Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 623: Familiar

"Familiar...?" Ise asked in a surprised tone, and Rias nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, it's a familiar. Ise, neither you nor Asia yet."

sorcerer. For demons, it is an existence that is used as a right-hand man. Familiars can help in the work of demons. Distributing flyers and the like is usually the job of the wizards. (ps: I don't know about other worlds, this is the case in this world.)


There was a sound like magic, and a red bat appeared beside Rias.

"This is my magician."

"It's this kid."

Akeno summoned a little demon-like familiar that could be held in his palm.

"Mine is Xiaobai." The kitten held a white kitten on her chest.

"This is mine." Kiba smiled and summoned a bird on his shoulder.

"Familiars are basic things for demons. They can be used not only to help their masters, but also to convey information and track them. They can respond to situations at any time, so Ise and Asia must also have their own familiars."

At this moment, the magic circle drawn on the floor of the department room glowed.

"Minister, preparations are complete." Akeno reported to Rias.

Rias smiled and said to Ise and Asia: "That's it, hurry up and get a familiar of your own."


When the light of the transfer magic circle dissipated, what appeared in front of him was an unknown forest.

"This is where most of the familiars who serve demons live. Today, Ise and Asia will get their own familiars here."



"Yeah!" Ise and Asia were startled by the sudden loud shout, and their bodies jumped up. Aisha was so frightened that she hid behind Mu Hantian.

"I'm sorry, I'm scaring you. My name is Zatouji of Madara Tawin! I'm a demon who is training with the aim of being a master master!"

"Mr. Zatouki, I brought those two children." Rias introduced Ise and Asia to the man called the Familiar Master.

"Huh. The dazed young man and the beautiful blonde girl. OK! Leave it to me! As long as I shoot, no matter what kind of familiar, I can catch it on the same day!"

"Ise, Asia. He is a professional in the field of familiars. Today, I will follow his advice and catch the familiars in this forest. Is there any problem?"

"Yes!" Ise and Asia immediately agreed with Rias.

Zatouji asked kindly: "So, what kind of familiar do you want? Powerful? Fast? Or poisonous?"

"Please don't say anything that is extremely dangerous with poison as soon as you come up. So, do you have any recommendations?"

After listening to Ise's question, Jamugi smiled and took out what looked like a catalog. He was pointing to a ferocious beast drawn on two consecutive pages with a powerful drawing.

"If it had been a month earlier, my recommendation would be this! One of the Dragon King's corners - 'Demon's Karmic Dragon' Timayat! That is the legendary dragon! It is also the only female among the Dragon Kings! Until now, I have caught this guy. There isn't a single demon yet! That's of course! Because I heard that it has the strength to compete with the Demon King! But she left a month ago."

"Cough cough!" Mu Hantian coughed.

Ise understood in an instant, only to hear him say to Zatouji: "Uh, that person, my cousin, Timayat is already his familiar, so you don't need to say it."

"Ah, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you were able to subdue Timayat."

"Haha, well, let's get down to business." Mu Hantian waved his hand and changed the subject.

"Okay, then this one! Hydra!" He pointed to the illustration of a huge snake with many heads and showed it to Ise.

"This guy is very powerful! Poisonous! What kind of devil can't deal with this guy's poison! And he is still immortal! It is the worst monster that even its master can poison! Isn't it? It's very efficient, right? "

"Can I beat someone? Minister, can I beat this person?"

"Calm down, Ise. Isn't the hydra rare and precious? I remember, it's in the depths of this forest... It seems that I can go home within today." Rias said, and turned towards Look into the depths of the forest.

Zatouji gave a thumbs up and made a decision. "Hahaha, go and experience the adventure!"

"Stop joking! I don't want a monster stronger than me!"

"What a demanding young man. So what do you want?" Zatouji made a fuss.

"Are there any cute familiars. Girls or something."

As soon as Ise asked a question, Jamugi put on a displeased expression and stuttered.

"That's why I said that Xiaobai's familiar values ​​are not good at all. Do you hear that? Familiar, it is best to catch that kind of useful power. Besides, each individual's ability is different. If you are aiming for a master master, you should catch a lot of familiars of the same type, and then select the male and female with the strongest ability, and then let the male and the female mate to produce offspring with talents with extremely high abilities. more…”

"I also want cute familiars." Aisha said, showing her face from behind Mu Hantian.

"Well, I see." Zatouji immediately stopped talking at length and replied with a smile on his face.

"Ise, it seems that you have a long way to go before you catch the familiar."

"Brother, don't make fun of me."

"Ha ha ha ha."


"You know, this spring water is the gathering place of elves." Zatouji said in a low voice.

What appeared in front of everyone was a clear and transparent spring. Sparkling and sparkling, it feels divine to look at. The group hid their breath and hid in the shadows beside the spring.

"Yes, Windini, the water spirit who lives in this spring, rarely shows up in front of people."

According to Zatouki's explanation, the water spirit Wendini seems to be a girl-like existence with a clear mind and a beautiful face. And it's still healing!

"Oh, the spring is starting to glow. Vintini is about to show up." Zatouki said, pointing in the direction of the spring.

What appeared there was... a giant body with long shiny aqua-colored hair and a transparent feather coat.

The round upper arms with monster-like muscles, the legs thicker than Ise's body, the thick chest plate made of iron plates, and the scars all over his face like a warrior who has gone through hundreds of battles.

Ise couldn't help but doubt his own eyes at the sight of the transmigration in front of him. Rub your eyes over and over. I firmly believe that this must not be reality.

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