

"The body is infinitely jealous, and the heart seeks dreams—"

'all! ’ ‘Of course, offer everything! ’

"I, the domineering of the extremely white dragon—"

"Falling you to the limit of innocence"


Lighting up the entire quarry, a great amount of light emerged from the mouth of the Fenrir wolf, and then swallowed the wolf itself.

"Asa! Teleport me and the Fenrir wolf to the predetermined location!"

Vali, who radiated radiance, shouted at Asa. When Asa heard that, he moved his hand towards the air on Vali's side. The chains that bound the Fenrir wolf before have also passed to Vali!

A huge light, the transformed Vali and the Fenrir wolf were heavily wrapped by something like a magic belt. Immediately, Wally and the Fenrir wolf merged into the night and disappeared from here!

"Really, I didn't want these guys to come out, but forget it, let them be your opponents."

The shadow under Loki's feet stretched out, and a huge snake appeared there! No, there are several slender dragons!

"Yemengard has also been mass-produced!" Tanning scolded Loki indignantly.

The mass-produced guys spit out flames together.

"To this extent! A replica is always a replica."


The flames of the mass-produced Yermengard were blown away by the flames of Tannin.

"Damn, I must get rid of you." Loki said as he unfolded his cloak and expanded his shadow again! From there—a bunch of mass-produced Yermengards appeared, five this time!

Just as everyone was about to do it...the line of sight reflected darkness.


The existence like black flames rolled up from the ground, turned into waves, and devoured Loki and the five mass-produced Yermungars!

"This dark aura! Is it the 'Dragon King of Black Evil' Friedo?" Tanning shouted.

"Frito? Is it a spoon? It sounds like the aura of a spoon. However, it doesn't have fire."

A huge magic square appeared on the ground. From that center, the black flames transformed into the shape of a dragon.

"Everyone, can you hear me? I'm Shem Hasa, Deputy Governor of the Fallen Angels."

An unheard sound came from the emergency earphones attached to his ears.

"Ah, hello. Was it Mr. Shemhasa who brought the black dragon?"

"Mmmm. Because Azazel said that when Mr. Key's special training is over, he will be teleported here."

"That, it is indeed a spoon!"

"Hey, Azazel seems to have made a slight miscalculation. After the special training started, it became like this. When the time came, it was sent in this state. Well, fortunately, the difference between the enemy and us is still divided. It's clear."

"Have you done anything to him?"

"All of his and Frido's artifacts are attached together."

"It's really a nonsense as always." The corners of Ise's mouth twitched slightly.

The vice-governor continued to speak to Issei, whose mouth was twitching: "When we retire Friedo and seal it into the artifact, his soul was divided into several pieces. Therefore, there are many owners of Frido's artifact. However, there are four types, 'Dragon Vessel of Darkness', 'Black Flame of Evil Dragon', 'Dark Domain' and 'Dragon's Prison'. These artifacts are somewhat different in style and are collected by each owner. , we organized Grigori to recover and keep the artifacts of Frido and sealed them in the body of the spoon. Because of your contact, Frido's consciousness appeared, maybe all artifacts have been stitched together. Azazel That's what it's supposed to be."

"So that's why the teacher took the spoon."

"That's right, but...the divine artifact was unified, and Friedo's consciousness was revived. But it seems that he went berserk as soon as he recovered. However, it seems that Key-kun's consciousness still remains, along with you and Ddraig. There should be a response to the call. I'll leave it to you, Hyouto Ise-kun, can you do it?"

"Eh. I'll find a way. In a pinch, I'll try my best to hold the key."


Frido's black flames enveloped Loki and the mass-produced Yermunga, blocking their movements. Hei Yan seemed to be wriggling consciously, looking like a circling snake.

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