Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 631: Sightseeing (2)

After experiencing the world of monsters, Mu Hantian and the others returned to the Golden Pavilion again. Wake up Kiryu and the others who were still sleeping, and resume sightseeing. I bought some souvenirs and played in the Kinkakuji area until the return time.

After returning to the hotel, everyone discussed the future plans with Sidi's family. Sightseeing tour tomorrow as planned. Just bring the portable version of the mobile magic circle to ensure that you can return to the hotel at any time. Once the news comes from Asachel, who is in charge of the crowd, he must stop sightseeing and return to the hotel.

Kunou will serve as a tour guide for everyone, because she wants to apologize for the attack on the first day. Mu Hantian originally wanted to refuse, and told her that he didn't take that matter into his heart at all, there was no need for that, but she wanted to do it anyway, so Mu Hantian was more respectful than obeying his life.

After a tiring day, Mu Hantian closed his eyes shortly after lying on the bed, ready to go to sleep.


In the morning, everyone got up very early, after all, they were going to attack Lanshan today. The first is Tenryu-ji Temple.

"How do I get to Tenryu-ji Temple?" Issei asked Kiryu.

She looked at the schedule and replied, "Well—take the train in the direction of Arashiyama at Kyoto Station and get off at the station closest to Arashiyama. You can walk there from there."

"Understood. Then we're going to the station. The minister said it too, but there are buses and trams everywhere."

"Well, tourist attractions are full of this kind of stuff."

Everyone got on the train in the direction of Arashiyama at Kyoto Station and drove to their destination.

"It's here." After walking for about fifteen minutes, everyone finally came to Tianlong Temple.

"This is Tenryu Temple. What is the origin of Tenryu Temple?"

"Who knows. It seems that I have fought such a battle in Kyoto before, and it seems that I have never fought."

The crowd entered the temple through the huge main gate. While paying the visit fee at the reception...

"Oh, you are here." It was the young voice I had heard. Looking back, a blond girl dressed as a witch was standing behind her. - It's Kunou.

"It's Ninefold."

"Yeah. Okay, I'm going to be a tour guide for you around Arashiyama today." When he came, he had already hid the ears and tail of the beast.

Kiryu was taken aback when he saw the little blond girl. "Wow - such a cute girl. What, Han Tian, ​​did you start a conversation with such a small child on the spot?" After speaking, he hugged Jiuzhong and rubbed her face at the same time!

"Let go, let me go! You are so familiar, little girl!"

Kunou was very unhappy, but this made Kiryu even happier.

"It's the best way to express disgust in a princess' tone! The image is also perfect!"

"There's no help, you!" Mu Hantian sighed and pulled Tongsheng away from Jiuzhong, and started talking again.

"This is Kunou. I know Asia and the others."

"I'm Kunou. Please take care of me."

"By the way, Kunou. You said you were going to be our tour guide, what would you do for us?"

After Gerova finished asking, Kunou puffed out his chest and confidently replied, "I will visit those places of interest with you!"

"Then, hurry up and show us the Tianlong Temple." Issei was a little excited.

"Of course!" Kunou showed a happy smile.

In this way, under the guidance of Jiuzhong, Mu Hantian and others visited Tianlong Temple. At the same time, she also tried her best to introduce the culture and history of Kyoto to everyone.

The garden in the Great Abbot is very beautiful. Against the backdrop of the autumn leaves in the autumn mountains, the Japanese garden is also dyed with autumn, which makes people intoxicated. The carp swimming in the pond is also the finishing touch in this scene.

"The scenery here is really wonderful. It is also a World Heritage Site." Kunou said.

"World Heritage! It's amazing, no wonder it's so beautiful. Let's take a picture with your phone first!" Ise said, took out his phone, and took a photo.

After visiting the garden, everyone was finally led to the Dharma Hall. After entering, look up at the roof - in an instant, the extraordinary dragon figure comes into view! It is a long oriental dragon!

"This is the cloud dragon map. No matter which direction you look at, you will feel that the dragon is staring at you. The so-called 'seeing six roads'."

After turning around Tianlong Temple, everyone came outside.

"Jiuzhong, where are we going now?"

Jiuzhong pointed in several directions, and said happily: "Er Zun Courtyard! Road to Bamboo Forest! Chang Jingguang Temple! I can lead you anywhere!"

In this way, everyone began to visit Arashiyama under the leadership of Kunou.

"Yeah, it really turned around a lot." Kiryu said with a sigh of relief.

Now everyone is having lunch at a tofu pot restaurant recommended by Konoe.

After coming out of Tenryu Temple, Kunou led the crowd to visit Arashiyama again. I saw the two temples that enshrine the statues of Sakyamuni and Amitabha, and I also rode a rickshaw through the bamboo forest road.

"I said, this tofu pot is a must." Jiu Zhong took out the tofu and put it on a plate for Mu Hantian.

“Japanese style. Not bad.”

"Yes. It's different from the usual tofu. It tastes fresh and delicious."

"This tofu is so good..." Xenovia, Aisha, and Irina were also full of joy.

"Ah, cold weather!"

After hearing the voice, Mu Hantian turned his head, the voice was—

"It's Kiba. By the way, you are also attacking Arashiyama today, right?"

At the table next to him, Kiba's team was also having lunch.

"Well. Did you go to Tianlong Temple?"

"Ah, there's a gorgeous dragon on the roof."

"We are also preparing to go to Tenryu Temple in the afternoon after watching Togetsukyo Bridge. We are looking forward to it."

"Togetsukyo Bridge. Let's go after we finish eating."

Just as he was talking, a familiar voice suddenly heard, "Arashiyama in autumn is very elegant."

"Oh, you people are all enjoying Arashiyama?" It was Asachel! And drinking in broad daylight!

"Teacher! Teacher, are you here too? However, it's not good for teachers to drink during the day," Ise said.

"Well, it doesn't matter, you should go to rest after eating. You can't exercise immediately after eating."

"I know, I know."


After leaving the store, everyone came to Togetsu Bridge.

"Did you know? It's said that you can't turn back until Togetsu Bridge is over." Kiryu said.

Elsa asked back, "Why?"

"Aisha, it's like this. If you turn back during the transition to the Moon Bridge, all the wisdom bestowed by God will be taken back. If the gangsters turn back, they will be finished. They will become truly hopeless fools."

"Annoying!" Ise, Matsuda, and Yuanbin retorted Kiryu in unison.

Kiryu didn't care at all, and continued: "There is another way of saying that if you turn back, the lovers will be separated. Well, but this is a bit unlucky——"

"I will never look back!" Aisha interrupted Tongsheng's explanation, grabbing Mu Hantian's arm and saying with tears in his eyes.

"It's okay. Elsa. It's just a legend."

Although Mu Hantian said so, Kwaisha shook her head and said "Absolutely not", grabbing Mu Hantian's hand even harder.

After that, everyone started to transition to Tsukihashi Bridge, and Kiba was standing not far in front.

During the process of crossing the bridge, Aisha resolutely did not look back, and kept holding Mu Hantian's hand, making Mu Hantian unable to laugh or cry.

After finally crossing Togetsu Bridge, Elsa let out a long sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Mu Hantian felt a slippery warm feeling wrapped around his body.


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