Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 630: Misunderstanding resolved

What everyone stepped into was—a place that could be said to be a different world.

Just like the combination of streets in the Edo period, ancient houses were built side by side, and strange creatures appeared from the door and window through the passage.

A torii that is installed in a place where Kinkakuji is not popular. After passing through there, one turn into another world.

dim space. Unique air. The housing complex that I explained just now. Then, the residents here came to greet the crowd.

One-eyed, big-faced monsters, Kappa-like monsters with plates on their heads, tanuki standing and walking, etc., and many other creatures that have been heard in the story.

The monsters all cast curious glances at Mu Hantian and the others.

The crowd kept walking under the guidance of the fox women. In the dim interior, the only light that could be called a light source was sparsely extending ahead of the road.

"Woo quack quack!"

"Ah!" Aisha was taken aback!

At this time, eyes and mouths appeared on the lantern, and suddenly laughed!

"I'm sorry. The monsters here like to play pranks... I don't think there are any people who will harm you, so don't worry." The guide's fox woman apologized to Mu Hantian and others as she walked.

"Is this a world of monsters?"

Faced with Ise's question, the fox woman replied: "Yes, this is the place where the monsters living in Kyoto live. I remember that the demons have a realm space that they use in RatingGame, so consider this space as It's made in a similar way to that. We call it Ryoko Street, Ryokyoyo, etc. Of course, there are some monsters in Kyoto that don't live here but on the surface."

"Is it human?"

"No, I heard it's a demon."

"Demon? It's rare."

"Is that pretty foreign girl also a devil?"

"It's a dragon, it smells like a dragon. Demons and dragons..." I could hear the voices of the monsters talking.

Passing through the site where houses were built side by side, into the woods sandwiched by a small river. Going deeper from this place, a huge red torii appeared.

A very large house was built in front of it, giving it a sense of ancient majesty.

In front of the torii, Azazel and Seraph in kimono are already there!

"Oh, here you are."

"Yeah, hello everyone!" Even though they came to the world of monsters, the two of them remained the same.

Between the two was a blond girl. It was the girl who attacked Mu Hantian before.

Today, instead of wearing a shrine maiden's attire, she is wearing a gorgeous kimono like the one worn by the princess in the Warring States period.

"Master Jiuzhong, I brought everyone here." The fox woman only made such a report - it disappeared after the flames appeared.

Her Royal Highness the Princess took a step towards Mu Hantian and said, "I'm the manager of the monsters who live in the Jinghe-ri Kyoto - Yasaka's daughter, my name is Kunou."

After introducing herself, she lowered her head deeply, and continued, "I'm really sorry last time. I attacked you without understanding the matter, please forgive me!"

Mu Hantian scratched his face with a troubled expression. Then he said, "Forget it, isn't that great?"

"If the misunderstanding can be resolved, I don't mind. If I can have a good time in Kyoto, there will be no problem. But the premise is that there will be no second harassment." Xenovia said.

"Yes. Forgiveness is necessary for angels. I don't hate Her Royal Highness."

Irina continued.

Elsa also smiled and said, "Yes, peace is the most important thing."

"Okay, okay, raise your head, it's all about it."

"Yes, but..."

Looking at the girl, Mu Hantian knelt down on his knees, and said to the girl, Jiuzhong, looking at each other: "Well, can I call you Jiuzhong? I said, Jiuzhong, are you worried about your mother?"

"Well, of course."

"In that case, it's justifiable to attack others by mistake. Of course, sometimes it will cause problems and make the other party feel uncomfortable. However, Kunou, you have already apologized. You came to us when you realized that you made a mistake. Apologetic, right?"

"Of course."

Mu Hantian put his hand on her shoulder and continued with a smile, "In this case, we won't blame Jiuzhong."

Jiuzhong heard Mu Hantian's words, his face flushed red, and Nini whispered, "Thank you."

"Well, that's ok. Misunderstanding solved."

Kunou said embarrassingly to everyone: "Although I am sorry for the mistake...but, I beg you! Please lend me your strength to save my mother!"

The head of the youkai in charge of this Kyoto, the nine-tailed fox, 'Yasaka', left the house a few days ago in order to talk to the messenger sent by Emperor Shiten of Mount Sumeru.

However, Yasaka did not appear at the meeting place where the messenger of Teisha was talking. The youkai, who felt that something was wrong, protected the guards who were with Yasaka when they were investigating, and it seemed that it was the Kotengu who was in a state of dying. On the verge of death, that kautengu was kidnapped after telling the monsters that Yasaka was attacked by someone.

Thus, the yokai conduct a thorough search for suspicious persons in Kyoto. It was at that time that Mu Hantian and others were attacked.

After that, Azazel and Seraph negotiated with Kunou and the others, telling them that the underworld was not involved in this matter, and using their own methods to provide "the possibility that the mastermind this time is the 'Bang of Calamities'" very high" information.

"I always feel that things have become very serious." This was Ise's opinion after hearing the ins and outs of the incident.

Everyone was taken out of the house. In the hall, Kunou sat down after taking the upper seat.

"Well, when various forces want to join forces, this kind of thing can easily happen. That time with Odin, did Loki come? This time, it's the terrorists who play the role of the enemy." Elle said unhappily.

Asachel, who expects a peaceful life, will never forgive terrorists.

On both sides of Kunou are the fox woman just now and a long-nosed grandfather in the form of a practitioner. The grandfather is the head of the tengu, and his relationship with the nine tails has been deep since ancient times. This time, Yasaka and her daughter Kunou looked genuinely worried about being taken away.

"His Royal Highness the Governor, His Royal Highness the Demon King, can you think of a way to rescue Princess Yasaka? No matter how hard we are, we will do it." Grandpa Tengu said.

Grandpa Tengu showed a painting to everyone to see. A beautiful woman with blond hair in a miko costume is drawn on it! There are beast ears standing upright on the head!

"The one painted on it is Princess Yasaka."

"It is certain that the guys who plundered Princess Yasaka are still in Kyoto." Asachel said.

"Why do you think so?" Mu Hantian asked.

Azazel nodded and explained. "The qi in the entire area of ​​Kyoto is not chaotic. The nine-tailed fox is an existence that balances the various qi flowing in this land. The existence of Kyoto itself is a large-scale position. The nine-tailed fox left this land. Or if he is killed, there will be a change in Kyoto. Even that omen has not happened, which means that Princess Yasaka is still alive, and there is a high possibility that the kidnapped people are still here.”

"Seraph, what level of investigation have the members of the devil's side conducted?"

"Let them conduct a detailed investigation. Let the members who know Kyoto better."

Azazel's eyes looked at Ise and the others, and said, "Maybe you need to be dispatched this time. Because there are various shortages of manpower. Especially since you are all used to fighting against the strong, right? The hero faction also needs your strength. I'm sorry, but please think of it as the worst situation. After that, I will contact Kiba and Sidi's family who are not here. Enjoy the trip until then. That's good, I'll take care of you in the event of an emergency!"


Ninefold put his palms together and bowed his head deeply. Sister Fox and Grandpa Tengu on both sides also lowered their heads along with her.

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