Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 635: retreating enemy

Azazel began to mutter to himself, "Is that so. Did Vali confirm that GreatRed wasn't the only one wandering in the gaps in the dimension?"

Luffy answered Azazel's opinion. "Yes. It was Mr. Wally who detected the existence of this little grid. Mr. Orpheus said that when he was investigating the gap in the dimension, he felt this kind of moving giant, so he explored it again."

"Hey. That guy's team has...?" Ise asked Luffy, this was a very important question for Ise.

"Well..., now, there are six people, including Lord Valli, the Monkey King, brother King Arthur, Little Fenri, Xiao Ge, and me. There were originally seven, but Miss Heige was kidnapped by Lord Sword God. already."

"Abducted or something... Haha!" Mu Hantian touched his head embarrassedly, not knowing how to answer.

"But, teacher. There are giants and GreatReds in the gaps of the dimension..."

"The gap in the dimension, although it would be very troublesome to deal with it like that, but there is still room for it. GreatRed just likes to swim in the gap of the dimension, and there is no real harm. All forces will not put the real Red Dragon God. The emperor is included in the list and various levels. That is a special case. As long as you can travel in the dimension safe and sound..."

Just as Azazel said that, Gogumag waved a huge fist at the hero faction!

Howling, howling, howling! ! ! ! !

With an extremely loud shattering sound, the gargoyle's blow shattered Togetsu Bridge!

The gargoyle's one blow slaughtered a large number of the monsters with one blow, and the opponents of the hero faction also flew back and hid on the other side of the bridge.

"Hahahaha! Is Vali angry? It looks like the surveillance has been exposed!" Cao Cao laughed happily and pointed his gun at the gargoyle.

"Stretch out!"


The tip of the gun suddenly stretched out and pierced the gargoyle's shoulder!


The huge gargoyle lost its balance because of this and fell to the ground. That gargoyle is quite heavy! The mere impact of the fall caused a huge shock, and everyone nearby trembled!

At this time, a man who was slowly shaking and who seemed to be unsure of walking normally appeared in the eyes of the hero faction. The silver-haired woman—it's Rossweisse!

"Hey. Noisy (Boom!) Everyone else (Boom!) can't sleep well!" Still drunk! And also angry!

The appearance of the drunk made the hero faction look at each other in dismay. However, whether the opponent recognizes Gremory's family or not, he seems to be attacking!

"What are you doing? Do you want to fight? Okay! Do you want to see the strength of the Valkyrie, the guard of the original smelly old man Odin!" Roseweather shouted, and began to set up too many to be impossible. Imagine the magic circle! Not just a dozen or two!

"Come and try my Nordic magic that all attributes, all elves, and all gods work!"

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!

The terrifying amount of magic shot from the shocking magic circle was released endlessly in the air, changing orbits several times, and finally poured down on the hero faction like a torrential rain!

Flame, light, water, and thunder magic attacks with various attributes swept through the surroundings boldly, attacking the hero faction! Houses, shops, roads and telephone poles were all turned to ashes in an instant, and their traces dissipated!

Fog appeared in the field of vision. It looked like the magic had hit Hero Pie, but the fog that spread from the hands of the young man wearing the robe Haori on the uniform deflected the magic!

The mist in the hands of the mister slowly spread out, gradually covering the entire hero faction.

Cao Cao spoke in the fog: "There are a little more disturbers - but, it's a good start to the celebration. Governor Asazel!"

Cao Cao declared to Mu Hantian, who seemed to be enjoying himself: "We are going to conduct a huge experiment in Nijo Castle tonight with the special force field and the nine-tailed general in Kyoto! To stop us, please come here. Participate! Hahahaha!"

The fog is getting thicker. Originally, the fog under my feet gradually spread to the position of the ****, and then approached the inner face. Then slowly, the entire field of vision was covered by the fog, and there was not an inch of space.

"Hey, everyone has returned to the original space! Disarm the attack!" Azazel reminded everyone.

In the blink of an eye, when the fog clears up—here is the Togetsukyo Bridge overflowing with tourists. Except for Mu Hantian and the others, they all walked back and forth on the bridge as if nothing had happened. The bridge is not broken. It returned to its original space perfectly.

"Hey, Ise. What's the matter, putting on a super scary expression?" Matsuda stared at Ise's face.

"No, it's nothing." After answering like that, Ise let out a long sigh of relief. The expressions of the others were also grim.

Luffy is not here. So do giant gargoyles. Disappeared as the fog cleared.


Azazel slammed the pole hard.

"Speaking nonsense...! Experimenting in Kyoto...? Don't underestimate me, boys!"

"The queen mother. The queen mother obviously didn't do anything...why..." Jiuzhong's body trembled. Mu Hantian could only stroke her head, there was no other way.

Cao Cao's sudden attack. And, add the declaration of experiment in Nijo Castle. It seems that things are a little troublesome, and this world should end.

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