Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 629: go sightseeing

"Then, everyone! Let's go!" Kiryu pointed at the bus stop with his eyes flashing.

The second day's itinerary begins by taking the bus from the bus stop near Kyoto Station to Kiyomizu Temple. I bought a one-day bus ticket at Kyoto Station and waited in line with other students for the bus.

After getting in the car, we took the car all the way to Kiyomizu-dera Temple. Looking at the scenery I had never seen before, the car arrived at the bus stop where it was scheduled to get off. After searching the surroundings for a while, I climbed up the **** aiming at Kiyomizu Temple.

"It is said that this is Sansanpo. If you fall here, you will die within three years, right?" Kiryu said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Hey, ah, ah! Good ... so horror!" Aisha was afraid, hugged the arm of Hemo.

Suddenly, Mu Hantian felt that his other hand was also being grabbed, and when he looked back, it was Xenovia.

"What's wrong? Xenovia, are you afraid too?" Mu Hantian asked in surprise.

Although Gerova's expression didn't change, she still said shiveringly, "Japan has injected a terrifying technique into the ramp, it's terrifying."

In this way, Mu Hantian turned into a situation where he was sandwiched between two beautiful girls and climbed up the hill.

Go up to the end of the ramp and a huge door appears! This is Kiyomizu Temple! After passing through Nioh Gate, head towards Kiyomizu-dera Temple!

"Look, Aisha! This is a temple where the essence of pagan culture is gathered!"

"Yes! You can feel its history from the appearance!"

"Long live the heretics!" The church trio said something very rude in unison in excitement!

"There seem to be a lot of people who fell from here and were saved," Kiryu explained.

After that, the crowd walked around the temple, simply bought some souvenirs, and walked towards the bus stop.

"The next location is Ginkaku-ji Temple. If you don't move quickly, time will pass in a flash." Looking at his watch, Kiryu led the way.

"That's right, it's already past ten o'clock in the morning before you know it. If you have to turn two places!" Ise also agreed.

Next stop is Ginkakuji Temple! After taking the bus to Ginkaku-ji Temple, everyone left Kiyomizu-dera Temple.

"It's not silver! I'm so disappointed." After arriving at the Silver Pavilion Temple, when he saw the temple, Xenovia opened his mouth and shouted these words.

"Jenovia-san is at home with her eyes shining like 'Ginkakuji is made of silver, and the Kinkakuji is golden in the morning, so it must be dazzling.' How do you say that?" Elsa hugged Jenova and trembled. shoulders, said.

"After Ashikaga Yoshio, who participated in the construction, died, the application of silver foil was stopped. It was stopped because of the financial difficulties of the shogunate. There are different opinions. Anyway, it is not silver foil." Kiryu made such an explanation.

After turning around the Ginkakuji Temple, after having lunch at a nearby shop, I rushed to the next location, Ginkakuji Temple. Of course, I also bought related items at Ginkaku-ji Temple.

"Golden! This time it is finally golden!" Arriving at the Kinkakuji Temple and seeing the temple, Xenovia opened her mouth and shouted that sentence. It's different from before, I'm super happy.

"It's gold ah ah ah!" Xenovia raised her hands, her face almost full of brilliance. Other classmates also came, and they all forgot to take pictures.

After looking around, I bought souvenirs and rested for a while in the teahouse.

"Please take it slow." The girl in the kimono brought the brewed matcha over. Also added Japanese sweets.

Mu Hantian took a sip, but it wasn't as bitter as he imagined. Rather, the taste is just right when eaten with Japanese sweets.

"Well, it's not bad." Irina also liked it very much.

"Yeah, but it's a little bitter for me." For Asia, it's a little bit inappropriate. However, she still drank it little by little, so she probably didn't feel disgusted by the smell.

"It's really, Gingering." (ps: I'm thinking, if Gerova meets Ginger, will she rob him.) Gerova seems to be still in an unawakened beautiful dream. After seeing the Kinkakuji Temple, I was very moved. Both eyes shone brightly. Where to talk about tea.

"Jenova, let's pray a memorial prayer."

Xenovia nodded to Irina's suggestion. "That's right."

"I'm here to pray too!" Aisha followed suit.

"Ah, Lord!" The church trio began to pray to the sky.

At this moment, Mu Hantian's cell phone rang suddenly.

When I took it out, it was Zhu Nai who was calling. Has something happened?

"Hey, what's the matter, Juno?"

"Hey, Han Tian, ​​no, it's not a big deal... It's just that Kitten-chan said something that made people a little concerned."

"What do you care about?"

"Just now, did you send the photo you took?"

"Yes, I took a picture of Kinkaku-ji Temple. Is there any problem with that?"

Zhu Nai said to the surprised Mu Hantian, "It's on that photo. It seems like something was photographed."

"What was taken?"

"Yes, there seem to be several fox monsters photographed in the scenery. What happened? Although fox monsters themselves are not that rare in Kyoto..." Akeno's voice was a little worried.

"No, we're fine. Ah, it looks like Elsa is calling me, let's talk later."

"If something happens, please contact me?"

"Okay, hang up first."

After talking about this, hang up the phone. It would be a lie to say she was called by Asia. Let's confirm the photo just taken. But it looks like an ordinary scenery of Kinkaku-ji Temple... No, what is this photo? Ok? This feeling……

Mu Hantian hurriedly turned back to the teahouse and found that Kiryu had already fallen asleep! Elsa and the others are still awake. Xenovia was glaring at the female clerk with a terrifying expression.

Mu Hantian looked over and found that she had animal ears growing on her head. The tail is also exposed. Not human. At a glance, I don't know when all around are guys with animal ears. Ordinary tourists fell asleep there.

Xenovia quickly took out the holy dagger from her bag and hid Asia behind her back. Ise also took a stance with his left hand, ready to let the cage hand appear. Mu Hantian lightly walked in front of the two of them.

"Please wait."

Hearing a very familiar voice, everyone turned their eyes to that side. What appeared there was...Losweisse!

"Miss Rossweather! Why are you there?"

Rossweisse panted and answered Ise's question, "I was called by Asachel-sensei to greet you."

"Called by Asachel? What happened?" Mu Hantian asked while looking around.

"A truce. It should be said that the misunderstanding is resolved. The daughter of the nine tails said that she wants to apologize to you." Rossweisse said.

At this time, a female with animal ears walked to the front and bowed her head deeply to the crowd.

"I'm a fox demon who serves the Lord of the Nine-Tails. I'm really sorry for what happened last time. Because our princess said she wanted to apologize to you, please come with us. Go to the capital of Kyoto where the monsters live. The Demon King and the Governor of the Fallen Angels have already gone there first."

"Oh, it looks like the misunderstanding was cleared up while we were sightseeing. Let's go then."


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