Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 622: Chariot

"Ah! I'm going on a school trip soon, I'm looking forward to it." Mu Hantian, who was idly in the activity room of the Supernatural Research Department, had been concentrating on planning the school trip he was going to go to soon.

Odin has successfully completed the talks and went back to his home country. It seems to have gotten a good harvest. Ise's hammer was also returned to Odin. As for Wally…. It is said that he stole a Fenrir and did not know where it went.

Azazel is not here today. Said he was going to send Baiqiu, who had completed the mission and was ready to go back.

"Hantian, you've been very busy recently, so be sure to go shopping next time you go on a trip." Aisha said while looking at the school trip guide.

"Don't worry, someone will help you prepare for this."

"It's over, it's over!" A female voice suddenly screamed. It came from the center of the activity room.

Looking there, there was a silver-haired woman——Rosweisse was crying there.

"Woooooooooooo! Too much! Your Excellency Odin, you are really... too much! You even abandoned me!"

"Dismissal! This is dismissal! I worked so hard for Lord Odin, but he forgot me in Japan! Anyway, I'm a woman who can't do a good job! A virgin! History without a boyfriend is equal to my age!"

"Okay, don't cry, Miss Roseweather. I've helped you arrange a job at this school." Rias said as she put her hand on Roseweather's shoulder.


"Well. Just follow your expectations and let you be a female teacher, right? Don't you want to be a female student?"

"Of course! Don't look at me like this. I skipped grades and finished school in my motherland. Although I'm still young, I can be a teacher and teach well."

"But, can I do well in this country...? And even if I don't do it and go back to the country, I will be scolded: 'What face do you have to come back to Lord Odin?', and then The result is likely to be decentralization...! Ugh... I finally got a position that seems to bring a stable life!"

"Hehe, so I have this plan." Rias leaned over and took out a certain document to show her. (Is this the rhythm that has long wanted to dig a foot in the wall?)

"If you come to the underworld now, you'll get some bonuses like this and that?"

Roseweather, who had read the document, had a surprised expression on her face. "No way! The insurance money is so.... This is not a non-refundable insurance!"

"That's right. How do you feel about having access to this kind of service and that kind of system?"

"It's amazing! Evil... the devil earns like this...! The basic salary is different! Compared with Valhalla, the conditions here are all good!"

"Ise, I feel like Rias has completely become an insurance salesman."

"Brother, can't you say that?"

"What... well, well, I didn't say it." Mu Hantian wanted to say something, but when he felt Lias' cold gaze, he shut up.

"Miss Roseweather, not only that, but also, if you come to me, you can get something like this."

"Speaking of the Gremory family, it is a famous family with many demon kings, and I often hear that the specialties of the Gremory Territory are widely praised and the sales are also very impressive."

"That's right. It's okay for you to develop into those jobs in the future. Our Gremory family has been recruiting better talents." Rias continued to persuade and took out a red chess piece from her pocket! That is……

"That's it, just to find the first job in the underworld, do you want to become my servant? I think your magic can become an important moving magic fortress by obtaining the position of 'chariot'. Although This will cost me a piece. But it's useless to keep this chariot, and Han Tian doesn't need it either. Although he is my family member in name, he doesn't need a 'devil chess piece'."

"I always think that this is fate. Although this is just my own imagination, I think maybe since I met you in the hospital in the underworld, this has become doomed." Rossweather accepted The red 'devil chess piece' was placed, and at that moment, a dazzling red light enveloped the room - a pair of demon wings grew out of Rossweather's back.

The silver-haired former Valkyrie, Rossweisse, bowed to everyone.

"Everyone, I am a former Valkyrie who was reincarnated as a demon, Roseweather. It seems that the pension and health insurance in the underworld are more attractive than my homeland, and I am very interested in myself and Gemmon in the future. Miss Li feels very secure with her financial resources, so she has become a devil. Please take care of me in the future."

"That's it. Everyone, I—Rias Gremory's last chess piece, the 'chariot', is her." Rias re-introduced everyone with a smile.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it. Anyway, I broke the jar." Xenovia said indifferently, drinking tea.

"Please take care of me!" Everyone happily accepted Roseweather.

"Hahahahaha. Lord Odin? If we meet again next time, I won't forgive you, okay?" Roseweather showed an evil smile.

At this time, Zhu Nai came to the opposite side of Mu Hantian with the bento box.

"Hantian, this, although it is superfluous, I hope you can taste it."

"Is it potato stew? Okay, let's eat and see." Mu Hantian casually took a piece and put it in his mouth.

"It's delicious! How can I put it, it's not as perfect as Sakuya's, but it has a reassuring taste."

"Really? Then please eat them all."

"Okay, I happen to be a little hungry." Mu Hantian picked up his chopsticks and started eating.


In a space, several figures were discussing something.

"Cao Cao, I think it's about to be noticed."

"Yeah, that's right. That's right, but that's fine. The talents are all gathered here. Let's move on to the next stage."

"That's right, everything is gradually ready, it's time to start."

"Okay, but who is the first negotiator?"

"Let's start dismantling the alliance from the outside - are you coming?"

"Of course. Total war is not popular now, so the old Demon Lord faction has been defeated. The first is negotiation. Take it easy, Siegfried."

"Understood. Hehe, repelling demon kings, monsters, and dragons..."

"Since ancient times, we have all been heroes and warriors. Let them see how strong we are."

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